Without the destruction of baopilong, the fire tribe successfully built a camp on the plain outside Xiacheng.

At the end of February, the fire tribe attacked for the first time.

It's a trial.

A thousand people rushed to Xiacheng with cloud ladders.

The reason why this kind of thing appeared was because of the war between big tribes.

Because big tribes are built high enough to live in wooden fortresses, and often attackers want to capture the fortresses without destroying them.

So the ladder was invented.

The walls of xiaguocheng were full of people, including soldiers and non soldiers. The reason why these non soldiers took part in the war was because Bai Yu promised that after fighting the annealed tribe, all the people who took part in the war were promoted to the national level.


With Kai's command, thousands of arrows were launched at the same time, just like a curtain of rain.

"Ah "My leg!" "Ah


The arrows fell and screamed. The soldiers of the fire tribe fell one by one, but still bravely carried the ladder to the wall.

When the ladder was set up, the soldiers of the fire tribe began to climb up the city wall. The soldiers on the city wall chopped down all those who tried to climb up with knives.

For a moment, hissing, screaming, chopping, all kinds of voices interweaved.


The bronzes were ringing, and the first wave of the fire tribe's offensive troops began to retreat, leaving only more than 500 people.

But this siege will lose more than 400 people, let Yang's heart is very heavy.

For the first time, I realized the power of the city wall.

The earth and stone walls of the Xia kingdom were higher and harder than those of the wooden fortresses. In addition, the whole country was guarding the city, and the five thousand people of the fire tribe couldn't attack it.

"It's a pity that it's not a wooden Walled City, so it can be burned!"

Yang looked at the summer city, some disappointed sigh.

The biggest disadvantage of the wooden walled city is that it is easy to catch fire, so when the enemy comes to attack, there is no way to defend the Walled City, so we have to send troops to fight.

In this way, the victory and defeat can be divided quickly.

But in addition to the city walls, even the houses in the city are stone and stone structures, and they are not afraid of fire, so the people of Xia will not be forced to fight against them.

If it goes on like this, the morale of our side will be lower and lower. If it goes on until Su Xun comes back with his soldiers and attacks inside and outside, the fire tribe will be finished.

"Patriarch, we can't burn with fire, but we can submerge with water!" A clansman had a whim.

As soon as Yang's eyes brightened, he looked at the moat around the city.

If they block up the water above, wait for the water to accumulate more and more, and then suddenly burst the dyke and the water poured out, wouldn't Xia City break itself in an instant?

That night, a thousand soldiers of the fire tribe quietly left the camp and went upstream to Xiacheng.

The other soldiers are still staying in the camp to create the illusion of besieging Xia.

Although it will take a longer time to do so, only in this way can summer city be conquered.

Otherwise, it can only be filled by human life. This is the last soldier of the fire tribe. I can't afford it!

So Yang can only choose this slower way. I hope Su Xun will come back later.


In the middle of March, it was more than four months since Su Xun and others left the grassland. When the army left the secret Road, it could reach Xiacheng in two months at most.


A dragon song sounded, and Baopi Dragon flew to Su Xun from the air, wriggling anxiously.

Although he couldn't speak, Su Xun could see from his body language that something had happened to Xia.

Then Baopi dragon fell to the ground and wrote a few words with dragon tail: Fire tribe is coming.

Looking at the words, let the soldiers a burst of shame, a dragon to write the words are actually better than they write.

Then I realized that this was not the point.

The focus is on the fire tribe attacking Xiacheng!

For a moment, everyone was flustered. After all, many people got married after the implementation of family system in Xia state.

Their women and food are in the summer city.

"Jian, take 500 people alone first, and you take 1000 people to escort them home."

With that, Su Xun ordered five hundred people to ride on the mountain road. Although it was easy to have an accident, Su Xun didn't care so much at this time.

If Xia is gone, they can be under construction, but Bai Yu, Tan Ying and Xie Qing are still there.

With five hundred people, Su Xun galloped all the way for a month. The mountain road was difficult to walk, and he rode fast. On the road, he had already killed more than a dozen people because of a slip of the horse.

At the beginning of April, when Su Xun and others took their horses to the river to drink, they suddenly found that the water was overflowing.

It's already April. It's already past the melting season of ice and snow, and it hasn't rained recently. It's reasonable to say that the water level is shallower. How can it diffuse?

Thinking of the fire tribe attacking Xia City, Su Xun had a bad guess."All men, Mount!"

Su Xun led the people down the river. The river bank was smoother than the mountain road, but he needed to walk the mountain road again when he met the dense mountain forest.

After running for ten days, Su Xun finally found the trace of the man, and the fire tribe was blocking the water.

Naked and blocking the water with wood and rocks, the fire tribesmen were stunned to see the cavalry suddenly appear.

Because this is the first time they've seen cavalry.

"Bow and arrow, shoot!"

Su Xun said it in a murderous way.

After months of fighting on the grassland, these soldiers had already become elite cavalry.

Quickly take off the bow and arrow on the back, pull the bow and arrow at the people of the fire tribe and release the bow string.

"Whew! Whew, whew, whew... "

More than 400 arrows went through the air.

The soldiers of the fire tribe were building dams to block the water. They were unarmed and close to each other. One or two hundred people were taken away by this round of arrows.

"Ah "My eyes! My eyes

"No! Don't kill me "Ah

The scene was chaotic. A body fell into the water and the river was dyed red.

Most of them fled in panic.


Su Xun pulled out his sword and drove his horse out. More than 400 cavalry started. The sound of the horse's hooves was like a drum. He pursued the soldiers of the fire tribe who tried to escape.

In less than half an hour, all the soldiers of more than 1000 fire tribes died miserably.

Su Xun ordered a hundred people to stay and let out the blocked water slowly, because if it was too urgent at one time, it would cause a flood downstream.

These waters can't submerge Xiacheng, but they will submerge the farmland outside Xiacheng.

Su Xun and three hundred people galloped away. Baopilong had already gone back to Xiacheng to report.

After the fire tribe's attempt to flood Xia City was stopped, Su Xun was not so anxious.

Because of the walls of the city of Esha, these people of the fire tribe can't enter in a short time.

Five days later, Bai Yu and others in Xia City got a reply from Bao pilong and began to prepare for the counter attack.

As long as Su Xun kills from the rear of the fire tribe's camp, the soldiers in Xia City will attack the fire tribe head-on to completely eliminate it.

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