
Su Xun couldn't help saying something rude.

This is Hong Kong Island in 1986. He is now a gangster.

Yeah, he's undercover again.

But what he thinks more is that this time it's not only undercover, but also double undercover.

In my memory, his name is still Su Xun. He is 22 years old. This year, he just graduated from the police academy and became a glorious Hong Kong Island Royal police officer. However, his tuition for going to the police academy was given by a fat man named Han Shen.

Han Chen is a leader of the Ni family, one of the four major families on Hong Kong Island. He has a lot of ice powder business in his hands, and thousands of horsemen listen to orders behind him.

A few years ago, after Su Xun's parents passed away, Han Chen suddenly found him and spent money to send him to the police school. The purpose was to train Su Xun to become a policeman and let Su Xun's undercover police force deliver information to him.

Han Chen comes from the movie Infernal Affairs, which is obviously a mixed world of all kinds of movies.

Moreover, the time line is chaotic. Otherwise, in the movie, when Han Chen sent undercover agents into the police force, it was in the 1990s, and now it is in the 1980s.

With the support of Han Chen, Su Xun graduated smoothly, but unexpectedly, he became an undercover agent again.

A few months ago, because Zhang Shihao's gang committed crimes successfully many times, the police couldn't find any evidence to arrest people, which made the police force lose face. So they had to take the usual means, that is, to send undercover agents to infiltrate the gang.

Su Xun was the one who was selected. With the help of the police, he successfully won the trust of Zhang Shihao.

Today, on Zhang Shihao's order, he and ah Xun came to the mainland to find a group of gunmen to sneak across to Hong Kong Island, ready to use them to rob a gold shop.

Su Xun has seen this play, and Zhang Shihao is the protagonist in it. He is also known as the tycoon, because his company is the tycoon entertainment company.

This play is too old and has a long history, but because it is classic, Su Xun still has memory. This time he came to the mainland to meet Wu Zhiming and Yang Jiguang.

The time of robbing the shop is at 2 p.m. the day after ah Xun came back from the mainland to meet with Zhang Shihao.

This is a large-scale youth inspirational drama. There are many famous sayings in brother Howe's drama, such as the bullshit romantic love story of stepping on a horse. Now I just want to make money! What's the use of envy? We need to act, we need to be richer than them!

The archetypal character of Zhang Shihao is Zhang Ziqiang, known as the thief king of the century, who committed numerous crimes. One of the most famous cases is the kidnapping of the son of the richest man on Hong Kong Island.

"Xunzai, hurry up."

Ah Xun waved to Su Xun in front of him.

"Here comes brother Xun."

Su Xun showed a pure smile, quickened his pace, and soon arrived at the dock.

They took advantage of the night to go inland in a wooden boat.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Something happened in the middle." Ah Xun said to the sailor.

The sailor complained a little: "if you don't come here again, I won't do it. If you delay it, it will be daybreak. If you are caught by the Sea Patrol and PLA, you will be pulled to target."

"There's so much nonsense. Why don't we give you money? Let's go. If you go on, it's really dawn." Su Xun said angrily. He opened his shirt and revealed the handle of the big black star gun at his waist.

Don't get me wrong. As a royal police officer on Hong Kong Island, he is usually a gentle, easy-going and civilized man. Now he is so impolite, just for his identity.

The sailor's face changed slightly when he saw the gun, and then sailed out of the dock without saying a word.

Ah Xun glared at Su Xun, and then said to the sailor, "I'm sorry, my brother is impulsive. Don't tell him the same thing."

"It's like that. We're illegal immigrants. We're not afraid of your guns." The sailor said carelessly, speeding up the boat.

Ah Xun led Su Xun into the cabin and said: "what did you just do? Now you are on someone else's boat. It's very easy for them to pit us."

"Brother Xun, I know it's wrong." Su Xun honestly admitted his mistake, like a good obedient child.

Ah Xun's tone softened: "soon after you joined the tycoon, brother Hao arranged for you to go to the mainland with me to meet people. This is because he values you. You need to change your impulsive habit. It's easy to do bad things in the future."

"Brother Xun, I know." Su Xun nodded and said in secret: sorry, I'm a bad guy!

This time he robbed the gold shop, Su Xun wanted to take them all as the capital for his appreciation.

For an ordinary police officer without background, being an undercover is the best way to get promoted.

As for Han Chen's background, he would rather not!

At more than 4 a.m., the boat arrived in Shenzhen. Su Xun and a Xun got off the boat and stayed in a black hotel.


The next day, Su Xun followed ah Xun to a fishing village, squatting at the entrance of the village to eat sugar cane and others.

"Brother Xun."

After a while, two young people came running, one in a white shirt and the other in a vest."Brother Xun, this is my brother Wu Zhiming." The young man in vest pointed to the white shirt.

Ah Xun nodded and introduced Su Xun: "my brother, ah Xun."

Because their names are homophonic, ah Xun has a good sense of Su Xun and takes good care of him.

"Look for my brother." Wu Zhiming greets ah Xin.

Su Xun nodded in response.

Ah Xun glanced at them: "I'll tell you straight, do you want to make money?"

"Yes, in my dreams." They nodded.

Ah Xun said: "then I'll give you a fight of prosperity. You are responsible for finding six people. You should be able to shoot, dare to shoot, be brave and not afraid of death. Before you start, each person will pay 5000 yuan to settle down, and after you finish, each person will pay 30000 yuan."

"First of all, I'm going to work hard this time. If I'm caught in the process of doing business and die, I won't have a dime except for the five thousand settlement fee."

Nowadays, the average wage on Hong Kong Island is three or four thousand. For people on Hong Kong Island, five thousand is not a lot of money.

But at this time, the average wage on the mainland side was only a few dozen yuan, not to mention the 30000 yuan reward. The 5000 yuan settlement fee alone was enough to make them work hard.

"Brother Xun, we've done it. What's the use of just having a cheap life without money these days?"

"Yes, we did."

Wu Zhiming and ah Xin agreed without hesitation.

Ah Xun pursed his lips, looked left and right, and said, "that's it, tomorrow at the dock."

A moment later, Su Xun and ah Xun left.

"Brother Xun, I'll buy some rice." After returning to the hotel, Su Xun took the initiative to buy food.

Ah Xun said casually, "pay attention to safety. The public security on the mainland is more powerful than that on Hong Kong Island."

In the eyes of the bandits, the police on Hong Kong Island are no different from the trash, except the Flying Tigers.

"Well." Su Xun nodded, then separated from ah Xun and came to an alley alone.

Then he took out his cell phone, took out his cell phone card and replaced it with another card, which had only one number.

This is his online contact information.

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