Start the next morning.

Su Xun set out with Qin Zhu.

When I came to Jiangnan Hotel, Kelly and others had already been ready.

Today, Kelly changed into a red slim dress, with her concave and convex body outlined incisively and vividly. Her feet are a pair of white high heels, elegant, noble and overbearing. She exudes a strong aura, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

Su Xun has never seen a real queen, but according to his imagination, the queen mentioned by those sand sculpture netizens should be like Kelly.


Mandala and the big guy came to Sushen.

Qin Zhu, as Su's secret weapon, was invisible, so they couldn't see it.

Su Xun looked at Kelly and said, "Miss Kelly, you can start at any time."

Kelly nodded, looked at Jones and other bodyguards, and ordered, "from now on, all of you will listen to Mr. Su."

Jones's eyes showed a touch of anger, but he finally agreed, but his face was not very good-looking.

"Mr. Su, I can't compare with your former comrades in arms, but at least I can use them." Kelly said to Su Xun.

Su Xun didn't refuse. After all, it's always good to have one more person who can shout.

After all, it's a group of women who have never hidden their eyes.

And Datura that sex, sense of appearance and body also make many people ready to move, but no fool dare to chat up.

Outside the hotel, the car had been waiting, and Kelly's private plane was temporarily parked in Jiangnan airport.

Originally, the best way is to let the private plane take off first to attract attention, and then take an international flight back to sely.

But if you take an international flight, you can't carry weapons. If you don't have weapons, you will be completely slaughtered.

Kelly didn't want to take the risk. Instead of being slaughtered like a lamb, she was more willing to fight with a gun until she died.

So she still chose to take a private plane, but the place to get off the plane would not be chosen in the capital airport of sely, because her brother would take the risk, and the airport would be watched in advance.

After all, the Middle East is a chaotic region, and it's not surprising what happens there.

So Kelly will not land at the capital airport, or even not in sely. Instead, she will parachute off the plane at a designated place in sely, a neighboring country of sely, and then return to sely by car. After parachuting, the plane will continue to fly to sely.

In this way, the risk is minimized. After all, her elder brother will not know in advance that she will parachute directly in the neighboring country.

Half an hour later, the convoy arrived at the airport.

A group of people entered the airport through a special passage, where a white airliner was parked.

After boarding the plane, Su Xun felt the gap between the rich and the rich for the first time.

In my mind, when I get back, I'll build a private plane myself, so that I can set off my status as a handsome man.

Ten minutes later, the plane took off.

Jones and his bodyguard threw several bags in front of Su Xun. When he opened them, he found that they were full of weapons and combat clothes.

Looking at all kinds of guns, mandala and big man's eyes are bright, and they can't wait to reach for them.

"It's the best equipment I can provide at the moment," Kelly said with a smile. "I hope you can use it together."

"Thank you, Miss Kelly, for your kindness." Su Xun's voice dropped, and he said to Datura and big man, "change clothes."

A few minutes later, the three changed into fully armed soldiers.

Dark green camouflage clothes and helmets, with pistols at the waist, daggers on the legs, and bullet clips on the chest, can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Datura holding a l115a3 sniper rifle looks valiant, this sniper rifle has set a record of 2475 meters, regardless of the range, power, or accuracy are impeccable.

The big man is carrying a 5.56mm mg43 general-purpose machine gun. It's as easy as carrying a toy in his hand. His body is covered with grenades, just like a human tank.

As for Su Xun, his main weapon was a HK416 assault rifle, which had a firing rate of 700-900 rounds per minute. It was the best choice for assault.

Touching the cold body of the gun, Su Xun felt an innate sense of familiarity.

Mercenary Satan, start again!

When Su Xun and his bodyguards changed their clothes, Jones and his bodyguards had already changed their clothes. For a moment, the plane was more like a troop carrier.

"You look very handsome, Mr. Su."

Kelly looked at Su Xun and praised him.

Su Xun said with a smile, "all the men in camouflage clothes are handsome, not just me."

"Maybe you're right." Kelly smiles like a flower, and her chest is full of waves. She can see a group of big men in the cabin blushing and heartbeat.Only Su Xun didn't change his face. He even looked away soon. After all, Yan Yurou was much better than her. It was just a small scene.

Kelly is very satisfied with Su Xun's performance, because she knows that there is an old saying in the state of dragon that no one should be treated without propriety. She thinks Su Xun's behavior is a gentleman.

What she didn't know was that Su Xun was not a gentleman. He just saw the world in Yan Yurou, so he was stable.

Well, I'm afraid only Qin Zhu knew the reason why Su Xun could be calm.

"Mr. Su, it's better to ask some of our cultural colleagues."

Kelly invited susian to sit beside her, and then began to ask all kinds of questions, some of which could not be answered at all.

But Kelly was very happy. She laughed like a silver bell from time to time. She was too involved in the conversation. The high heels on her feet had been kicked off unconsciously, and her delicate feet were just under sutian's eyes.

After all, wearing high heels is not a good experience for women. It's hard to wear them for a long time.

But Su Xun thought it was a little inappropriate, and gently reminded him: "Miss Kelly, there is another saying in our dragon kingdom. In ancient times, a woman's feet were more private than any part of her body."

Qin Zhu's eyes are full of beauty. Isn't it true that his master has become a gentleman?

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry." Kelly noticed her indecent behavior, blushed and put on her high heels.

Just now, she talked so selflessly that she felt uncomfortable with her high-heeled shoes, so she subconsciously kicked them off, forgetting that Su Xun was just a stranger who had known her for a day.

But it also shows that it's very comfortable to get along with Su Xun.

It has to be said that the blushing look of Kelly is very interesting, with a different aesthetic feeling and charm.

Not far away, Jones saw this scene, his jealousy would overflow, his eyes became more and more gloomy, and his hand holding the gun was pale.

As Kelly's bodyguard, he has always been Kelly's admirer.

He knew that he was not worthy of Kelly, so he never showed his heart, just quietly when licking, dog, guarding his goddess.

But Su Xun, the damned dragon man, was so favored by the goddess.

He doesn't deserve the goddess, and the damned dragon man doesn't deserve it. He's sullying the purity of the goddess!

Jones felt resentful, not only to Sushen, but also to Kelly.

He licked Kelly for so long, but Kelly had never treated him like Su Xun. She was afraid of comparison, which made him seriously unbalanced.

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