At one fifty that afternoon.

Su Xun and Zhang Shihao, a Xun, are waiting in a private room.

Waiting for the news from the gold shop.

Originally, only the three of them knew about robbing the gold shop with daquanzi. Now, because ah you asked for something, a total of four of them knew about it.

Zhang Shihao shook out a cigarette from his cigarette case and lit it several times with a lighter, but it didn't light.


Su Xun lit the lighter and handed it to him.

"Brother Howe, I'll light the fire for you."

Zhang Shihao held out his head with a cigarette. After lighting it, he took a hard breath, and then slowly spit it out. The whole person relaxed a lot.

"Brother Hao, don't worry. The arrangement is so tight. This trip will be very smooth." Ah Xun said.

Zhang Shihao frowned: "I always feel that this heart is full of ups and downs. I'm afraid it's a bad omen."

"Brother Hao, I think you are totally worried. I think it will go well this time." Su Xun said with a smile.

I don't know if it's going well with you, but it's going well with me.

Before he came, he had already seen the police ambush all around him. Only when the gold shop was successful, he would start to arrest Zhang Shihao.

And when he was the leader, he was promoted at least two grades in a row.

"Let's hope, madder. It's the first time I've made money in someone else's territory. I'm not sure." Zhang Shihao took another puff and closed his eyes.

You can't rob your own site, otherwise the merchants will resist calling for protection fee, so you can only rob others.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, a blue van rushed to a gold shop and stopped.

Then the carriage opened, and six men with silk stockings and guns jumped down, then rushed into the gold shop, causing a panic.

"Ah! They have guns. Run


All the people were running around in panic, screaming all the time, and the gold shop was in chaos.


Yang Jiguang took AK and fired a few shots at the sky, then yelled: "robbery! All down

"Robbery! Don't move! Get down! Get down


"We don't kill! Don't force us

With the sound of the gun, the panic crowd gradually quieted down and squatted on the ground.

"Wow!" "Bang!"

Yang Jiguang and others smashed the glass and packed gold, silver and jewelry into black handbags.

"Gone!" "Let's go!"

Wu Zhiming called the crowd to retreat.

The six took a saleswoman before they retreated.

As soon as seven people got on the train, more than a dozen police cars rushed in all directions, blocking two sections of the road. The police were wearing bulletproof vests and shooting at the train with guns.

"Kang! Kang! High

"Robbers in the car, listen, you are surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately..."

A police officer yelled with a loudspeaker.

"Dada dada..."

Yang Jiguang poked his head out and took AK to shoot, directly killing the shouting police officer.

"Surrender to your uncle and drive over!"

Yang Jiguang called to ah you fiercely.

Ah you where encountered this situation, the whole person is ignorant, subconsciously launched the truck.

"Grass trodden horse, there are ghosts on your side, the police obviously have been ambushing for a long time!" Yang Jiguang scolded.

Watching the truck start, the police quickly spread a layer of iron belt with sharp iron spines.

As soon as the truck rushed up, it was punctured with a bang, and then it couldn't go any further.

The police began to gather up.

"We have hostages in our hands. Get out of the way!"

Yang Jiguang yells as the truck opens and Wu Zhi's five men are holding two hostages.

One is a saleswoman in Jindian and the other is a truck driver. They robbed the truck.

"Help me, help me!"

The saleswoman cried in panic.

"Calm down. Don't hurt the hostages." A commanding officer at the scene called.

The sniper signaled to fire.

Wu Zhiming yelled, "get out of my way, damned horse, or I'll shoot her!"


At this time, the two shots rang out at the same time, and the two snipers who had been in place before the operation opened fire at the same time, because it had been expected that there would be hostages.

"Puyi -"

Wu Zhiming and a Xin, the two hostage taking bandits, were instantly knocked to the ground with their heads smashed.

Then the police rushed up with explosion-proof shields and took back the hostages at the expense of two policemen.

"Now that you have no hostages, surrender!""Vote for your mother, fight it out!" Yang Jiguang was full of fierce gas and rushed out of the bunker with AK.

"Kang Kang..."

The gunfire sounded like peas. Several bullet holes appeared on Yang Jiguang's body and he fell to the ground.

"I surrender! Surrender

Ah you had been scared silly for a long time. His face turned pale and he squatted on the ground in panic, shouting.

The other three mainlanders all dropped their guns and surrendered.

Then the police rushed in and arrested four people.

The commander at the scene wrote back to Huang Zhicheng.

After Huang Zhicheng got the news from the gold shop, he immediately gave the order to arrest Zhang Shihao to the police outside the tavern.

Outside the tavern, unlike the gold shop, the people here have already been emptied, and a large number of police rush into the tavern.

In the private room on the third floor, ah Hao banged open the door and roared, "brother Hao, run, the police are coming."

"What Zhang Shihao instantly got up, ah Xun's face also changed greatly, and then he stood up.

As soon as the operation was started in the gold shop, the police came to them. I don't believe there is any connection between the two.

"Mad, there's a traitor!" Zhang Shihao scolded, but he didn't doubt Su Xun and ah Xun.

It's about suspecting ah you. After all, he just beat ah you before, and ah you offered to do something. Now that something has happened, it's hard to doubt him.

"I'll get in the way of the cops and delay!"

Ah Hao then went downstairs with a gun. Besides ah you, these people are very loyal to Zhang Shihao.

"Brother Hao, you go first, we'll block the cops!"

Ah Xun said, pulling out the pistol and loading it.

Without hesitation, Zhang Shihao told him to be careful, and then walked out.

He is not the kind of person who procrastinates. If he can keep himself, of course, he should keep himself first. If he is on the outside, he can at least help the people inside.

If he's done, he's done with everything.


He had just taken a step when the gun rang behind him.

Zhang Shihao suddenly turned his head.

Ah Xun's gun had fallen to the ground, his right hand was pierced by bullets, and he was bleeding with pain on his face.

Su Xun's gun was aimed at Zhang Shihao.

"It's you!"

Zhang Shihao squeezed six words out of his teeth.

Ah Xun was also covering his bleeding right hand. He was full of disbelief and stared at Su Xun.

"Sorry, I'm a policeman."

Su Xun said in a calm voice.

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