"If it wasn't for Mr. Tan Cheng and Mr. Yao, you wouldn't be caught in Taiwan, your father wouldn't die, your pony's legs wouldn't be disabled, and your brother wouldn't disown you."

"Everything about you, everything about your brother and even everything about pony has been destroyed by them. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about them."

"If you don't take revenge for yourself, you have to take revenge for them. Take the tape and give it to me. Tan Cheng will surely die, and you can give an account to your brother."

Su Xun pinched off the cigarette end and threw it out of the window without any quality, which seriously damaged the image of the police force.

It's no use talking to song Zihao about his interests. If you want to talk to him about the interests of the people around him, he cares more about the people around him than himself.

Su Xun likes this kind of people. He doesn't have to worry about being shot in the back when he works with this kind of people.

But he can't do it. He still values his own interests.

"Good! I promise you Song Zihao nodded, but he didn't want to call pony, he went alone.

Because it's too dangerous, pony has lost his leg and can't let him take any more risks.

Su Xun's mind reading skills read through his thoughts, and said calmly: "I advise you to call on the pony, or you will go in vain."

"I see." Song Zihao nodded.

Su Xun said a series of numbers: "my number, call me when you get the tape."

With that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the afternoon, the taxi arrived in Saigon district.

"I wish you well, brother Hao. Keep the change."

Sue dropped a hundred dollars, then stuck in her pocket, waved her hand and disappeared into the crowd.

"Gan! The fare is 150! "

Song Zihao can't help but burst into a rude sentence. There's no need to change it. If you want to find your uncle, you have to paste it inside.

"Dong Dong..."

Su Xun knocked on his door. The diamonds in his hand had not been sold yet. He still had to live in the old house.

After all, if the police have a handle on the diamonds, they will not be able to keep an eye on him.

After a period of time when the limelight is over, you can ask song Zihao and Xiaoma to help with the shipment. They can trust them, and they must have a way.

This is the advantage of watching a movie. He knows all the characters in the movie well, and he has mind reading skills, so he doesn't have to worry about being cheated.

"Click -"

a moment later, the door was opened, jeans with white short sleeves, beautiful young Zhou Wenli showed surprise: "you're back, come on in."

"I'm glad to see me back." Su Xun pinched her smooth and delicate face.

Zhou Wenli red face step back, said angrily: "nanny to work does not include this."

"I'll pay more." Su Xunhao said horizontally.

Zhou Wenli glared: "you think I'm a chicken!"

"No, if you give money to a chicken, you can not only eat it but also bite it. But you can't even touch it. It's much more cost-effective to buy a chicken than to buy you." Su Xun is serious.

Go and annoy Zhou Wenli

"Hello, Miss Zhou, what do you think? I'm talking about roast chicken. Isn't it edible and bitable?" Su Xun looked at Zhou Wenli in surprise.

Zhou Wenli didn't know that she had been fooled again. She turned around and went into the room: "I don't care about you."

"Well, am I handsome in my uniform?" Su Xun closed the door and followed in.

The sky blue skinny jeans make the curve of Zhou Wenli's lower body incisively and vividly. Her plump thighs and slim legs are just the best.

Zhou Wenli suddenly turned around and noticed his sight. She covered her fart with a red face and said, "what are you looking at? I haven't seen you. You are dead."

Her voice was as sweet as if her vocal cords had diabetes.

This metaphor is not perfect.

"It's too hard for me not to see you dressed so pretty." Su Xun let out a cry.

Hearing him boast of his beauty, Zhou Wenli couldn't help but raise her mouth: "no watching anyway!"

"Well, well, if you don't look, have a meal. I'm starving." Su Xun looks at her baby's granary.

"That's disgusting! And the Royal Hong Kong Island police. "

Noticing Su Xun's eyes, Zhou Wenli stamped her feet with a red face. But she didn't know that this stamp was a wave again, which made Su Xun marvel.

How does a pure face and attractive figure grow to the same person.

It's too foul.

Suddenly, Su Xun held Zhou Wenli in his arms.

"Ah! What are you doing? Let go of me, no! "

Zhou Wenli struggled in panic.

"Miss Zhou, why don't we have a date?" Su Xun came to her ear and whispered, holding her waist in his hand.Zhou Wenli's delicate body trembled, her pretty face was hot, and she was flustered: "no, brother Xun, don't be like this. Let me go. I'm afraid."

"You know, I won't force you, but you give me a chance, OK?" Su Xun's tone was sincere.

Zhou Wenli nodded faintly and said: "that Let me go first

Suxun let her go.

"You How can you do this all of a sudden? I'm scared to death. " Zhou Wenli stepped back and blushed.

Su Xun said with a smile, "who made you so beautiful and so virtuous? Since I first met you that night, I told myself that I wanted this woman."

"It turns out that you've long been colored, and you've lost your heart." Zhou Wenli spat and turned her eyes.

Su Xun sighed: "I can't help it. It's hard to extricate myself from deep love, because it's too deep."

Cars always go by without knowing it.

"You Can you give me some time? I don't want to date yet. " Zhou Wenli said apologetically.

She didn't want to be with susian so soon after breaking up with Zhang Langgang. That's not only not responsible for herself, but also unfair to susian.

Su Xun shrugged: "well, as long as you're still in my house, you can't run away."

"No wonder you give me a high salary of ten thousand yuan. After you soak me, the money is not yours, poof..." Zhou Wenli said that she couldn't help laughing.

This smile is really charming.


While Su Xun and Zhou Wenli are having a fight, song Zihao drives to find the pony.

And he told Xiaoma what Su Xun told him. He wanted Xiaoma to make his own decision.

"Ah Hao, what are you waiting for? You must take revenge for such a good opportunity!" Said the pony.

Song Zihao, don't be too anxious. We are still in danger

"Dangerous? Ah Hao, which one of us is not dangerous after so many years? " Xiao Ma interrupted song Zihao and said, "three years, three years. Do you know what I have experienced in these three years?"

"My pony is not trying to prove how great I am, how much power I have. I just want to prove that I can take back what I lost with my own hands! "

With that, he held out a hand.


Two hands together.

"Well, you and my brother will try again."

Song Zihao said firmly.

Pony's face showed a smile, as three years ago, rebellious, uninhibited, full of confidence.

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