"Sir, now that the diamond is lost, you can't get it back. Let's arrest it directly."

In the back lane of a bar, Zhang Lang looked at his boss, Mr. Wu, and said.

"Arrest, arrest, how can you convict him without stolen goods?" Mr. Wu was not very angry.

Zhang Lang scratched the back of his head: "what should we do now? The diamond is gone. "

"Well, you don't have to worry about this case. It's just after the meeting. There's another arrangement." Mr. Wu took a puff of smoke and said.

Zhang Lang's eyes suddenly brightened: "Sir, do you mean I can return to the police force?"

"Don't say Sir doesn't take care of you. I've recommended you to the Flying Tigers." Wu patted him on the shoulder.

It took him a lot of work to get rid of this disgusting fellow from under his own eyes.

Zhang Lang was in a hurry: "don't you remember? How did you become the flying tigers? Sir, the Flying Tigers don't have to go out every six months. It's boring! "

The flying tigers are the most effective force in the Hong Kong Island police force. They are equivalent to the special police force. Unless there is a terrorist attack, the flying tigers will not be able to perform their duties.

Zhang Lang is a man who can't spare time. It's worse to throw him to the Flying Tigers than to kill him.

And the training of the flying tigers is simply changing. How can he suffer that kind of pain.

"Constable 95277! Please pay attention to your attitude! It's a great honor for you to join the Hong Kong tigers Wu's face suddenly a Su, righteousness speech of say.

A big hat pressed down, which made Zhang Lang look three inches shorter: "I like the feeling of being busy. Can't I change places to maintain public order on Hong Kong Island?"

"Well, how about the Ministry of transportation? The patrol team of the Ministry of transportation has been very busy all day, just able to meet your requirements." Mr. Wu is not smiling.

Zhang Lang heard the speech, his face a Su, salute: "report officer, I am very honored to join the flying tigers!"

The traffic team is windy and sunny all day, and is responsible for directing the traffic to exceed the ticket every day. It's just a distribution. In contrast, the flying tigers are better.

"That's right, No. take it. This is your new identity." Mr. Wu handed over a file bag.

Zhang Lang took out a look: "Zhou Xingxing? Sir, is it necessary to change identity? The undercover policeman named Su Xun in Saigon District didn't see him change his identity, and he also appeared on TV and newspapers in a high profile. "

"Can it be the same? Can you compare with others? If you're not afraid, you're still looking for your identity. " Mr. Wu put out the cigarette.

Undercover high-profile appearance is very drag, very cow force, but be retaliated, it is also very dangerous ah.

Therefore, in addition to a small number of police force to support the people, more undercover will be changed.

Zhang Lang followed suit like a flow: "thank you, sir. I like the name of Zhou Xingxing very much. It's bright enough."

Since then, undercover Zhang Lang changed his name to Zhou Xingxing and joined the Flying Tigers.


8:30 pm, Tsuen Wan.

The backbone restaurant.

Wearing a silver suit without buttons, Su Xun walked into the restaurant.

"How many, sir?" Asked the waiter.

Su Xun put up four fingers: "four, a friend has already reserved a place. His surname is song."

"Yes, please follow me." The waiter checked, and then took susian to the second floor.

"This way!"

At a table in the corner of the second floor, Yazi saw Su Xun first and got up to wave to him.

Tonight, Yazi is wearing a black dress with long legs. She has high heels, long hair and shawl on her feet. She is wearing a light makeup. Her red lips are delicate and attractive. She has a real sense of beauty.

Sue smiles at her, walks over and sits down on the throne. "I've kept you waiting."

"We've just arrived, too. Order, sir." Yazi handed the menu to Su Xun and poured water for him. He was so attentive that everyone had to go to Su Xun.

Su Xun said, "you can order. I'll do whatever you want. Let the waiter bring a bottle of water."

"I'll get it for you." Bud son finish saying, can't wait to get up, the waiter's work all robbed.

Song Ziju and Chen Jiajie have a face to face talk.

Looking at Chen Jiaju and song Zijie, Su Xun said, "Yazi is very enthusiastic."


It's just that they're passionate about you.


"Believe it or not, I cut off your paws!"

First, a crisp slap sounded, followed by bud son angry voice.

Su Xun and Chen Jiaju got up in an instant.

Bud son is holding a bottle of coke in his hand, glaring at a man with long hair.

"Damned dammit, you dare to beat me!"The hairy man's face was blue and white, and he was about to sprout when he raised his hand.


A chair flew over and fell on him, smashing the hairy man on the ground and screaming.

"Brother long hair!"

"Boss, are you OK, boss?"

Four little gangsters rushed forward to help.

"Brother Changmao, how can you be arrogant if you grow long? If your mother doesn't wear pants, she will go to heaven." Su Xun walked past without expression.

Yazi went to Su Xun, pointed to Changmao and said, "Su sir, he just wanted to hand it."

Song Zijie and Chen Jiaju look at long hair and show sympathy. Su Sir hasn't touched it yet. You want to touch it first. Tut Tut, you're dead.

"Grass Mud Horse, boy, where are you from? Do you know who I am! Big d! And United win Tsuen Wan leading big d! If you dare to beat me, believe it or not, you can't get out of Tsuen Wan! " Long Mao pointed to Su Xun and yelled.

He Liansheng has played a lot of territory with big d since he came to the top from a le. Now he is at the height of the sun on Hong Kong Island and can compete with Hong Xing.


Su Xun grabbed long Mao's long hair and smashed his head on the table, bleeding.

"Damn them

The four little brothers with long hair put up the wine bottle and then stopped abruptly.

Because three work permits appeared in front of me.

"Hit me and I'll sue you for assaulting the police!" Song Zijie showed a defiant smile.

"Who knows them, who knows if they are fake policemen, give me a call!" growled long Mao

"Wow -"

Su Xun grabbed a wine bottle and smashed it on his head. The bottle was torn apart and the wine and blood were flowing down.

"My name is Su Xun. It doesn't matter if you don't know me today. You rotten kids will remember me later." Susian grabbed his hair and lifted him up.

"What's the matter?"

Big d, wearing a brown suit and smoking, came with a group of little brothers.

"Big d." "Big d." "Big d is coming."

Everyone on the second floor said hello one after another.

"Big brother..." A hairy little brother came up to big D and told the story in a low voice.

Big d looked at Su Xun and showed a contemptuous smile: "Sir, the police are great. The police can hit people at will. I'll find a lawyer to sue you."

"He ate my tofu!" Yazi said angrily.

Big d sneered and looked around: "who saw it? Come on, come on, who saw it and stood up? "

No one dares to stand up.

"No, officer, now I'm going to sue you one more, frame up." Big d said triumphantly.

Chen Jiaju pointed to him: "big d, don't be arrogant, don't think I don't know what you do."

"What do I do? Sir, what we say is evidence. What we do is just business. " Big d was puffing smoke at him with a pompous expression on his face.

Su Xun looked at him: "you know the law very well."

"I can't help it. I have to deal with you police officers." Big d shrugged his shoulders, then looked at his watch with affectation: "Sir, if it's OK, you can go back and wait for the defendant. I'll make an appointment for us to go fishing tomorrow. I'll go to bed early tonight."

"Remember to wear a helmet when fishing." Su Xun was smiling and said to Yazi, "let's go and eat in another place. There are dead people here. It's not lucky."

Tomorrow is a chance to control and win.

"Psycho, I don't know. Who wears a helmet when fishing?" Big d said a word.

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