"Doctor, susian is here tonight. He can fight so well that I'm afraid he will ruin our business."

Feifei, disguised as a waiter, sneaks into the hotel. After seeing Su Xun, she goes to the bathroom to contact the doctor.

"He's a senior sheriff. How can he qualify for tonight's exhibition?" The doctor was surprised.

Because in the scheduled plan, Su Xun, who was very popular recently, was not included at all.

Feifei said: "I don't know. Look at him coming in with a woman. Maybe he has a different female identity, so he can get an invitation."

"Forget it. Don't worry about him. There's only one person he can fight." Having made a plan for a long time and made so many preparations, the doctor would not terminate the whole operation because of Su Xun's unexpected factor.

He doesn't believe in Su Xun.

People must depend on themselves!

Feifei smell speech hung up the phone, and then in front of the mirror finishing the appearance, go out.

Next, she will go to the monitoring room and kill the security guard inside, so as to avoid large troops being found.

The operation was divided into three groups.

She was the first to sneak into the hotel as a waiter, responsible for the security of the monitoring room tonight.

The second group is a large army led by mourning state and rabbit, carrying a lot of weapons, responsible for laying mines in the periphery, and driving into the hotel to rob.

The third group is the doctor, he took the invitation alone and pretended to be a guest to enter the hotel, hiding his identity in the crowd to deal with emergencies.

At this time, the members of group B and group A of Saigon District crime squad have entered the hotel as guests with the cooperation of the hotel.

In the warehouse of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, there are fully armed bomb disposal team, flying tiger team and serious crime team.

There are ambulances and fire alarms on call.

Just wait for the doctor to set up the hotel.

"Why are you all here?" In the banquet hall, Yazi sees Wen Jianren and Li Wenbin beside him.

Wen Jianren looked at her and did not speak.

Li Wenbin said in a low voice: "there may be something wrong with the hotel. Don't expose our identity."

"Well! I'll see how he can be held responsible if nothing happens tonight, just because of someone's suspicion. " Wen Jianren said coldly, took the glass and drank it.

Li Wenbin asked, "Yazi, where's su sir?"

"Convenient." Yazi pointed to the bathroom.


Monitoring room.

Feifei holding a knife, stealthily pushed open the door of the monitoring room, and then stayed.

"Why are you here now? Do you know I'm waiting hard for you? It's not suitable for girls to play with knives."

Su Xun sat on the chair with his legs up, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, laughing and chanting.

"How do you know that?"

Feifei knows she's been exposed, but she doesn't understand how.

Before leaving, the doctor had already killed the undercover who the police had placed in them.

Is there more than one of them undercover?

"You climb over here, I'll tell you."

Su Xun gave her a finger with a smile.

Feifei smiles, drops the knife, kneels on the ground, shakes the fart, and climbs up to Su Xun.

"Well ~"

a gun stuck in her mouth.

"Handcuff yourself."

Susian held a gun in one hand, put down the wine glass in the other hand, took out the handcuffs and threw them in the past.

Feifei took the initiative to hold the barrel of the revolver, eyes like silk, Jiao didi said: "Sir, there is no one else here, if you want, in fact, I can hold your other gun."

She wanted to seduce Su Xun. Besides, she couldn't think of any other way to escape.

The doctors must be told about it, or they will be wiped out tonight.


A slap fell on her face, and five bright red fingerprints appeared on her white face.

"You don't deserve it." Su Xun said faintly, and loaded the pistol in her mouth: "cuff yourself."

Feifei was humiliated and angry, but helpless. She slowly picked up the handcuffs, and then the handcuffs in her hand suddenly hit Su Xun's head.


Su Xun flashed by and kicked out.

"Ah! Puyi - "

Feifei spat out blood and fell to the ground in an instant, covering her abdomen with a look of pain.

Su Xun got up and walked over step by step, one foot on her hand.

"Ah As the saying goes, the fingers connect the heart, Feifei screams again, and her face is distorted.

Su Xun pressed her fingers hard and said with no expression: "it's shameless to give face."

Then he grabbed her hair, lifted her up and handcuffed her to the table in the monitoring room."Stay here and watch the world under surveillance. You'll be in prison for the rest of your life."

Susian searched her mobile phone and tied her foot and other hand with tape.

Then he walked out of the monitoring room.

"How did you get out of the elevator?" Bud son looked at Su Xun and asked curiously.

Su Xun said with a smile, "is it convenient to go upstairs?"

"Pretending to be a ghost, I don't know. I thought you had caught the thief." Wen Jianren said coldly.

Su Xun looked at him: "caught a female thief."

Naturally, Wen Jianren didn't believe it and ignored him.

At the same time, downstairs, the doctor in suit and shoes came into the hotel with an invitation letter posing as a guest.

He took the elevator up to the banquet hall on the 75th floor.

A few minutes later, two vans stopped at the door of the hotel, and the doctor's mourning state and rabbit with a group of people got out of the car and rushed to the hotel.

"Don't move! Hong Kong Island police

"Don't move! Hold your head and squat down

However, they just rushed into the lobby of the hotel, accompanied by the rapid footsteps, a group of armed police rushed out to surround them.


Bereavement and others were shocked.

Subconsciously, I want to run outside, but I find a lot of police outside the hotel.

"Exposed, fight with them!"

"Kang Kang!"

The rabbit roared and took the lead in shooting, because what they did was also dead when they were caught.


Seeing the rabbit shooting, Raymond gave an order. Today, the operation is under his own command.

"Kang Kang..."

At one time, the gunfire started everywhere, resounding through the hall.

"I'll blow you up!"

He dropped the bomb on the police.

"Lie down!"


The explosion sounded, and the fire waves were several feet high.


"What's the sound?"

The bomb below was so loud that the guests in the banquet hall on the 75th floor heard it and talked about it.

Wen Jianren's face changed and he looked at Su Xun incredulously. Did the doctor really come?

"Wen sir, you don't want the credit I gave you." Su Xun shrugged regretfully.

Wen Jianren's face is very ugly. If he believes in Su Xun, he will report it to Lei Meng first. But now Su Xun has the credit.

The key is that the case of the doctor was handed over to Su Xun for investigation in order to make it difficult for him!

He suddenly felt that his heart was blocked and he wanted to vomit blood.

"Oh, what a pity." Su Xun shook his head and took his glass to a man not far away.

Li Wenbin and others looked at each other face to face. They were all forced to smile. Su Xun was killing people.

Looking at the suspicious guests in the banquet hall, the doctor held the wine glass with a smile on his face.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, he knew that they had started the funeral, and he would be able to wash his hands after finishing the job.

Any one of the three jewels will be enough for them to eat for a lifetime.

"You seem very happy."

A voice suddenly came into his ear. The doctor turned his head and saw Su Xun's smiling face.

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