"What's up? Did you get it?"

Le Huizhen's assistant asked expectantly.

"Of course, Miss Ben's photography technology is not covered. Her face is photographed very clearly. As soon as the newspaper goes on sale tomorrow, it will be sold out instantly."

Le Huizhen holds the camera with a proud face, and then suddenly realizes something: "where's su sir?"

"I left early." The assistant replied.

Le Huizhen blames: "why don't you remind me."

"Remind you what to do?" The assistant asked.

Le Huizhen is stunned. She reminds her that she can't do anything.


In the meantime, in the command car.

"What's the matter with you tonight! Su Xun called you first. Why don't you report to me? "

There is no outsider, Raymond angrily asked Wen Jianren, did not hide his anger.

"Ray sir, I thought..."

Raymond interrupted: "what do you think? What do you think? If you think it's all up to you, there will be a case that will shake the whole territory tonight! "

"Fortunately, Su Xun called me again. Otherwise, do you know what kind of pressure the police force will be under?"

Jundu hotel is in Saigon District, his jurisdiction. If there is an accident tonight, he will definitely step down.

It can be said that Su Xun's call directly saved his political life.

In contrast, Wen Jianren almost ended his political life. How can he not be angry?

"Sorry sir, I'm wrong." Wen Jianren knows that no matter how to explain, it is useless. He admits his mistake cleanly.

Raymond said with a cold face: "I don't think your brain is suitable for commanding. From tomorrow, you will be transferred to the leader of A2 team, and Su Xun will take your place temporarily."

"Ray sir, but Su Xun is just a senior Sheriff..." Wen Jianren's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

Raymond stared at him: "now it is, but soon it will not be. He saved consul Smith's wife, and he will be a senior inspector at worst!"

Now that Hong Kong Island has not returned to China, all departments are covered by hawks and taken care of by Smith. As long as Su Xun doesn't make a big mistake, he will go all the way up.

"But..." Wen Jianren is still unwilling. After all, let him be a subordinate of a senior police chief or a subordinate of Su Xun. What's his face?

Ramon rudely interrupted him: "shut your mouth. I don't want to hear any more of your nonsense."

"Yes, sir."

Wen Jianren can only recognize it. There's a haze in his eyes. Su Xun, since I met you, I've been in bad luck. Damn you!

Now that you're in my way, don't blame me for being rude.

"Get out of the car." Raymond said calmly.

Wen Jianren opened the car door and got off, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone: "Zhu Dong..."


"Su sir, you are too strong tonight. Bang, one shot to the doctor's head. That shot is too dangerous."

Yazi held Su Xun's arm and jumped. At the same time, baby granary also jumped. It's amazing.

"Yazi, you're pushing me." Su Xun gently reminded me.

Bud son blinks: "not soft?"

"Girls should be reserved." Su Xun said.

Bud son pie pie pie mouth: "with what, I don't reserve, how to think of how to do."

Two people came to a white BMW, bud son took out the car key to open the door.

"I can't see you're still a little rich woman." Su Xun looked at Yazi in surprise.

Yazi snorted and threw the key to him directly: "send me home. If you like, you can drive it. I don't like driving. I like taking a car."

"After that, I'll drive and you'll take the car." Su Xun felt like he was driving.

Bud son hugged him: "hee hee, good."

More than half an hour later, Su Xun drove to Yazi's downstairs.

"Su sir, I suddenly think that the kitchen sewer is bad. Go up and help me repair it."

When she got off the bus, Yazi looked at Su Xun and said, "it's the drunk man's intention not to repair the sewer.".

Su Xun saw that he didn't want him to repair the sewer, but wanted him to dredge it.

"Not so good. I have a girlfriend."

Su is looking for dregs, but it's not deceiving.

"Ah Bud son instantly stunned, the whole person sat in the copilot, a confusion in the brain.

It was a long time before he stammered: "how Why didn't I listen to you Say I said that

All of a sudden, she was a little flustered, confused, at a loss.

"I'm sorry." Su Xun apologized.

Yazi suddenly hugged him tightly: "my girlfriend is not a wife. Besides, there are still people on Hong Kong Island who have married several wives. I don't care."Polygamy was officially abolished on Hong Kong Island in 1971, and it is only a decade ago.

Nowadays, many people still marry two or three wives and hold big banquets, but they just don't get a license.

Even this kind of words came out. Why did Su Xun hesitate? Turn head and bud son gnaw together.

They held each other tightly, kissing and swimming around with both hands, shortness of breath.

"Wow, do you two have a sense of public decency? In public, you are gnawing in the car and touching in your skirt. It's too Yazi

A chubby middle-aged man came over and was originally condemning this immoral behavior, but when he saw the woman who was kissing, he immediately widened his eyes.

Su Xun and Yazi also stopped.


Yazi looked at the middle-aged man and cried subconsciously.

"Brother?" Looking at the middle-aged man, Su Xun had only five words in his mind: lethal scissors feet.

"Good! You son of a bitch dare to bite my sister's Naizi, my good gun will see blood today! "

Huang Yao roared and reached for his gun.

"No, brother."

Yazi hugged Huang Yao and yelled to Su Xun, "Su sir, go away quickly."

"Don't worry, Yazi. Your brother's gun can't shoot." Su Xun got off the bus in no hurry.

He never dreamed that Yazi's brother was actually director Huang who lost his gun in the movie "truant Weilong".

Director Huang's gun is called the gun of kindness. Zhou Xingxing is so kind that he can't shoot a bullet when he is ready to use it against the enemy.

Because his gun has been with him for decades, never fired a single shot, and the internal parts are aging.

Huang Yao was angry and said, "well, how dare you frame up my kind-hearted gun and take my life-threatening scissors!"

"Run, you!" Yazi yelled.

Su Xun couldn't go back and beat his brother, so he had to listen to Yazi's running.

"Shit, I knew it was time to drive."

After walking for seven or eight minutes, not to mention the bus, Su Xun didn't even see a taxi.

"Buzz, buzz..."

At this time, a burst of engine roar came, and three locomotives came whistling. Three knights with helmets took out guns from their arms and aimed at Su Xun.


Su Xun's face changed, and he almost jumped behind an iron trash can without hesitation.

"Kang Kang..."

Almost at the same time, the gunfire rang out, the bullets hit the trash can, and the sparks splashed.


The three killers stopped, turned the front of the car and drove to the trash can with guns.

"Kang Kang..."

A burst of gunfire rang out again. All the three killers were shot and flew out with their cars.

Under the street lamp, a young man with a flat head and a jacket came with a gun.

"Li Jie."

After seeing the young man's face clearly, Su Xun blurted out that this man was Li Jie, the man in "rat gall dragon", who didn't appear in Jundu hotel tonight.

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