At six o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xun returned home.

"Husband, someone is looking for you."

Zhou Wenli said to Su Xun after opening the door.

"Who is it?"

Su Xun took off his coat and handed it to her. As he walked into the living room, he saw Zhan MI on the sofa.

Zhan Mi quickly got up: "Su sir."

"It's a good suit. It fits well." Sue went to the left and sat down.

Jamie said modestly, "I've been listening to some business classes recently, so I need to dress formally."

"You know there's no future to be a fool. I want to do business." Su Xun asked with a smile.

He nodded: "I don't want to be a rotten man all my life."

"Study hard. I'll take care of you. OK, what can I do for you today?" Su Xun took out a cigarette.

Zhou Wenli lit him with a lighter.

Zhan Mi handed a gift box with some restrained hands: "Su sir, my godfather asked me to wish you a high promotion on his behalf. This is his filial piety to you."

When he met Su Xun for the first time, he didn't expect that Su Xun would be a senior sheriff.

Now that you know Su Xun's identity, it's like a mouse can't let go when it sees a cat.

"Go back and tell ah le that if I receive my mind, I will not have it." Su Xun said faintly, spitting out the smoke and shaking the ash in front of the ashtray.

Zhanmi didn't dare to say more: "yes, sir, I won't disturb you and my sister-in-law. I'll leave first."

"Zhanmi, you've chosen the right road. Learn to do business well. Anyone who doesn't want you to do business will come to me. I'll cover you up." Su Xun said without looking back.

Zhan Mi bowed respectfully to Su Xun: "I know. Thank you for your care."

"Who is he?" After Zhan Mi left, Zhou Wenli put her hands around Su Xun's neck and asked curiously.

Su Xun held her waist, buried his head in her arms and smeared facial cleanser: "an unfortunate person who wanted to go ashore in order to live, but was dragged back."

"Don't do it. It's itchy. I'll cook. Are you going to eat?" Zhou Wenli pushed him with a red face.

Su Xun snuffed out his eyes: "it's really fragrant."

"You are good or bad." Zhou Wenli closed her eyes.

Su Xun pinched her chin and said, "tell my husband if I want to be a star or not. I'll make a movie to praise you."

What is faster and easier to make money than making movies on Hong Kong Island in this era?

Su Xun was able to film the story of Zhang Shihao and heroes he had experienced.

These are ready-made scripts.

I make movies in the world of movies.

It's just like that. Qi ≥ ∥.

"Really." As soon as Zhou Wenli's eyes brighten, which woman doesn't want to be a star in the spotlight.

Su Xun said, "let's hear it, Dad."

"Again, No." Zhou Wenli refused.

Two people in the sofa fight into a ball, making a body less and less clothes.


In the following days, Su Xun had been preparing for the interview and assessment of the inspector.

Until three days later, he received a call from Song Zihao, asking him to meet him at the teahouse where he met last time.

"Where's the pony?"

After entering the private room, he found that song Zihao was the only one. Su Xun asked curiously.

"The pony didn't come, Susir. These cards sell diamonds. The rest of the money has been washed away. Even the police can find out the source." As song Zihao spoke, he handed Su Xun five bank cards.

Su Xun said, "how much."

"20 million." Song Zihao replied.

There are more than 50 million stolen goods. After the money is cleaned up, there are only 20 million left.

Su Xun nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He didn't understand these, but song Zihao certainly wouldn't pit him.

After all, the personalities of song Zihao and pony are verified by tens of millions of fans.

After parting with song Zihao, Su Xun is ready to buy a car. Of course, he won't go to the 4S store to buy it. Isn't that a big injustice? Isn't it good to buy a smuggled car?

In his capacity, it's very easy to go through the legal formalities for the smuggling car.

Second hand cars are cheap enough to smuggle, and they are low-key.

Zhang Shihao's case, Tan Cheng's case, and Jundu hotel's case were all rewarded.

Of course, the bonus is not given to him alone, but to all those who have made contributions.

He got 300000 in three cases.

It's reasonable for him to buy a good car with an extra hundred thousand. He doesn't have to worry about the ICAC.

As we all know, it's Saigon fool to buy a car.

Saigon has the most smuggled cars, among which the most famous one is a gangster with the nickname of Dasha.

It specializes in smuggling cars and selling stolen cars.In the series of Gu Huo Zai, when Chen Haonan lost his car, he went directly to Saigon Da Sha.

Su Xun took a car to the second-hand car market in Saigon and asked a gangster who was repairing the car, "Hey, is your boss a fool?"

"Did you call me silly? Call him big fool A middle-aged man came out of the room with a cigarette in his mouth.

This man is a fool.

The man next to Da Sha recognized Su Xun, and his face said: "brother, this is the cop..."

"What happened to the cop! I didn't kill anyone. What can the cops do to me? " Big silly looked down on him and went to Su Xun: "Sir, what's your concern?"

"Buy a car." Su Xun didn't care as much as he did.

The big fool reached for susian's chest and said, "Oh, even Sir has come to take care of my business!"

The little brother behind Dafa wants to cry without tears.


A gun is on the big fool's head.

"What are you doing! Let go of silly brother

"Let go of our boss!"

In an instant, more than a dozen younger brothers came around.

"Sir, it's just a joke. There's no need for that." A lot of silly panic, but pretended to be calm.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped him in the face. He said coldly, "I'll give you face and call you silly. If I don't give you face, you'll be a fool, you'll be forced!"

"My name is Su Xun. Don't you know me?"

"Su sir, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Su sir." A little brother quickly came up and said to Da Sha anxiously: "boss, this is Su sir, the king of the police."

"Ah Big silly moment silly eyes, no temper: "Su sir, I have eyes..."

"Less waste. Do you have a Mercedes Benz here? Show me." Su Xun put the gun away.

Big silly repeatedly nodded: "yes, I just received a Mercedes Benz yesterday. It's 80% new."

"Show me." Su Xun said.

After a while, Su Xun followed Da Sha to a warehouse where there was a silver Benz.

Su Xun liked it: "how much is it?"

"Su sir, it hurts to talk about money. If you want, 600000 yuan will go." Big fool lost his smile.

Su Xun got into the car, threw out a card, and said without doubt: "500000, make a friend with me, brush it by yourself, the password is six zeros."

"Su sir, half a million is not enough..."

"Well?" Su Xun looked at him.

The big fool's expression was stiff, and his words changed abruptly. He said with a flattering smile: "half a million is no good. Isn't that hitting me in the face? It's a four hundred thousand car, sir. The procedures are complete

Say the number of 400000, his heart is dripping blood, let your mouth cheap, let your mouth cheap.

"Boss, a man named Chen Haonan is looking for you."

Suddenly a little brother came in and said.

"Where are you from? Let him go. Don't you see that I'm not free now?" Big fool is not angry.

The younger brother said, "but he said it was Hongxing."

"Mother Ganlin!" Da silly scolded, then turned to Su Xun and said, "Su sir, I'll go."

"Don't say I take advantage of you. I reckon that you have a disaster today. I'll help you eliminate the disaster."

Su Xun got out of the car and said a strange word to Da Sha with a smile.

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