Seeing Chen Jiaju driving a red car to crush the house from the top of the mountain, Su Xun was glad that he didn't get on the car again.

Then he took the path and rushed down the mountain. He remembered that in the movie, Zhu Tao hijacked a bus and ran away.

"Hello! Let go of me! Let go of me

When she rushed to the outside of the dyeing factory, a short haired woman who was handcuffed on the steering wheel yelled to susian.

She is Sha Lianna. She was handcuffed to the car by Chen Jiaju because she found the police in ambush.

Su Xun took a look at the car, gritted his teeth and rushed to it. After all, it was easier to drive than to use his feet.

When he opened the car door, susian picked up shaliana and pushed her through the window. Then he sat in the driver's seat and let shaliana sit in his arms.

Because she was handcuffed to the steering wheel, she had no place to sit except in Suxun's arms.

"Hello! What are you doing? Don't touch me

Salina struggled and exclaimed.

"Stop talking and don't move!"

Su Xun yelled, started the car, then hit the steering wheel and rushed onto the road.

"Asshole! Don't think you can take advantage of me if you are handsome. I will sue you for indecent treatment! "

Charlene's incessant scolding.

Su Xun ignored her at all. He stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the tires were rubbing against the ground and smoking.

"Take the gun away, you hit me!"

She moved her body and frowned.

Really, the first time I saw a policeman who liked to wear a pistol in his pants pocket.

"Bear it. This gun can't be taken."

Su Xun said without expression.


Shaliana instantly understood, Shua's pretty face turned red, her delicate body was tight, and she didn't dare to move.

I'm glad I didn't reach for the gun.

Finally, the bus Zhu Tao held appeared in sight, and Chen Jiaju was still hanging behind the bus.

"Sit down."

Su Xun said in a low voice. Then he stepped on the accelerator to the end and overtook the bus. He slammed the steering wheel and put the car in the middle of the road.

"Bang bang!"

The bus crashed into the side of the car and made a loud noise. At the same time, it was forced to stop.


Hanging in the back of the bus, Chen Jiaju bumped into the bus, which made him scream.

"Stay well."

Su Xun dropped a word, then kicked open the door on the other side and rushed out with a gun.

"Shoot! Hit him! Kill him

On the bus, Zhu Tao pointed to Su Xun and yelled.

"Kang Kang..."

His men shot Sushen through the window.

Su Xun suddenly fell down, and then a donkey rolled to avoid the bullet. At the same time, he lay down and shot into the car.

"Kang Kang..."


A gangster was shot three times in a company.

At the same time, Chen Jiaju climbed into the car from the other side and pointed his gun at Zhu Tao: "hold your head and squat down..."

"Kang Kang!"

Before he finished, another bodyguard of Zhu Tao pulled the trigger on him.

Chen Jiaju dodged the danger. With him attracting fire, Su Xun climbed in through the window.

"Kang Kang!"

Two shots killed all Zhu Tao's bodyguards.

Zhu Tao was about to escape through the window when a gun suddenly hit the back of his head.

"Turn around!" Chen Jiaju roared.

Zhu Tao slowly turned around with the box, looked at Su Xun and Chen Jiaju, and said, "let me go. All the money in the box is given to you. Can you make so much money when you are a policeman? Just let me go, it's all yours. "

"Click -"

a handcuff was handcuffed to his wrist.

"Now I'm going to charge you with one more attempt to bribe a police officer." Su Xun said softly.

Zhu Tao stares at Su Xun: "I have plenty of money to hire a lawyer. If you arrest me, I can't be sentenced."

"You don't have to worry about that." Su Xun also handcuffed his other hand, and then said to Chen Jiaju, "look at him. There's another one in the car below. By the way, give me the key to your handcuffs."

Then susian took the key to unlock salina from the steering wheel and put her two handcuffs on.

"Is there any mistake? I've just finished my work, and now I'm heartless?" Asked salina.

Chen Jiaju's eyes widened and he looked at Su Xun. The word "Ding" is too essence. Is it so powerful?

Su Xun's mouth twitched: "Miss salina, you have to tell me the evidence, or I will sue you for slander!"

"Please, you're done. Where can I find the evidence?" Said salina in a bad mood.

Chen Jiaju looked at Su Xun as if he were looking at a beast. Although he was a criminal, as a man, he couldn't recognize a man without mentioning his pants.Su Xun

Forget it, I won't explain. The more you draw, the darker you get.


The third day after Zhu Tao was arrested.

Yesterday, Su Xun passed the interview examination of the inspector, and now he has two stars on his shoulders.

Su Xun sat in the office drinking tea, thinking about who should take care of the business.

Now that he has a firm foothold in the police force and enough start-up funds, it's time to consider making money.

But as a police officer, he certainly has no time to manage his business, so he has to find someone to help him.

And you need someone you can trust.

Zhou Wenli can be trusted, but she belongs to the type of little woman and can't cover the scene.

"Dong Dong..."

The knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in." Su Xun arranged his clothes.

Chen Jiaju, with a quick band aid on his face, put in a head: "Su sir, the director calls you."

Although Chen Jiaju made a great contribution in catching Zhu Tao this time, he damaged a lot of houses and the police lost millions, so he didn't get promoted.

If there were no accidents, he would not have been promoted to the rank of inspector.

"Oh? Do you know what I'm looking for? " As he spoke, Su Xun got up from his chair.

Looking at Chen Lianju, she touched her nose with envy

Su Xun then remembered that in the movie, although he caught Zhu Tao, he couldn't sue because of insufficient evidence, so he wanted to let Sha Lianna testify.

But she naturally refused to cooperate.

So Raymond and Biao uncle set up a routine for shaliana, and let Zhu Tao suspect that she betrayed herself. They sent someone to assassinate her before appearing in court, and they became enemies.

This job was originally Chen Jiaju's, but he was more capable than him. Now it's his own.

"What do you envy? Don't you all have may?" Su Xun left with a word.

She said, "if you look for a adulterer in your family, you'll still be able to see her

This is a pure frame up. Su Xun and Yazi are still in the external stage, not deep inside.

After all, it's easy to drown if you plunge in without knowing the depth.

"Who are you talking about?" Yazijie stood behind him with no expression on his face, full of dangerous breath.

Chen Jiaju's body suddenly froze, slowly turned around and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "er That I have something else to do with that. I'll go first. "

Then he ran away with eight character steps.

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