"I've set up the stage, you uninvited man snatched the actor's position. You're looking for death."

Su Xun looked at the killer and twisted his neck.

Don't get me wrong, he's not suffering from cervical spondylitis. He just thinks it's more forced.

"Go to hell!"

The killer roared with a knife. Just when Su Xun thought he was going to rush over, he quickly threw the knife, then turned around and rushed to the bedroom door.

That's a good move.

It's a pity that he's no match for all his tricks.

"I want to run! Have you asked me? "

Su Xun sprang up and kicked him on the head.


When his head collided with the door, the wooden door was directly cracked. If he didn't go through the door, he would not lose, because the killer's head was also cracked, and he was equal to the wooden door.

Su Xun took back his feet. The killer's head was covered with scarlet blood, and he fell to the ground slowly.

"You You killed him? "

Serena asked, trembling.

Su Xun looked at her and said, "I can't die. It's just that it looks scary. Take the white car."

Half an hour later, the dying killer was pulled away by the ambulance. Even if he was cured, he was a fool.

Chen Jiaju had already left. In the living room, Su Xun and Sha Lianna looked at each other and sat down.

"Salina, now you see that Zhu Tao doesn't trust you at all. He can't wait to send someone to kill you tonight. Do you want to hide it for him?"

Su Xun was holding a cigarette, cocking his legs and puffing. He looked at Sha Lianna and asked faintly.

Sulian's Pink nightdress was pulled a little messy, which made her eyes full of twists and turns.

"I didn't expect that he had only this trust in me. Well, I'll come forward to correct him on the day of the court appearance."

Salina is also cold hearted. Unless she is silly, she will continue to defend Zhu Tao. Isn't that mean?

Su Xun nodded: "that's right. As long as you testify, the police will not prosecute you for a crime."

"But Zhu Tao is so rich, he has many ways to bail out." Serena is worried.

In the second part, Zhu Tao found three Swiss doctors to give him a false certificate, proving that he had only three months to live.

I got bailed out with this.

Su Xun said, "don't worry. As long as he goes in, he can't come out again."

Zhu Tao is a drug peddler. Just arrange a few people with Liansheng to kill him in prison.

"Really? I'm so scared. "

As soon as salina's eyes turned, she pretended to be soft and weak, and rushed directly into Sushen's arms. She lost most of her pajamas, revealing a large area of her skin.

In the movie, she seduced Chen Jiaju just because she wanted to get rid of the police surveillance.

It's just not as much as it is now.

But now she used this move to beat Su Xun. It's like beating a dog with a bun. There's no way back.

Su Xun directly removed her pajamas.

"Ah! What are you doing! " Serena screams.

Su Xun pinched her chin and looked at her with a bad smile: "aren't you seducing me?"

"I didn't. let me go. I'm not playing anymore. I'm wrong." Serena is about to cry.

Now I'm playing with fire.

Su Xun said: "remember, playing with fire also depends on the object, girl, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes." Salina nodded.

Su Xun said, "call brother."

"Brother." Serena is obedient.

"How obedient." Suxun let her go.

Salina quickly grabbed her nightgown to cover her body and ran upstairs as if for her life. Her pretty face turned red.

Because the inside of her nightdress is empty. After all, a serious person will wear close fitting clothes when sleeping.


The next week, susian spent all of his time at salina's house, and his relationship with her improved rapidly.

Two people became friends, after all, a man and a woman live together for a week, the relationship does not progress.

But it's just progress, not yet.

On June 5, Zhu Tao's case finally opened. Under the testimony of sharina, Zhu Tao was sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment for trafficking in drugs and homicide.

"Bitch, son of a bitch, wait for me!"

Zhu Tao takes a cold look at salina.

And then Serena waited obediently.

The next day, it came out that Zhu Tao was stabbed to death with a toothbrush in a conflict with others in prison.

"Did you do it?"

Looking at Su Xun who is packing up, Sha Lianna is reluctant to give up.

"What." Su Xun asked without looking back.

"Don't pretend that you arranged Zhu Tao's death," she said

"You talk about evidence. Don't frame me up without evidence." Su Xun said seriously.With a smile, she hugged susian and gave him a kiss: "thank you for your help."

"That's not enough." Susian pulled her into his arms and opened the zipper of her skirt skillfully.

Then two people rolled up on the sofa, even the villa door is not closed, it is so indecent.

An hour later, two people on the ground gasped, and the living room was quiet again.

Sha Lianna holding Su Xun, white body covered with a layer of pink: "you are greedy, bad man, is that how you protect the witness?"

Since then, there have been more and more women in the world. The initiator is Su Xun, a habitual flower gatherer.

"No?" Su Xun laughed.

Just ask, what is more powerful protection than turning a witness into her own woman?

It's not necessary to work hard to protect the witness, but the woman who protects herself must work hard. Is that ok.

"I like it very much," she said shyly

"Goblin." Su Xun realized her childhood dream.

Shalena looked at him: "Hey, what are you going to do with me? You won't disown people after the class."

"How about helping me with my business..." Su Xun told her about his plan.

It's just that salina has this ability, which is better than Zhou Wenli and yazijie.

Serena's eyes brightened: "yes, yes."

Although I can't be a big woman, I can keep Su Xun's business in my hand and keep myself from being left out in the cold.

Polygamy on Hong Kong Island has just been abolished for about 15 years, and most people's thoughts are still affected by it.

Su Xun said that this kind of feudal residual thought is really harmful. He really

I like it so much ~ (≥ ▽≤) / ~

in the next few days, there were no cases in the police force, so susian went to the company with salina.

It has to be said that people are easy to handle affairs in the public sector. With his identity as an inspector of the serious crime team, the handling of various formalities and certificates basically gives the green light all the way.

Su Xun set up a film and television company called Qingyun pictures, which owns 70% of the shares. Sha Lianna is the second shareholder and Zhou Wenli is the third.

That's right. The port integrated world branch of Qingyun group Zhutian Wanjie Co., Ltd. has opened.

Then he wrote the TV script of "die hard" according to Zhang Shihao's case, the movie script of "Heroes" according to tan Cheng's case, and "rat gall dragon power"

In the future, as long as he deals with a case, he will make the original script of the case into a movie and sell it for money.

In the world of movies, making and selling movies with the plot of a movie is really local.

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