All over Jiandong, there's fire all over the place.

All of Hong Xing's venues in Jiandong were smashed, and Jiandong sub hall was destroyed.

At this time, all the people of Hongxing gathered in the village hall because of the drawing of the life and death lottery.

Therefore, he Liansheng, who was determined to fight but not determined, pushed all the way and quickly won Jiandong.

"Brothers..." Will be speaking.

"Jiangsheng, I'm sorry to interrupt you. Haonan called to say that the people's Congress of Liansheng and Jiandong should plant flags in Jiandong!" Big B got up and said.


The whole Hongxing hall was in an uproar.

Originally, there were still some casual hall heads in the eleven entrances. They were all in a state of mind.

"There is no mistake, and Liansheng day flag, when the cops are dead ah!" Liang Kun said.

"Yes, it's too arrogant! Is he Liansheng the next governor of Hong Kong? Then take it

"Is that the key now? It's Jiandong that has been put up a flag. A group of people are flapping on the street! "

"Mad, he Liansheng has eaten bear heart and leopard's gall. Jiangsheng, you speak, we'll fight!"

The whole Hongxing hall is in a mess.

"All right, be quiet." He raised his voice and said, "big B and a Xin will take people to the rescue field. Others will gather their brothers to get ready. Now I'll call and Liansheng leshao."

"Yes, I will." Because Chen Haonan, who was valued by him, was also in Jiandong, big B answered and walked out of the general hall with his mobile phone.

Liang Kun cocked his legs and said hoarsely, "if you want me to say it, it's better to take advantage of the fact that there's no one in Liansheng's territory. Let's take someone to fight."

"Liang Kun! You're out of your mind! Can the oil and water on the site of heliansheng compare with Youjian Wangbi? " Dafei buttoned his nose, patted the table and yelled at him.

Liang Kun also vigorously patted the table: "what are you yelling at me? What's wrong with youjianwang? Is that your territory? Your territory is in North Point! "

"Mother Ganlin! Don't play with your mouth! You look like a club to me! Yau Tsim Mong, that's the club's territory! " Dafei stands up, takes off his sunglasses and points to liangkun.

"All right!" He yelled at the voice of heaven, and his face was gloomy: "now the enemy is at hand, do our brothers still have to worry about internal strife? You have a problem with me

"I dare not, Jiangsheng. It's liangkun who has a bad mouth." Dafei lifted her hair and sat down.

Liang Kun took up his tea cup and snorted coldly: "I didn't let you smell it. I'm cheap."

"Shut up Will be born swept two people one eye, then dialed Lin huaile's telephone.

"Jiangsheng, how can you call me and have tea with me when you have time? I just got some good Tieguanyin from the mainland a few days ago."

After the phone was connected, Lin huaile's gentle voice revealed a bit of carelessness, as if he knew nothing about what happened in Jiandong.

"Le Shao, just open the window and tell me the truth. You asked your son to take people to plant flags in Jiandong. Why do you want to fight with us Hongxing?" After all, today's Hong Xing is in the limelight, but it is known as the first community on Hong Kong Island.

Otherwise, they don't have the courage to kill the police. Since they dare to kill, it shows that they have the confidence to deal with it.

Lin Huai laughs: "Jiangsheng, you Hongxing are so powerful. We can't compete with Liansheng. How dare we fight with you? I already know about Jiandong. There may be some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstand your mother! Our two sites are not connected. Your staff came to sweep the site. Now tell me it's a misunderstanding? I tell you, you'd better be glad that you haven't done it yet. Otherwise, I'll let you and Liansheng pay back how many brothers Hong Xing killed and injured! "

He was born to be rude and tough.

"Let's fight, Jiangsheng. I hope you'd better find out what happened first, why there is such a big scene in Jiandong, but there is not even a bad guy."

After Lin huaile finished, he hung up the phone directly, because no matter how much nonsense there was, he still had to call.

It's impossible for Hong Xing to let he Liansheng plant a flag in Jiandong. Otherwise, how can he get along on the road?

"Du ~ Du ~"

listening to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, he frowned: "dinosaur, let your people check what happened in Jiandong. I'm afraid there are bad guys behind Lin huaile, and his status is not low."

At this time, Jiandong battlefield had already won and lost, and Prince Hongxing was killed on the spot.

Two of Gu Huo Zi Tian Tuan died, and the rest of Chen Haonan, Shan Ji and Da tianer were arrested.

As for the rest of the prince's men, they were all dead, wounded and running. All the forces of Hong Xing in Jiandong were swept out.

So being a rotten boy doesn't come to a good end.

There was so much noise over there.

United, East Star, number help these communities naturally got the news.

However, they are not stupid. There are no messengers to clean up the scene, which shows that they can't intervene rashly.What's more, Hong Xing is very powerful, and they are also happy to see that Hong Xing and Liansheng consume strength.

When big B and a Xin arrive at Jiandong with people, they face the resistance of Zhan MI and others.

"Plane, what have you done to the prince?" Looking at and winning many people with blood, big B is in the heart of a sink, know the prince is afraid of more or less.

The plane spat a mouthful of blood foam and pointed to big B with a knife: "please let him go down early to see his mother. Are you coming to collect his body or to accompany him?"

"Mother Ganlin! You want to die! Cut him to death, brothers Ah Xin gave a loud drink.

"Wait!" Big B stopped, then looked at Zhan MI and asked, "where's my little brother Chen Haonan?"

"Bring it out!" Dongguan boy called out.

Then several and Liansheng's younger brother, Chen Haonan with blood all over, came out.

"Big Big man Chen Haonan is dying.

Big B's eyes want to crack: "let them go!"

"Pick! Who are you! Do you know the women who play Su sir? With this, they should go to the sea to feed the fish! " Cried the plane.

Big B smell speech immediately know why this all the way did not see the police, Gan! It must be the stupid thing of pheasant who can't control his crotch.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Tiansheng, telling him the reason.

After all, Su Xun is about to be transferred to the West Kowloon anti black group. Without his nod, even if Hong Xing beat Jiandong back, they would not be able to stand firm.

Will be born after receiving the call of big B, the face is gloomy as if can drip water.

Even if the current situation is the result of Su Xun's intention to support and win together and suppress their Hongxing.

But it's also because some fool himself handed the knife to Su Xun, and now it's their Hong Xing who is responsible.

"Mother Ganlin!"

Will be born a punch hit on the table, and then said to big B: "don't act rashly, wait for my side of the news, if they start, hit."

"Yes, I will."

"Back up, I'm going to visit Susir now." Hang up the phone, will be born expressionless said, his anger in the heart of pressure.

They are thieves, even if they can walk in the sun, but they are always thieves.

It's too easy for soldiers to deal with thieves.

Although Hong Xing is also related to the police force, since Su Xun can turn Jiandong into a police blank area, and there is no one in the police force to inform Hong Xing in advance.

That means that the relationship behind Su Xun is even harder. It's not worth offending him for Hong Xing's sake.

The source of this matter is Su Xun's daughter. If someone is raped, it should be solved from him.

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