"Hello, it's not convenient for me to listen to the phone now. Please leave a message if you have anything."

"Hello, it's not convenient for me right now..."

Su Xun even called three times, but no one answered.

This can be too Gan, elder brother, elder brother, I always tear the chain of your sister's skirt at night. You'd better drop my chain at the key time.

"Susir, who are you calling? It seems to be in a hurry. " Chen Jiaju asked curiously.

Su Xun looked at Chen Jiaju: "Jiaju, there is a problem now, that is, there are bandits on the ship."

"This Is that a question? " Chen Jiaju asked.

Su Xun

I haven't seen you for more than a month. Have you gone so far?

It's like you can fly to the sky at any time without two eggs below.

Chen Jiaju said with a smile: "slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, should it be a problem for Su sir?"

"Well, cough." Su Xun showed a satisfied smile and coughed twice: "although my strength is really strong, for the sake of the passengers on board, it's better to call the police, just in case."

"Susir has a point." Chen Jiaju nodded, mainly because the chief said that it must be reasonable.

Su Xun said, "I have a plan."

"All ears." Chen Jiaju listens.

Su Xun looked around, then said in a low voice, "if these gangsters want to fight, they will fight again in the high seas. First, we pretend that we didn't find anything, so as not to scare the snake. Then we call the police and wait for reinforcements. At that time, we will fight them all."

"Brilliant plan! How wonderful! Su Sir is really more intelligent than Zhuge to win Zijian. If uncle Liu had your help, he would have ruled the country for a long time. " Chen Jiaju gave a big praise and raised his thumb with excitement.

Su Xun suddenly asked, "have you been promoted?"

"Su Sir is really clever. Thanks to the director's attention, he was promoted to a higher level." Chen Jiaju said.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "no wonder."

It turns out that I've tasted the benefits of being a licking dog. No wonder now I'm so smooth.

"Call Raymond now and ask him to inform the Flying Tigers to come." Su Xun said to Chen Jiaju.

It's been a long time since the ships left the port. It's estimated that the flying tigers will arrive in the afternoon after a series of transfers.

But fortunately, the bandits only started at night.

In the original movie, it was the thunder team of Taiwan Island who finally parachuted to rescue the hostages and killed the bandits.

Now, as a Hong Kong Island policeman, can Su Xun give the credit to them?

There are dozens of hundreds of billions of rich people on this ship. It's all human debt that saved them.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

Yazi came with the box.

"We're saying you look good."

Su Xun said casually, and then he put his arms around her waist: "Jiaju, let's go first."

"Sue, take your time." Chen Jiaju watched them leave, and then began to look for food everywhere.

Yazi asked curiously, "why is brother Ju on the boat, and what special task is he doing?"

"He is now Meng Bo, a private detective who makes extra money from casual work." Su Xun said casually.

"Oh." Bud son suddenly realized, in the police force, take private work this kind of thing is not strange.

Because the police have an advantage, it's normal for them to play as a detective in their spare time to earn extra money.

Su Xun said, "Yazi, you are my lucky goddess. There is no white belt in the box."

"Then you're the lucky lady?" Bud son blushed and blinked.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I've done a lot of goddesses, but the goddess of luck can't be ranked."

"Boasting, female psychosis is almost the same." Bud son pie pie pie mouth, naturally won't take this words seriously.

"Say a word, Sao Rui will be ok?"

A cheap voice came into my ear.

Su Xun and Yazi subconsciously looked at the past.

I saw a young man in a suit and hat looking at three blonde foreigners: "it's a foreigner. I scold you with a smile. Do you understand what I'm scolding?"

"Blue eyes and green eyebrows are not good people at first sight. You are dead bald, and you two are not good things at first sight. I wish you have AIDS!"

"Young man, didn't your father teach you to be polite when you went out?" The foreigner in the middle suddenly spoke fluent Cantonese.

"Ah The smile on his face was stiff and embarrassed.

Three foreigners shook their heads and passed him. One of them untied his trousers quickly.

"Young man, you've lost your pants again."


The big toe board looked down and suddenly exclaimed, and quickly bent down to lift the pants."Poof - that man is funny."

Yazi couldn't help laughing.

Su Xun said, "he's cheap. Let's go."

Big foot board is Huixiang's cousin.

When he got to the room, Su Xun told Yazi about the bandits on the ship.

"Ah! So what are we going to do now, go out and grab control of the ship? " Yazi is eager to try.

Su Xun asked, "how many weapons do you have?"

"A little bit." While Yazi was talking, he opened the box on the bed. A whole box of all kinds of weapons blinded Su Xun's eyes.

It's a million.

Su Xun took two pistols and pinned them to his waist. He also took two more clips: "don't act rashly. There are too many hostages on the ship. It's easy to be hurt by mistake. I've asked Jiaju to call the Flying Tigers."

"So you were just talking about that." Bud son suddenly realized that he took off his jeans in front of Su Xun and tied two pistols to his thighs.

Then put on a red skirt, who can think of that pair of slender legs hidden under the killing machine?

Killing hundreds of millions of Sushen's descendants every night.

It's a lot of sin.

"Come on, now, step on the spot."

Susian walked out of the room with her waist around her.


On the other hand, Kiyoko, whom Chen Jiaju is looking for everywhere, is hiding in a bedroom, preparing to take a bath.

She was sweating all the way to avoid the private detective her father wanted.

All of a sudden, she heard a conversation coming from the next room. Curiosity made her stick to the wall and eavesdrop.

"Just got the news that Meng Bo, the bounty hunter who was active on the island a few years ago, was also on board."

"This man is very troublesome, and everything that has him will be troublesome in the end. We'll solve him first."

"Keep quiet. Don't surprise the fat sheep on the boat. When we tie them to Thailand, we will be rich. Ha ha ha..."

"Ah Hearing that the other party is planning to kidnap, Qingzi is startled and can't help exclaiming.

The sound insulation effect between the rooms on the ship was not good. She could hear each other, and naturally the other heard her call.

The three gangsters looked at each other and then said to one of their men, "go to the next room and have a look."


A gangster loaded the gun out of the door.

Qingzi also knew that the other party must have heard his own voice, so he ran out of the room in a hurry.

Then she ran all the way to the cockpit. She was going to report it to the captain.

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