"Get them!"

Madonna points to Su Xun.

Five gangsters approached three with guns.

"Puyi -"

Gao Da threw out a playing card and killed two people on the spot. They were separated by their heads.

"Kang Kang!"

Su Xun and Yazi killed one by one.

"Ah, ah

The passengers in the banquet hall were all shivering with fright, holding their heads under the table.

"Kang Kang..."

For a moment, the ballroom was full of gunfire.

A bandit with a submachine gun is preparing to shoot. Huixiang suddenly gets up and opens her skirt, revealing the black pants inside.


The bandit with the submachine gun widened his eyes.

It's all a man's subconscious reaction.


Huixiang took the opportunity to knock it down with a side kick.

"Look at your sister

Huixiang hummed and scolded, then picked up the submachine gun to shoot at the bandits.

Meng Bo and a golden white man under Madonna were fighting. They jumped up and down and fought farther and farther. Finally, they both rode out of the banquet hall.

"Go! Don't love war

Su Xun yelled. There were a lot of bandits on the ship. They couldn't kill them all.

It's the only way to save your life.

As for the hostages, the bandits will not kill them because they spend so much time just for money.

Hui Xiang, Su Xun, Ya Zi and Gao Da are fighting and retreating. Gao Da is shot in the hand.

"Don't chase! Control these fat sheep first Said Madonna, pointing to the hostages.

As long as the bad guys are still on the ship, blow up the ship in the retreat.

Let them go to the bottom of the sea with the boat.

Su Xun four people came to the street machine room and saw Chen Jiaju and the blonde fighting inside.

This war is the serious one.

However, the two men's fight was a little strange, like a psycho, which made several people look confused.

Su Xun took a look at the smashed game console. It was obvious that Chen Jiaju had been electrocuted.

It seems that in the movie, Chen Jiaju and the villain become the characters in the street tyrant. The fight is just Chen Jiaju's illusion after being electrocuted. Otherwise, it would be amazing.


"What a bother.". Yazi directly raised his hand and shot the foreigner who jumped up and down.

The foreigner widened his eyes, covered his bleeding chest and fell to the ground slowly.

He must want to say that young people don't talk about martial arts.

After the foreigner died, Chen Jiaju still danced around in the middle of the challenge arena, and learned a few sissy moves from women. She was really hot eyed.

"What is he doing?" Yazi asked.

Susian went over and took the plug. That's what happened in the movie.

Sure enough, after he took the plug off, Chen Jiaju was excited and returned to normal.

"What just happened?" He asked.

Yazi and Huixiang said with one voice: "we also want to know what happened to you just now."

"We are outnumbered. What should we do now?" Gundam covers his arm after being shot and bleeding.


Just then, a murmur came out.

It's the sound of a helicopter propeller.

Su Xun and Yazi smile: "let's go. It must be the Flying Tigers. Go to the deck outside."

When the four came to the deck, they saw two armed helicopters with flying tiger patterns hovering in the sky.

Then one by one armed flying tiger team members down the ladder from the helicopter landing on the deck.

There are more than 100 people in the Flying Tigers. This time, there are four teams, a total of 40 people.

"Su Xun, senior inspector of the anti Mafia group."

After all the Flying Tigers landed, Su Xun came forward with his ID card to show his identity.

In fact, it's totally unnecessary, because his face is identity.

but the world as like as two peas is a bit too many, so it's better to keep the certificates.

"Hello, sir!" Everyone cried in unison.

Seeing a familiar face, Su Xun blurted out: "Zhang Lang?"

"Report, sir, you are mistaken. My name is Zhou Xingxing!" Zhou Xingxing said with a straight chest and head.

With a smile, Su Xun went to his ear and said, "the complex emotions in your eyes betray you, Zhang. Zhou Xingxing. Lang."

"Sir, you don't have to tell me if you know. I have no face." Zhou Xingxing said helplessly.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "at least our aesthetic values are the same. Do a good job in the Flying Tigers. I'm optimistic about you. Your boss and I are brothers."

"True or false." As soon as Zhou Xingxing's eyes are bright, he always fails in the Flying Tigers examination. If there is someone on it, won't he get full marks in the future?But when he thought that Zhou Wenli, whom he had never touched, was arched by Su Xun, he was very depressed.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the bandits have strong firepower. We must protect the safety of the hostages. Take action!"

At his command, four teams. Methodical teamwork began to break through.

The special team is the special team, which is not comparable to the mob.

Su Xun mixed up behind the Flying Tigers to grab the head and took away a small pot friend with one shot.

"Kang Kang..."

"Dada dada..."

"Ah! Here comes the police! Run

As the Flying Tigers stormed into the banquet hall, the bandits in the banquet hall fled everywhere.

Madonna sprang up, grabbed the railing on the second floor and tried to escape from the second floor.

But as soon as he turned it over, a big foot in his sight became bigger and bigger, and his face suddenly changed.


He was kicked down by the kick.

"Silly beep, want to run! Have you asked me? "

Su Xun jumped down from the second floor.


McDonnell roared and rushed to Su Xun.


Just rushed out, he was kicked back, hit on the ground, spit blood, ribs were kicked off, pierced the lungs, curled up on the ground and wailed.

"Chinese Kung Fu! Chinese Kung Fu

Madonna stares at Su Xun in horror.

"It's a great honor for you to taste the most authentic Chinese Kungfu, and you can be regarded as a local product."

Su Xun came forward and picked up his collar. He threw it to the flying tigers like a chicken.

"Report, sir, all the bandits on board were killed and the rest captured alive. All the hostages were successfully rescued." The leader of the flying tiger team came to report.

The flying tigers are also a group of two teams. Today's four teams are two teams.

"Thank you so much, sir. If it weren't for you today, we would be more or less lucky!"

"Yes, yes, sir Su is indeed the patron saint of the people on Hong Kong Island. I will donate money to the police force when I go back."

"I must send a banner to Su sir..."

All the people who were saved were grateful to susian for a while. After all, they saved their lives.

"Report, sir! A helicopter is approaching

Suddenly, a member of the Flying Tigers reported.

"Ah! It can't be an accomplice of the bandits

"What can I do..."

The passengers are in a panic again. They are just like frightened birds.

"Don't panic. I'll go out and have a look. The flying tigers will follow me." Su Xun said.

Yazi and Huixiang also followed.

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