"Brother, you smoke. Brother, can you tell me your secret?"

After Huang Yao left, Zhou Xingxing surrounded Su Xun and worshipped him to the extreme.

Step on two boats, two women don't mind, even women's parents don't mind.

This is a fairy!

If Zhou Xingxing can learn one and a half moves, he won't suffer any more in the late night.

"Isn't it just a face?"

Su Xun pointed to his face.

Zhou Xingxing was stunned, and then showed a bitter smile, which is not legal.

Unless he goes for plastic surgery, how else can he catch up with Su Xun's handsome?

"Young people, don't think about women all the time. That's what it is to have too many women. Put more attention on work." Su Xun said earnestly.

Zhou Xingxing said, "but don't you do it?"

"Can I do the same? I've got a background, and I've done my job by the way. " Su Xun said with pride.

Zhou Xingxing stared at the dog: "for the first time, I took it for granted to eat soft food."

"I'll teach you the truth of life. When you meet a good man, you start a family first, when you meet a noble man, you start a career first, and when you meet a rich woman, you start a family and a career again." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and left with a cigarette in his mouth: "don't forget to report to school tomorrow."

Zhou Xingxing sat in situ thinking about life, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he suddenly realized.

"It's better to listen to you than to read for ten years. No wonder you can pry my corner. The most important thing in my life is not to be shameful!"

After Su Xun left the headquarters of the flying tigers, he drove to Qingyun film and television company to meet shalena.

I haven't moistened her for a long time. No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will wither if they are not watered often.

But I didn't expect to get a call from Jiang Tiansheng on the way.

"What's the matter?" Su Xun drives with one hand and answers the phone with the other.

"Susir, I've got the right to operate the new casino of he family in Aodao. I don't know if you're interested. We can open it five or five." Will be born said.

He Liansheng can occupy Hongxing's territory again and again. To put it bluntly, it is because of Su Xun's support.

Hong Xing and Su Xun must make up the gap and enhance their relationship, otherwise they will always lag behind and win one step.

The best way to enhance the relationship is not to send money, but to cooperate. As long as there is cooperation between the two, the bond of this relationship will not break.

Moreover, he knew that the Qingyun film and television company, which Su Xun had a woman in charge of, could cooperate with each other through the company, without paying bribes.

After hearing this, Su Xun pondered for a moment: "I'm on my way to Qingyun film and television company. You can go there now. We'll talk there. You know, my business is always managed by my woman."

"OK, sir, I'll be there now."

A moment later, the two ended the call.

The casinos of Ho's family on the island of Austria, that is the sharp weapon for attracting money. As long as they open, they will not lose money.

And it's only going to make a lot of money.

The money sent to the door, normal cooperation, can not be regarded as bribery, do not earn white do not earn it.

In fact, this is a disguised form of bribery, because if you don't have his identity, you will be born to eat alone. Isn't it good? How can you cooperate with him?


Qingyun film and television company.

Since its opening, it has successively shot films such as "the same road in wind and rain" and "the true colors of heroes", which have been highly praised in the market and are thriving.

After all, Qingyun film and television company's external publicity is a real case adaptation, which is a gimmick.

In addition, we all know the background of this company. Basically, there is no dilemma between black and white.

So the company's performance is rising steadily all the way.

Su Xun directly pushed the door of the chairman's office and went in.

"Ah! It's you. You scared me

Dressed in a black suit and with short hair, salina stares at Su Xun and pats her chest.

"How can you be scared? Are you hiding a man behind my back? After all, there are so many handsome guys in the company. "

Su Xun closed the door and went over.

"Yes, I'm lucky to have a few every night."

Salina rolled her eyes and then got up to pour him tea. "What's the matter with you?"

"Can't you come?" Su Xun held her in his arms and tried the quality of silk and socks with his hands.

Shaliana soon blushed, and Jiao didi said, "I thought I had forgotten. It's really necrotic. As soon as I come, I will bully others."

"I'm bullying my wife in my own company. It's natural. Don't move."

Soon, the voice of the two people's lines sounded in the office, but the lines made people blush.

"Dong Dong..."

The Secretary knocked on the office door with a red face: "Chairman, a general is here."

"Keep him waiting." Sue looked back.The Secretary ran away with a red face and came to the lounge. He said to Jiang Tiansheng, "excuse me, Mr. Jiang. Just a moment. Our boss is busy."

Busy being busy.

"Good." Will be born a smile, take a cup of tea taste, a pair of not anxious not slow appearance.

He is very similar to Lin huaile of Liansheng, and it is often suspected that they are relatives.

About half an hour later, the secretary came in again: "Mr. Jiang, please follow me."

Jiang Tiansheng sorted out his clothes, and then followed the Secretary to the office.

In the office, susian was sitting on the sofa with her legs cocked, and salina was helping him pinch his shoulders.

"Susir, Miss salina."

Will be born a smile to say hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Jiang." Salina nods in response.

Su Xun patted the sofa: "come and sit down."

Will be born to sit down, and then take out a cigarette lit up a smoke.

"It's confirmed at the casino?" Su Xun asked casually.

Just after working with salina, when he entered the sage time, he suddenly remembered that hongxingna gambling house is the plot of the second movie of guhuozi.

Taiwan Island Sanlian Gang finally bribed Mr. He's confidants and robbed the casino.

"It's basically certain." Will be born confident.

Su Xun spat out a puff of smoke: "I heard that the Sanlian Gang is also eyeing this casino. They will bribe the people around Mr. He. Please pay attention."

"Thank you, sir."

He didn't doubt the truth of the information, but he was shocked by the source of Su Xun's information.

He just told susian about the gambling house. Susian heard the news so quickly. It's amazing.

"Since you want to take me to make a fortune together, I can't do nothing but pay for it. Next month I'm going to Taidao, and I'll go to the Sanlian side to deal with it."

Su Xun shook his ashes, his voice was calm, but he revealed an unquestionable confidence.

"I'll trouble you, sir." Sanlian gang has a history of 30 years on Taiwan Island, and its influence is no less powerful than that of Hongxing.

Susian grabbed salina's hand and said, "if there's anything in the back, just talk to my wife. Don't look for me."

"Yes, sir." Will be born to nod.

In a few words, the matter was settled.

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