August 25th, 8 a.m.

Today is Saturday.

The back hill of Edinburgh school.

Dafei is waiting here with a group of people.

There are also several foreigners. These are the buyers of Dafei's weapons, international terrorists and terrorists.

Dafei in order to avoid a long dream, ready to get the gun after a while directly on the spot trading.

Without 10 years of cerebral thrombosis, we can't think of this way of trading, not even one year less.

Because it was Su Xun, Dafei was very cautious and ambushed a group of people.

This was not in the movie.

After all, in the movie, Dafei doesn't know which onion Zhou Xingxing is, so he won't be so defensive.

But now he is about to face, but the realm of gunshot king, the crazy devil Su sir!

For their own personal safety and customer's personal safety, no matter how careful.

"Brother, look, he's coming."

A little brother suddenly called out.

Dafei turned to look at the intersection, the familiar truck appeared in the line of sight.

There was no other vehicle behind him. It was a relief for Dafei that he didn't play tricks.

Soon the truck stopped at the top of the mountain.

Then Su Xun stopped and got out of the car.

"Sir! Be careful

Uncle Da yelled at Su Xun.

"Dafei, your goods are here. Let them go." Susian took out a lighter to light a cigarette.

"How dare I not listen to Su sir?" Dafei smiles and winks at his younger brother.

Then they let Zhou Xingxing and Da Shu go.

It's just for the time being. When the deal is over, I'll give it all to you.

Zhou Xingxing and uncle Da ran to Su Xun.

"Sorry, sir."

Zhou Xingxing can't hang on his face. After all, this time he was too shameful. He is the flying tigers!

"Cut the crap."

Su Xun secretly handed each of them a gun.

Dafei said to the foreigners: "friends, you can go up to inspect the goods."

A few foreigners look at each other, then step forward to open the container, and then stare big eyes.

"Dada dada..."

A burst of gunfire rang out, several foreigners were directly beaten into a sieve, blood splashed, the body fell to the ground.

Then a group of armed Flying Tigers jumped out of the car and surprised Dafei.

"Mad! It's a trick! Cover me

Dafei's face changed greatly and he turned around to run.

But there are others who run faster than him.

Those are the people he ambushed in the dark.

They were all the shooters he paid for. After seeing the flying tigers, they turned around and ran away.

It's OK to let them shoot, but they don't have the guts to let them and the Flying Tigers shoot.

"Fuck! Take money and do nothing, a group of dishonest bastards! " Dafei yelled.

"Kang Kang..."

Zhou Xingxing shot continuously and killed the enemy bravely.


"Don't move, all of you squat down with your heads in your arms!"

"Lose all your guns, hold your head and squat down!"

Su Xun yelled as he fired.

"Sir, don't shoot, I surrender!"

"I surrender, too! I surrender

Dafei's younger brother is a group of mobs, panic to have lost the gun surrender.

Dafei see the situation has gone, can only indignantly lost the gun, also hold the head squatting on the ground.

"Hit him!"

Zhou Xingxing and Da Shu look at each other. They want to avenge their disfigurement last night.

"Wait!" Dafei yelled.

Zhou Xingxing and Da Shu were startled.

Dafei said pitifully, "Sir, please, can you not slap me in the face?"

"What do you say?"

Zhou Xingxing and Da Shu gave a grim smile and rushed over to greet him.

"Ah! The police have killed people! Is there any royal law? Is there any reason? "

The Flying Tigers simply ignored the scene.

The lost police gun was recovered, Dafei was arrested, the arms buyer was killed, and the operation was successful.

But because there is no movie where Dafei and others rush into the school and Stephen Chow rescues the students.

So the credit for this action was discounted. Su Xun and Zhou Xingxing were not promoted.

But this time, the credit must have been recorded, and the next time I make a contribution, I will definitely be promoted.

At least they can leave school.

Zhou Xingxing doesn't want to stay for a second. Edinburgh school is hell for him.

Su Xun stayed for a few days, but he min and Su Xun were already in an ambiguous state, so they almost broke the film.This membrane has two meanings.

Su Xun is experienced, so he knows what he min likes and dislikes.

Picking up a girl is what you like.

So he watched the strategy and then played the game.

There's no difficulty.

When he comes back from Taiwan Island, he will be able to pierce the membrane completely.


September 1st.

Su Xun, with more than 40 members of the Flying Tigers in four groups, flew to Taiwan island by plane.

In addition to the flying tigers, he also took Li Ying, Miao Zhishun and borrowed Chen Jiaju.

In this small area of Taiwan Island, is it su Sir's way?

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the crowd arrived at Taidao.

Su Xun wore a silver suit and walked in front with a cigarette in his mouth. Behind him were a group of Flying Tigers wearing black suits and earphones.

It can be said that it is a time of fashion.

The people went directly to the Heaton hotel.

Su Xun packed all the rooms on the whole floor.

Money is so inhumane.

"I wish I could stay in this kind of hotel every time I go on a business trip." Zhou Xingxing went to the city like a bun.

To be exact, he's a bumpkin going to town.

Chen Jiaju said: "the police force is not as generous as Su sir. Su Sir never treats his brothers badly."

"You are baking me on the fire." Su Xun pointed at him, and then said to all the people, "OK, I'll treat you tonight. If you want anything, you don't want to drink any wine. I'll find a girl to enjoy myself at night."

Everyone is in high spirits. It doesn't matter whether they eat or not. They mainly want to have fun.

To experience the local customs.

Mainly people and feelings.

"Susir, that's not good." Zhou Xingxing rubbed his hands, a embarrassed expression.

He is still a man.

Su Xun said, "then you don't have to go."

"I want to unite around the officer all the time!" Zhou Xingxing immediately stood at attention and saluted.

It made people laugh.

After arriving at the room, Su Xun took a bath first, and then gave orders to Miao Zhishun: "you go to pay homage to Lei Gong and tell him that I will visit him in person tomorrow morning."

Lei Gong is now not only the leader of the San Lian Gang, but also a legislator. For the time being, Li Ge is higher than Su sir.

So it is unrealistic for Lei Gong to meet him.

"Yes, sir." Miao Zhishun turns and leaves.

Then Su Xun called Li Ying: "take some brothers, now go and get the weapons back."

Weapons can't be brought on the plane, so before you come to Taiwan Island, you should make a reservation with the people here.

Fifty pistols, grenades, stun bombs, more than a thousand bullets for a rainy day.

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