Bringing back the body of pheasant can be regarded as a case of arrest. The only bad thing about Su Sir is that he was washed away.

No criminal can escape from the evil killer Susir unless he voluntarily releases the water.

"Thank you so much for killing pheasant to avenge my husband. I will always remember Su Sir's kindness." Ding Yao returns the pistol in person, Li Hua Dai Yu says.

Women are born actors.

She knew that she couldn't get rid of Su Xun. After listening to Su Xun, she could take the position of leader of Sanlian Gang as Lei Gong's woman.

But if he didn't listen, as long as Su Xun let out the picture of her shooting Lei Gong, the people of the Sanlian gang would kill her in the name of Lei Gong's revenge.

Then the internal competition for power and profit.

So, she has no choice.

If she has a choice, she wants to be a good person.

Su Xun looked at her with a smile: "it's really kindness. I just helped you do what you want to do."

Without him, Ding Yao would have killed Lei Gong.

And now Su Xun helped her achieve her goal.

Of course, she was also controlled by Su Xun.

The world is like this. There are gains and losses. There is no way to have the best of both worlds.

If Ding Yao develops in the original way, she will die in the end. Su Xun is very kind to her.

Lei Gong's death has caused a great sensation in Taiwan. After all, he has just been elected a legislator.

However, within the Sanlian Gang, Ding Yao didn't encounter any difficulties when he took the post of temporary leader.

Because she is so good at acting and has been acting for so many years, the whole Sanlian gang has no doubt about her loyalty to Lei Gong.

Besides, Ding Yao also said that she did not always serve as the leader of the gang, but only temporarily. She would choose another leader when she waited for the three-year internal meeting.

Su Xun avenged Lei Gong by killing the pheasant who "killed" Lei Gong. Now he is a guest of the Sanlian Gang, and Ding Yao arranges him to live in Lei Fu temporarily.

"Mr. Su, the bath water is ready."

The servant came and said respectfully.


Su Xun put down the newspaper and went back to the bedroom upstairs. He pushed open the bathroom door, only to find Ding Yao lying in the bathtub with her long white legs on it.

Ding Yao's long hair Cape, black green silk and white skin form a sharp contrast.

Two slender legs are slender and straight.

She also put on light makeup.

"Susir, I'll rub your back for you."

Ding Yao gave Su Xun a charming smile. She slowly got up from the bathtub and showed her delicate body.

This is what she is best at, using her body to control men and achieve her goals.

No matter how powerful Su Xun was, he was just a man.

I don't believe that he can take care of himself.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped in the face.


Ding Yao screamed, covered her face and looked at Su Xun inconceivably.

I didn't expect that Su Xun could do anything to such a beautiful woman.

"Ding Yao, don't play tricks with me. Put away your tricks on others. As long as you are obedient, I won't embarrass you. People who think they are smart often die the fastest."

Su Xun held her chin in a cold voice.

Is he a lecheron? (◍ၸ◍)

"yes Yes, sir, I'm wrong... "

Ding Yao's eyes were frightened.

She could feel Su Xun's strong intention to kill.

"Go away!"

Su Xun let her go.

Ding Yao clenched her lips, covered her face, naked, and ran out of Su's bedroom.

She felt more humiliated than frightened.

She took off her clothes. Su Xun didn't even look at them. It was a shame to her charm.

"When I am a pheasant, or Gaojie?"

Su Xun sneered. Only those two idiots would be fascinated by Ding Yao.

Gao Jie, in particular, did so many things for Ding Yao that he didn't dare to touch her.

On the one hand, he licks Ding Yao, on the other hand, he is afraid of Lei Gong, so Lei Gong does not die. He dare not touch Ding Yao, but when Lei Gong dies, he has no effect.

So in the movie, this guy is the most stupid and miserable one, and he will be lost when he is used up.

Ding Yao is a real beauty.


September 8.

Lei Gong's funeral is over.

Su Xun took people back to Hong Kong Island.

When he comes back, he will continue to take over the work of the anti triad group.

On the other hand, Zhou Xingxing and Da Shu have been transferred. Zhou Xingxing has already submitted an application for transfer before going to Taiwan Island.

Because he didn't want to go to the Flying Tigers at the beginning, he didn't get a promotion in Edinburgh school last time, but it's OK to transfer with hard work.Uncle DA has been an undercover for many years. Now he has returned to the police force, and he has not yet arranged specific duties.

New Territories South police region.

Director's office.

Yu suqiu, Assistant Commissioner of police and director of New Territories South police region, looked through the information of Uncle DA and Zhou Xingxing, and then asked, "Cao Dahua, Zhou Xingxing, where do you want to go?"

"Which department is the most dangerous." Uncle Da asked.

Yu suqiu eyebrows a pick: "serious case group."

"Then the crime squad!" Uncle Da's face was calm.

Yu suqiu looked at the powerful and domineering uncle Da, and felt that his heart, which had been silent for many years, suddenly regained its vitality: "OK, then Cao Dahua will go to the crime squad. What about Zhou Xingxing?"

She thought, this is probably love at first sight.

He is also called Wang ba. He looks at mung bean and looks at the right eye.

"Not as good as the traffic section." Zhou Xingxing joked.

Yu suqiu also smiles at him, and then really arranges him to go to the traffic section, number pc167.

"No, sir, I'll say it casually!"

Zhou Xingxing jumps on the table and looks at Yu suqiu.

"But I'm serious. Get out!"

Yu suqiu points to the door of the office and shouts.

"Gan! The traffic section is the traffic section. "

Zhou Xingxing shrugged and walked out of the office.

"Sir, Zhou Xingxing is a hero. You shouldn't do this to him." Uncle Da is also forced by his old clothes, and he feels that Sir has feelings for himself.

Sleep with her, and you will be developed!

Yu suqiu is always inexplicably gentle in the face of Uncle Da: "you're right. I'll pay attention next time."

"Well." Da Shu nodded quietly, and then said, "I'll go to the crime unit to report."

"Crime squad is very dangerous, or change it." Yu suqiu can't help but remind.

Uncle Da snorted, "are you teaching me to do things?"

Cao Dahua is a hard eater.

"No, how could it be." Yu suqiu said with a smile, "I just want to remind you to be careful."

Oh, MAIGA, how can there be such a powerful man? His eyes have conquered me.

Uncle Da disdained: "what is this? It's not dangerous. I'm not going yet. I'm leaving."

With that, he swaggered away.

Yu suqiu is sitting on the chair with a flower like smile on her face. She likes this man very much.

That sobs the vicissitudes of life the beard, fills the story the look in the eyes, as well as faces her not humble not to be overbearing manner.

She was attracted to everything.

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