In an abandoned factory.


There was a scream.

"Yang En, hold on!"

Tianyangen gouged out the bullet in tianyangen's chest with a knife, and then began to stop bleeding.

Growing up in the war, they are already very skilled in dealing with their wounds.

"Yangzhi, take care of Yangen. Yangyi and I will go to find the tiger boy who gave us the bomb."

After helping Tian Yangen deal with the wound, Tian Yangsheng wiped the blood on his hand and said to Tian Yangzhi.

"No! No, let Yangzhi go with you. I don't have to worry. Just keep a gun. "

Tian Yangen said with a pale face.

"No, just do as I say."

Day health strong decision, and then with day health righteousness, two people take the guy out of the door.


At the same time, Su Xun had already focused on tiger boy.

From the beginning to the end of the case, he knew that senior superintendent Zhang Wenyao and chief inspector mo were behind the scenes.

The difficulty lies in obtaining evidence.

It is impossible to appoint two senior colleagues of the police force without sufficient evidence.

The only person who knows Zhang Wenyao's identity behind the scenes is he Yongqiang, the original head of the cash truck escort.

Because he was afraid of being killed, he pretended to be a fool and hid in a mental hospital.

But even if he Yongqiang, who was involved in the crime at the beginning, came forward to testify against Zhang Wenyao, but after half a year, there was no exact evidence, and his testimony was useless.

Because it is impossible for the police to listen to the one-sided words of the criminals and decide a case against a senior police superintendent without material evidence, which does not meet the requirements.

The biggest difficulty is that no one knows where the stolen money is except Zhang Wenyao.

So Su thought about it and thought that he should follow the general track of the film.

We should use the bandits to force Zhang Wenyao to abscond with the stolen money in panic, and then capture the personal stolen money.

By the way, we'll catch all the bandits.

"Susir, will the gang really come?"

Wei Jinghao stares at Tiger's door.

"Are you questioning Su Sir's judgment Chen Jiaju was also transferred to the task force.

Since he tasted the benefits of being a dog licker, he finally got rid of the curse of not being promoted.

Wei Jinghao quickly explained: "no, no, I just I just can't figure out the reason. "

"Tiger boy is the biggest arms dealer in this area. Half a year ago, so many bombs were used in the robbery. It is likely that he provided them." Su Xun talks nonsense.

But it sounds reasonable.

Wei Jinghao suddenly realized: "Oh, so it is. Su Sir is really thoughtful."

"Bullshit, why else are they chief inspectors and you're just police officers?" Chen Jiaju turned his lips.

Chen Jin suddenly said: "Su sir, look

They all looked down from the top.

Downstairs, two young men in leather and sunglasses went to tiger's house.

"Mad!" See days health, Fang Yiwei that is the enemy meet, especially red eyed, immediately want to rush.

This punch, not with hands, but with feet.

Su Xun grabbed him by the corner of his coat and said coldly, "next time, get out of the special group."

Fang Yiwei wants to take revenge. He doesn't care. If he delays his promotion, he will have revenge.

"Sorry, sir." Fang Yiwei pursed his lips.

Su Xun took back his eyes: "in a moment, just pretend to catch them. Don't get too close to them."

What he wants is that he forces them to keep in good health, and then uses them to force Zhang Wenyao to show himself, instead of seizing them now.

Who let the film did not say where Zhang Wenyao hid his money, did not give him this shot.

"How to ensure the safety of tiger cubs?" Wei Jinghao asked.

Su Xun said: "why should the safety of an arms dealer be guaranteed? If he doesn't die, it's his life. "

"But..." Wei Jinghao wanted to say that it was not in line with the rules, but when he saw that other people looked at him like silly beeps, he swallowed the words back.

Downstairs, Tian Shengsheng kicks open the door of tiger's house and takes two brothers in.

"Who is it! Looking for death You... "

Tiger cub came out cursing. After he recognized tianyangsheng, he turned around and ran without hesitation.


The gunshot rang out and tiger was hit in the leg.


Tiger boy screamed and fell to the ground.

"Brother, it's nothing to do with me. It's nothing to do with me. I was only responsible for giving you the bomb. I only shared my share of the money. I can take it out."

Tiger cub panic said, forced to bear the pain to get up, kneel on the ground, constantly kowtow."Who was behind the robbery six months ago and who swallowed our money?"

The sky keeps in good health the facial expression says.

"I I don't know. You go to he Yongqiang, you go to he Yongqiang! "

Tiger cubs are crying.

"He Yongqiang."

Tian Shengsheng read the name again, then took a look at Tiger boy and pulled the trigger on him.

"Kang Kang..."

Tiger's body fell to the ground.


Two people leisurely walked out.

"Hong Kong Island police! Lay down your arms and surrender

As soon as they came out, there was a loud drink, followed by gunfire.

"Kang Kang..."


"Don't get entangled, let's go!"

Tianshengsheng said while fighting back.

Now they have heard about he Yongqiang. Tiger boy is dead. The police will not know that the case was related to he Yongqiang.

So they are one step ahead of the police. They just need to find he Yongqiang and ask him to tell him who was behind the scenes and then kill him.

After a "fierce" gunfight, tianshengsheng and tianshengsheng successfully escaped the police.

Su Xun takes Fang Yiwei and others into the tiger's home and sees the tiger's body at a glance.

"Let someone collect the corpse. Get ready. There will be another battle. The next person will keep it."

Su Xun said softly.

Tiger cubs can die, but he Yongqiang must keep them.

Zhang Wenyao will soon know that he Yongqiang is pretending to be mentally ill, and his psychological pressure will be greater.

On the one hand, they are afraid of the weather.

On the other hand, he Yongqiang is afraid to betray him.

Under this kind of double pressure, he will definitely have the idea of running with money more quickly.

But Su Xun had already arranged for Yazi to stare at him. He moved and Su Xun would get the news.

Before dawn tomorrow morning, Su Xun wanted to close the case, and it didn't meet his requirements for more than one day.

"Ding Ding..."

About 40 minutes later, Su Xun received a phone call from Miao Zhishun who was staring at him at the mental hospital.

"Su sir, you're right. They really came to the mental hospital and took the escort supervisor he Yongqiang. I'm driving behind them."

"Be careful. We'll be right here."

Su Xun hung up the phone, and then said to Chen Jin and others, "tianshengsheng has just taken the escorting director he Yongqiang from the mental hospital six months ago. My people are following them. Now we are in a hurry."

Everyone looks at each other. Why do you feel that Su Sir is always one step ahead of the robber?

You're with the robbers.

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