Lei Fuhong is Lei Gong's son.

I have been studying in magnesium before.

It's from "the winner is the king".

In the movie, he puts on an attitude that he has no intention to interfere in the affairs of the triad gang. In fact, he colludes with the caowa Lang of the Yamada group of the island state to cooperate with the new government of Taiwan Island in order to unify the whole black Association of Taiwan Island.

However, the DPP in the new government is only playing tricks on him, because the DPP has long been determined to eliminate the black and astringent society and completely end Taiwan's years of black and gold politics.

However, because Su Xun killed Lei Gong and pheasant in advance, Lei Fuhong returned home early.

At this time, Taiwan was still ruled by the DPP, and the DPP had not yet come to power, so the black gold politics prevailed.

Even Zhou Chaoxian called to tell him that he was ready to take part in the election of the next District legislator.

So where will Lei Fuhong go?

"Are you listening, sir?" Ding Yao asked.

Su Xun then came back to his senses: "just give him up. Don't let him participate in the Sanlian gang."

At this time, Lei Fuhong can't die, otherwise the triad will think that Ding Yao killed him.

At that time, even if she said it with two mouths, there was still water that she couldn't say clearly.

"Su sir, but Mr. Jin and Mr. zhongyongbo are loyal to the Lei family. They will definitely support Lei Fuhong in his position." Ding Yao is worried.

Lei Fuhong is the son of Lei Gong. She was born to be the leader of the gang. If she is asked to hand over the power to Lei Fuhong, she can't refuse.

Once she refuses, her establishment will collapse. Those who support her and those who oppose her will split the triad. This is not the result she wants to see.

Su Xun said coldly: "Lei Fuhong can't die, can't they two old things?"

"Yes, sir, I see."

"You know a fart, you don't need to do it, you just need to sit in your place quietly." With that, Su Xun hung up and called Zhou Chaoxian.

Let him send someone to kill Sanlian Gang elder Jin and zhongyongbo. In this way, Lei Fuhong will lose internal support.

Just after finishing the call with Zhou Chaoxian, Yazi rushed in in in a hurry: "Su sir, it's not good. People from the political department are fighting with our guys."

"What's the matter?" While Su Xun was talking, he got up and went out of the office.

Yazi kept up with the situation while explaining: "after the people from the political department came, they said they were investigating a terrorist case. Our people's Congress carried out the corpse from the school, which must have alerted the terrorists and made them fall short of success."

"What kind of logic is that?" Su Xun was astonished. It turned out that the people who were more shameless than people were the people of the eagle kingdom.

However, the political department, Adam Smith noble school, terrorists.

These key words together, Su Xun's mind came up with a movie "truant Weilong 2".

Play truant in Weilong 2, there was the death of a member of the political department at Adam Smith noble school.

This film is about the leader of a group of terrorists who was captured by the eagle country.

This group of terrorists came to Hong Kong Island and threatened to blow up an aristocratic school if the eagles did not let their boss go.

The Adam Smith noble school is the most likely target.

Then the people from the political department, Cao Dahua, the tiger of serious cases, and Zhou Xingxing, the traffic police, all went to Adam Smith School as an undercover to wait for the bandits.

Later, the terrorists attacked the school on Christmas day, Zhou Xingxing returned to the flying tigers, forcibly robbed the officer's password card, ordered the Flying Tigers to attack, turned the tide and killed all the terrorists.

This is a big and serious case. Any case involving terrorists is a case shocking the world.

Adam Smith noble school is in Wanchai District. As the director of Wanchai police station, Su Xun feels that he has the responsibility and obligation to protect the school.

"Damn it! You are scolding

"Falk! I must complain to you! "

"Complain about you, malagobi!"

"Stop fighting!"

As soon as I got out of the police station, I saw that people in the political department were beaten by Chen Jiaju and others.

After all, this is the territory of the Wan Chai police station. How can these outsiders from the political department benefit?

While persuading people to fight, Li Ying tried to kick the people in the political department.

In the end, the political department found that people who tried to fight were more ruthless than those who fought (||๐)_ ๐)。

"Come on! Stop it all

Su Xun yelled.

Chen Jiaju and others just spread out one after another, revealing a few members of the political department with bruises and bruises.

"You guys, are you ok?"

Su Xun went up to say hello.

"Nothing? You try to see if it's OK! I tell you, I must complain you! Sure

The leader pointed to Su Xun and growled.

"Bang!"Su Xun knocked it down with one punch: "Ganlin Niang, dare to be so arrogant in Laozi's territory."

"You You You wait for me! "

The people in the political department fled.


An hour later, Hong Kong Island police headquarters.

Office of the Deputy Commissioner of police.


Su Xun called at the door.

"Come in." Cried deputy chief William.

At present, among the three deputy directors on Hong Kong Island, only deputy director Huang of the operations department is the only Chinese.

When Su Xun went in, he found his boss, Yu suqiu, Cao Dahua, Zhou Xingxing and the guy who had been punched by him today.

Besides, there was a middle-aged white man in his silver suit.

That guy is the Minister of politics - Pete.

"It's him! It's him! That's him

After Su Xun punched him, the guy was very jealous when he saw Su Xun.

"Sue! You have to give me an explanation! Why did you beat my subordinate Cai Yuanqi? " Pete questions Su Xun.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and lied in the groove. I didn't expect that my fist actually hit the future Commissioner of police.

The future first brother of the police force.

No wonder Cai Yuanqi was able to assemble the disbanded members of the political department to set up a secret operation team. It turned out that he had served as an official in the political department.

Yu suqiu looked at Su Xun and said, "just tell the truth. No one can wrongly treat you."

“yes——sir!” Su Xun saluted and then said, "Mr. Pitt, today my friend brought two corpses of members of your political department from Adam Smith noble school and called your people to get them back. Unexpectedly, your people didn't want to be grateful. Instead, they started beating my subordinates, and they also spoke rudely to me..."

"You fart!" Cai Yuanqi is not the wily senior officer of the police force. At present, he is just a high spirited young man.

Su Xun looked at William: "Sir, as you can see, he spoke rudely in front of all my subordinates in Wan Chai police station. If I guess correctly, my police rank should be higher than him."

"You You're spitting blood Cai Yuanqi was wronged. Although they made trouble first, it was the people from Wan Chai police station who beat people first.

"Come on! Shut up Peter yelled, and then said to Su Xun, "Su, our people are performing a secret mission..."

"Sir, is it about a group of terrorists entering Hong Kong Island?" Su Xun interrupted him.

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