"It's revenge! Malicious retaliation against officer Daying! It must be dealt with severely! "

The New Territories South Regional Commissioner of police roared hysterically, patting the table and looking very funny.

"Puyi --"

Fang Jiexia couldn't help laughing.

For a moment, everyone looked at her.

Eagle country police officers are all angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm professionally trained. I don't laugh unless I can't help it

Fang Jiexia shrugged and said with a smile.

"Shet!" The New Territories North Regional Director scolded and then said, "last night, all senior police officers of hawk nationality were attacked and intimidated. All this happened after the Wan Chai Director Su Xun was suspended. I have reason to suspect that he was retaliating!"

"I'm sorry sir, you said that all the senior officials of Eagle nationality were attacked, but the director was not attacked. How can you explain that?" Huang Yao said.


Peter, the Minister of politics, clapped his case and yelled with his red and swollen sausage mouth askew: "nonsense! If he dares to attack the director, he won't want to hang out on Hong Kong Island! "

"Don't be so angry, Mr. Pitt. I'm just correcting Sir's language mistakes." Huang Yao smiles.

The head of the finance department covered his bandaged forehead with one hand, gritted his teeth and said, "director, I propose to arrest Su Xun immediately! He is so lawless that he has to be sent to prison

"What about the evidence? If there is no evidence, you will frame your colleagues here. I will not agree, nor will the people of Hong Kong Island. " Fang Jiexia said.

"Falk! Damned bitch, don't forget, Hong Kong Island is still the territory of our Eagle people The Minister of security pointed at Fang Jiexia and swore.

The Hawks have always been the best people on Hong Kong Island. Now that Hong Kong Island is about to return, the Chinese are beginning to be strong, which hurts their sensitive heart.

Plus last night was beaten, so in the face of Fang Jiexia, he can not suppress anger.

Otherwise, these gentlemen on the surface will not be so impolite.

Now, he's in a hurry. He's in a hurry.

Fang Jiexia was scolded as a bitch, but she was not angry. She just laughed and didn't say much.

A scold will not lose a piece of meat.

Looking at the performance of these self styled gentlemen, which was different from that of ordinary people, she only found it funny and funny.

The director said coldly, "whether it's Su Xun or not, he's suspected. The security department goes to get someone to cooperate with the investigation, and the director of police who didn't go to the police last night is dismissed."

He wants to use thunder to quickly dispel those people's minds that they shouldn't have, and let them know that even if Hong Kong Island wants to return, it will be in the future.

at least has the final say of their hawks. If they are still in a day, the Chinese police will have to be a dog for a day below them.

If they are obedient, they will be rewarded. If they are not obedient, Su Xun will be their end.

As for the reaction of the people on Hong Kong Island, ha ha, isn't it just for the masses to fool?

What's more, do you really think their noble eagles will care about the reaction of a group of Chinese pariah?

Anyway, they are going to leave in a few years. In that case, what if they make a mess of Hong Kong Island?


Just then, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

An inspector ran in in a hurry: "director, it's not good, it's not good."

"What happened! Don't you know you have to knock before you come in? " The director yelled.

The inspector was sweating and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Mr. director, look out of the window."

The director frowned. Then he got up from his chair and went to the window. His face suddenly changed.

The others looked at each other, then curiously went to the window and were quiet.

Looking down from the top, the street outside the police headquarters has been blocked by uniformed grass-roots police officers.

At a glance, it is boundless.

"What the hell is going on! What are they doing! Why gather in the headquarters! "

The director yelled back at the inspector.

"Mr. director, from 9 a.m. to now, at least 2000 people have gathered outside, and a steady stream of people are coming. They are all carrying guns and asking for the restoration of the post of Wan Chai Director Su Xun."

The white inspector's face is even whiter. Once there is a fierce conflict among thousands of policemen with guns, the consequences are unimaginable.


Everyone was struck by lightning. Even Fang Jiexia, Huang Yao, deputy director Huang and other senior Chinese officials didn't expect that Su Xun had gone too far.

If it's not Su Xun's instruction, who believes it?

When did this happen on Hong Kong Island over the years?

Even in the most chaotic sixties and seventies, there was no case of police encircling the headquarters with guns.What's more, they suddenly realized that Su Xun's jurisdiction was clearly in Wan Chai. When could they control so many policemen?

"Damn it! Shetter! Fark! How dare this damn Yellow Bastard! How dare he! Send the tigers to kill him now! Kill him

A white deputy director roared in hysteria, but his face was in a panic.

"Damn it

The director gnashes his teeth, and his arm is blue. Can he still be called the director?

"Step, step..."

A rush of footsteps sounded, and a senior inspector rushed in: "officers, the police outside are starting to attack the headquarters, asking for instructions!"

"No conflict! Don't shoot! Don't hit people The director roared in a hurry.

Once the bloodshed ignites the anger of the Chinese police, they are doomed.

There are so many policemen out there. They can be drowned by one mouthful of saliva.

"Sir, we can't stop them."

The senior inspectors are sweating. The director is afraid. Those who rush to the front line are even more afraid.

Because if there is a conflict, the first ones to be killed must be those who obstruct on the front line.

"Go and tell them to go back first. I've received their request. Su Xun will be reinstated immediately!" The director was almost squeezed out of his teeth.

Compromise! This is not only a compromise made by the eagles to the Chinese, but also a disgrace to him.

No one objected, even the one who just clamored to arrest Su Xun.

It's not advice, it's strategic weakness.

"Get out of the way! Get out of here! Su Sir is reinstated

"Reinstate Su sir! Let's reinstate Su sir! "

"You can't do that..."

A disordered sound came into the ear, and everyone in the meeting room was confused.

After that, he turned pale.

"It's over. They're coming up."

The senior inspector reporting the news was bereaved.

"Come on! Let someone protect us! Close the door of the conference room! Don't let them rush in! "

"Now! Now! right off! Call Su Xun and tell him that he has been reinstated. Ask him to dissolve all these people! Go at once Growled the director.

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