In order to protect Yang qianer's safety, even the school asked her for leave and didn't have to go to work.

For Yang qian'er, she couldn't spare time. At first, it was OK. After a few days, she couldn't stand this kind of prison like life.

"I'm going to go shopping and have a big meal. I can't stand it any more, ah!"

Yang qian'er grabs her hair and looks at Xu Zhengyang, Su Xun and Fei Bo who are fighting against the landlord.

Feibo said: "Su sir, Comrade Xu, it's really not the same thing to lock Miss Yang up like this."

"Three more days, three more." Xu Zhengyang said expressionless face, out of a three.

Su finds out a seven to crush to death, casually says to Yang qian'er: "this is for your safety."

"Do you want to sleep with me at night?" Yang qian'er kicked the sofa.

She had to change clothes and take a bath in her own house secretly, just like being a thief.

Su Xun shrugged: "if Mr. Song has no opinion, I don't think I have either."

"Dream, I don't care, I have to go shopping today!" Yang qian'er said and went out.

Su Xun kicked on the coffee table at will.


The coffee table slipped in front of the door.

"Wow! No way

Feibo's eyes widened. How much strength is it? This understatement makes me feel that I can go to college.

"You are so powerful, you can protect me even if you go out. Please, let me go out!"

Yang qianer looks at Su Xun pitifully.

She has been locked up for four days, and her daily activity is villa. She feels crazy.

Xu Zhengyang said to Su Xun, "with us, there should be no problem."

"Well, for once today, you must stay at home." Su Xun lost his card.

Yang qian'er's eyes brightened and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "mm-hmm, I swear to Jesus."

Xu Zhengyang also left his cards on the table.

"Hey, no, no!"

Fat wave looked at his hands of double king 42 into a breakdown, at least let me win!

He's going to turn things around with this one.

"I'm going to change."

Yang qianer ran upstairs in high spirits.

Half an hour later, six people went out.

"Ah Qiang and I drive this car. Feibo and Zhengyang, you take Miss Yang and her nephew to drive my car."

Su Xun drives Yang qianer's car in order to confuse potential enemies. He asks a Qiang to join him because he is not sure whether a Qiang is a traitor.

He remembers that it seems to be in the movie, but he thinks it's not. This kind of thing can't be careless, and he can't draw conclusions at will, so he has to observe it.

A few minutes later, two cars drove out of the villa, Su Xun in front and Xu Zhengyang in the back.

The two cars communicate through walkie talkies.

As soon as the car drove out of the villa, a motorcycle came up, overtaking Xu Zhengyang's car and approaching Su Xun's sports car.

"Su sir, there's a motorcycle following you. Be careful." Said Yang qianer's nephew.

"Don't worry, I see it."

Su Xun replied calmly, and then slowed down deliberately to let the motorcycle catch up.

The rider on the motorcycle took out his gun from his arms. When he was parallel with Su Xun, he looked into the car and found that it was not Yang qianer, so he was ready to leave.

"Come and go as you like?"

The sports car sped up abruptly and hit the unsuspecting motorcycle in front of it. The motorcycle flew out and hit the guardrail. The killer died on the spot.

Then Su Xun drove away, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and made a phone call: "I killed a killer on Zhongshan Road. Go to the man to deal with it."

The co pilot's a Qiang looks at this scene, his face is a little unnatural, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Why, afraid? There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm just cruel to the enemy and kind to my own people. " Su Xun looked at him and said with a smile.

On a Qiang's face, he squeezed out a smile: "it's a little Not quite

"I'll get used to it later. I hate criminals most, especially the traitor Wuzai..."

Ah Qiang's face was getting whiter and whiter. He felt that Su Xun was reading the number with his ID card.

An hour later, the department store.

"Ah! I'm going to buy enough today! "

Standing in front of the mall, Yang qianer yelled.

She is wearing a white dress today. She looks pure and pure, just like a fairy.

"I'm going to play video games enough!"

Yang qianer's nephew can't wait to rush in.

"And me, let's go together."

Feibo quickly followed up, his mission is to mix holiday."Come on, Miss Yang."

Su Xun and Xu Zhengyang protect Yang qianer and walk into the shopping mall. Ah Qiang follows him and looks left and right.

Yang qianer goes straight to the clothing district.

"You watch first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Xu Zhengyang said to Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded with a newspaper and looked up at the fitting room in front of him.

His remaining light has been observing a Qiang.

Because on the way here, ah Qiang's performance in the car was not right, which made Su Xun's heart alarm.

A Qiang looked around, felt a hand into his arms, took out a gun, and slowly approached the fitting room.

From his perspective, Su Xun's sight was completely blocked by the newspaper, which was a good time to start.

At the same time, people in the two fitting rooms nearby also took out their guns and covered them with clothes.

"Grass Mud Horse, it's really you!"

Su Xun lost the newspaper, drew his gun at a Qiang, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Kang Kang..."

There are several blood holes in a Qiang's body. He looks down and falls to the ground.

"Ah, ah

In the fitting room, Yang qianer screamed.

The killers in the next two fitting rooms rushed out and raised their guns.

"Kang Kang..."

Su Xun shot a small pot of friends, and then rushed into Yang qianer fitting room.

"Ah, ah

Yang qianer screamed louder, because she was naked and didn't even wear pants.

She was just trying on a suit of underwear.

"Put it on!" Su Xun gave her a red skirt.

Yang qian'er didn't dare to hesitate and quickly put it on. Although the bottom of her skirt was a little cool, it was better than not wearing it.


Su Xun took her out.

"Over there!"

There are more than 20 killers ambush in the shopping mall, and three killers come straight to Su Xun.

Su Xun put Yang qian'er in his arms, holding a gun in one hand and shooting in circles.

"Kang Kang..."

Three gangsters fell to the ground and died.

Yang qian'er looked at Su Xun's side face, how can people be handsome to the point of foul?


The gunshot rang out, and a killer fell to the ground behind Su Xun. Xu Zhengyang, who heard the gunshot, rushed over.


Su Xun yelled at him, and then walked downstairs with Yang qianer in his arms, shooting and mowing the grass.

Xu Zhengyang is responsible for his back, so that he has no worries, two people cooperate, super God.

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