Song Shichang comes fast and goes fast.

Apart from money and daily care, he basically has nothing to give Yang qianer.

After all, he has a boyfriend.

If you stay for a long time and don't go back, what if his intimate little boyfriend loses his temper.

"I'll be back in the capital early tomorrow morning."

In the living room, there were only Su Xun and Xu Zhengyang.

"I want to visit the mainland some other day."

Su Xun handed him a cigarette.

At this time, the mainland was full of opportunities to get rich, but Su Xun was not interested in it.

He wanted to go back to the mainland because he wanted to see the motherland, which had just been reformed and opened up in the 1980s and 1990s.

This era is simple.

Grass is also a plant.

Abalone is just a kind of food.

The car is for driving.

Unlike later, grass became a verb.

Abalone became a pronoun.

Cars are also used to drive.

Even if I want to be quiet, someone will chase you and ask you who is quiet.

Xu Zhengyang: "your identity can't go."

"I'm not only a Hong Kong Island superintendent, but also a businessman. I'm not good at investing and inspecting patriotic businessmen." Su Xun spat out a puff of smoke and said with a smile.

In his world, before the return of Hong Kong Island, he organized many patriotic businessmen to invest in the mainland.

Xu Zhengyang also laughed: "I almost forget that you are still an evil capitalist, sitting on hundreds of billions."

"What do you think of the Hong Kong Island community?" Su Xun changed the topic.

Xu Zhengyang said solemnly: "considering the special environment of Hong Kong Island, some of them can be kept, and some of them can be turned a blind eye, but the community is not allowed!"

In recent years, the mainland has been cracking down on gangs, not to mention gangs. If you touch a lesbian's hand in the street, you may be drawn to target as a hooligan.

Such a chaotic situation on Hong Kong Island will never be tolerated by the mainland.

"I think so too. After all, I'm the killer of crime. Before 1997, I'll make the club disappear." With that, Su Xun snuffed out the cigarette end in the ashtray, just like snuffing out the last flame of the club.

Community is a product of the environment and times of Hong Kong Island, and now it is inseparable from Hong Kong Island.

The fundamental reason is that Hong Kong Island has more people and less land, and fewer job opportunities. Therefore, a large number of young people can not find jobs, so they have to join clubs to get involved in gangster activities.

In this case, Su Xun set up a company and built factories to provide employment opportunities for these people.

Cut off the fresh blood of the club.

After that, we will clean up the diehards. In this way, we will be able to clean up Hong Kong Island before 1997.

It's easy to say, but it's very difficult. Only he can do it.

That night, Su Xun and Xu Zhengyang talked for a long time, and they even slept directly on the sofa.

Just sleeping, not doing.

After all, they are all serious people.


The next day, early in the morning, Su Xun, Yang qianer and Fei Bo drove Xu Zhengyang to the airport.

"Good bye, Comrade Xu. You'll have to take care of me more then." Feibo said with a smile.

Xu Zhengyang smile: "certainly."

"It's boarding. Go in." Su Xun said.

"Su sir, Miss Yang, goodbye."

Xu Zhengyang saluted, turned and walked into the airport.

"Well, I'm a little reluctant."

Feibo sighed, and then turned to look at Su Xun: "Su sir, what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know what you're going to do, but I know what I'm going to do." Su Xun finished, put his arms around Yang qian'er's waist, got on the car and left.

Feibo is envious and jealous. It's absolutely a curse to let Su Sir protect the female witness.

The female witnesses were eventually all protected in bed.

Su Xun drove into the parking lot of a shopping mall.

"What are you bringing me here for?"

Yang qian'er asked with a blushing face.

"Didn't you ask me last time if I had a kiss? I'm going to share my feelings with you now. "

Su Xun finished, holding her and gnawing.

"No, the skirt is torn, woo ~"

"buy you a new one, don't move."

"I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid. You see, I'm not afraid."

Then the silver Benz began to shake, accompanied by bursts of women's gentle voice.

Outside, a family of three passed by.

"Dad, look, that Mercedes Benz is shaking. It even shakes when it stops. The quality is so poor. Why is it so expensive! It's too bad. "

The child pointed to the silver Mercedes and asked curiously.


The parents looked at each other."Dad, there are still women crying inside. I must be scared by the shaking car."


The parents of the child are speechless.

They want to say, silly boy, our car also shakes. That's how you get shaken out.


January 25th.

"No, sir. I've been cheated by Lei Fuhong. He didn't go to the island national anthem for tourism at all. He has made an engagement with Katsuko, Yamada's daughter who has been cutting grass for five generations, and he's also focused on the management right of he's new casino."

Ding Yao looked anxiously at Su Xun and said.

She regretted to death when she got the news. She killed Lei Fu when she knew it.

"Panic what panic, the sky hasn't fallen down yet."

Su Xun yelled, then took a cup and tasted it: "this thunder is a little tricky."

He didn't expect that the pheasant died, and Lei Fuhong went to marry Cao Cao Caizi.

Caojiao saw the opportunity to control the triad Gang, so he would not give up.

It was precisely because of this that Lei Fuhong took the initiative to send himself to the door.

"You go back first and go to Aodao in two days. Lei Fuhong can't make waves." Su Xun said calmly.

Seeing this, Ding Yao didn't dare to say anything more. She bowed to Su Xun and walked away obediently.

As soon as Ding Yao left, Lin huaile came again.

"Ah Le, what's the matter? Tea, please."

Su Xun pointed to the tea on the table.

Lin huaile poured a cup for Su Xun, and then poured a cup for himself. Then he said, "Su sir, we and the speaker of Liansheng are elected every two years. This year, we are going to choose a new speaker."

"What do you want to say?" Su Xun looked at him with a smile. Of course he knew Lin huaile's mind.

Lin huaile honestly replied: "I have been in the library for the past two years. He Liansheng has been following your orders and doing things according to your rules. It will be the same in the future. I think you will support me to be re elected to the next term."

"I don't get involved in the internal affairs of Liansheng, otherwise they will have opinions." Su Xun said lightly.

Lin huaile said: "Su sir..."

"Jamie won't run. I'm sure you can deal with the rest." Su Xun interrupted him.

Lin huaile: "thank you, sir."

His current competitor has become the five sons who helped him win the dragon's stick two years ago.

Zhanmi has the most money and the most people.

If Jamie doesn't run for the election, he'll be sure to finish the remaining four and continue to be elected.

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