The situation that he Liansheng is about to elect the next new speaker has begun to blow on Hong Kong Island.

In addition to the plane, Lin huaile has not revealed to others the idea of Lian Zhuang.

Especially the uncles, they will not agree because it is not in line with the tradition.

Deng Bo, whose full name is Deng Wei, is the person with the highest prestige and seniority in heliansheng.

In the election of the speaker of each term, we should basically refer to his opinions.

At this time, Deng Bo and Zhan MI are watching the ball together.

"Jamie, you'll talk about the next term."

Said dumber in an unquestionable tone.

He has white hair, crutches and is fat, but he has his own momentum.

"Dengbo, I don't want to be a talker. I just want to do business. I give money when the club is short of money. I give money when it is short of people, but I can never be a talker."

Zhanmi is very clear that once he becomes the leader of Liansheng, the black marks on his body will never be cleaned in his life.

Since he began to do proper business, he has clearly felt how much obstruction he has brought to his business cooperation from the background of Liansheng.

Without Mr. Guo's support, no one would cooperate with him in his background.

So he's desperate to get rid of and win.

"I want to be in the light of the club, and I don't want to work for the club. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Without community background, can you have today? If you want to get rid of the club, what do you think? "

"Jamie, I advise you to think it over."

Deng Bo said impolitely, then raised his trouser waist and left slowly on crutches.

He has smelled the ethos of the times, and the current mode of the community can not last long.

Transformation is necessary, and transformation is equivalent to sailing on the sea. The helmsman is very important.

Looking at the whole society, he found that only Zhan MI was the most suitable candidate for the new term.

Zhan Mi sat in the same place and was silent for a long time. Then he got up and left and drove to Su Xun's home.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhan Mi arrived at Su Xun's home in deep water.

"Here comes Jamie. Come in."

Zhou Wenli is very familiar with Zhanmi, and from time to time Zhanmi will send some tonics to his door.

"Excuse me, sister-in-law."

Jamie handed the fruit in his hand.

"Brother Xun is waiting for you in the living room."

Zhou Wenli took the fruit, and then went to the kitchen to clean, ready to cut a fruit plate out.

Jamie closed the door and walked into the living room: "Su sir."

"Sit down." Su Xun indicated with his eyes.

Zhan Mi sat down on his right

Su Xun took out a cigarette.

Zhan Milian took out the fire to help him light it.

"I'm smart after business." Su Xun gave him a smile: "tell me, what's the problem."

"Deng Bo forced me to be the leader of the team." Zhan Mi said with a complicated look.

Everyone wanted to fight for the dragon's head, but he was the only one to avoid it, but he gave it to him.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the wisdom of the old man, he knows that the world is changing, and Liansheng needs a smart person who can keep up with the times to lead, and you have this factor."

"But I don't want to be a leader, I just want to do business well!" Jamie was in a bit of a mood.

Su Xun shook his ashes: "at the beginning, I said that as long as you want to be white, no one can make you black. Give me Dunwei's phone and I'll tell him."

"Thank you, sir." Zhan Mi handed his mobile phone to him directly, and he was very grateful to Su Xun.

Although he called Su Sir all the time, he thought that he was not qualified to call other names, but in his heart, he had already regarded Su Xun as his elder brother.

If it had not been for Su Xun, he would not have been today.

Mr. Guo is his nobleman, and Su Xun is his nobleman. He has been helping him selflessly.

Su Xun called Dunwei.

"Hello, Jamie, have you figured it out?"

The old voice of Dewey came out.

"It's me, Su Xun."

"What's your instruction, sir?"

Dunwei's tone suddenly changed.

Su Xun said: "dengbo, you're old, so I won't give you a round trip. If Zhanmi doesn't want to be the leader of he Liansheng, don't embarrass him."

"Su sir, we are looking forward to your dinner with Liansheng. I respect you, but it's our internal affairs with Liansheng. You should step in Isn't that right? "

Deng Wei's tone was gentle, but he didn't mean to step back. Instead, he questioned Su Xun.

"Deng Bo, I'm calling to tell you in person that I respect you as an old man in the Jianghu, but if you can't see me respect you, you'll lose your sense of propriety."

"Since you know that he Liansheng looks up to me for dinner, be obedient, or I'll smash the bowl for you."Su Xun's tone was not salty, but his dissatisfaction and warning had been revealed in his words.

"Su sir, without you, he Liansheng didn't starve to death. I'm an old man, and I have nothing to be afraid of. I do everything for the club."

Deng Wei is really dedicated to the club, otherwise he would not dare to talk to Su Xun like this now.

"Since it's for the club, listen to me. If you don't listen, I'll let you and Liansheng disappear from Hong Kong Island now!" Su Xun's voice was cold.

His patience is running out. This old bastard is a black and astringent group, and he has set foot on his horse to make faith for him. He really thinks he is legal.

Dunwighton didn't speak any more, but he was still not willing to say, "sir..."

"Shut your mouth! If you're not convinced, you can do what you want. " Su Xun hung up directly.

Then he threw his mobile phone to Zhan Mi: "OK, you have to do business. As long as you don't kill people, set fire to peddlers, or take drugs, no one can force you to break the law again."

Zhanmi is no longer a pirated CD player, and Mr. Guo has started to do legitimate business.

This time, it's real business.

"Thank you, sir." Zhan Mi got up and made a deep bow to Su Xun, expressing his gratitude.


The next morning.

"Is there any news from senior Gao?"

Sitting in the police station, drinking the morning coffee handed by Yazi, casually asked Li Wenbin.

"Gao Laosi says that when you get to Aodao, he will personally offer you wine to make amends." Li Wenbin said.


Su Xun's coffee cup was heavily placed on the desk, and the coffee splashed out a lot.

"He offered me wine to make amends? What is he, and he deserves it? " Su Xun was angry and laughed.

Li Wenbin asked: "Su sir, do you want to contact the police on the other side of Aodao, and start with the shooting in Chunyuan street to jointly investigate and deal with Gao Laosi."

"Don't be so troublesome. Isn't he going to make amends for me? Then I can't let his wine go to waste. " Su Xun's eyes were cold and busy.

Gao Laosi can develop so much in Aodao. No one cares about him. Su Xun doesn't believe it.

I'm looking forward to cooperating with the police on the other side of Aodao to investigate and deal with him. Isn't that calling me to beat my son?

Can I really kill my son?

I'll give you a look.

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