"If the situation is really like what Mr. Su said, I am willing to do my best." Ding Li said.

Hearing that the devil will soon fall into war, and will be occupied by the Japanese in a few months, Ding Li's heart is very heavy, and his knuckles are white.

He had known the ambition of devil and Wolf for a long time, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Now that there is no Chinese garrison in Mordor, how can we resist a fight?

Su Xun looked at Ding Li: "Mr. Ding's heart of serving the country is deeply admired by Su. It's true that there are many places that need Mr. Ding's help."

"Please, Mr. Su." Ding Li's face was dignified.

Su Xun didn't beat around the Bush: "now there are no Chinese soldiers in the magic capital. At present, all parts of the country are sending troops to the magic capital. It takes time, but it also gives the Japanese time to prepare. Moreover, there are Japanese troops in the magic capital, and they will forcibly occupy the magic capital."

"So if we want to expand our army, we need a large number of soldiers. Before the Japanese invaders arrive at Mordor, we need to control Mordor and wait for reinforcements from all sides. All kinds of resources stored in Mordor can be used in the war of resistance."

The battle of Songhu was made long ago. Because Lao Jiang wanted to plan the battlefield in the south, he has been leading the devils to the south to dispatch troops. The cloud of war has covered most of China.

Many people once thought that the Chinese parliament would die, but facts have proved that China will not die and China will not!

Without Su Xun, China's ancestors could finally win the battle.

But Su Xun just wanted to make the victory easier, and it was not in vain for him to come here.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. I'm Ding Li. I can recruit people directly in the name of our firm." Ding Li said without hesitation.

Su Xun said: "thank you, Mr. Ding."

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of our country. He can't afford to thank Mr. Su." Ding Li waved his hand and then asked, "what's the game tonight..."

"Go on as usual, we can't let the devils find anything strange at present." Su Xun said.

Zhou xingzu asked, "where is my third uncle?"

"He was arrested by the devils and locked up in No.76. I'll send someone to save him at the gambling game here." Now the plot has been in a mess, but the general context is still clear, so it should not be a big problem.


In the evening, Ding Li's Casino is full of friends and celebrities.

"Mr. Ding, you must win! To win glory for our country

"Yes, you must not lose to the little devil!"

"Mr. Ding, here's to you..."

"Miss Kawashima is here --"

with such a sound, all the conversations stopped and looked at the door.

I saw a white dress Kawashima Fangzi with a few people in suits came in.

One of them is the army that came through.

This guy set things right at the end of the movie, helped Zhou Xingxing win the French gambling king, and also helped Zhou Xingxing return to modern times. He himself is the magic capital of this era forever.

After all, the army came across from the mainland in the 1990s. Although it was a villain script, how could it really turn to the devil as a traitor?

"The army!"

Zhou xingzu also recognized the army.

"Hey, hey, gambler."

The army gave him a sneer.

"Are you ready, Mr. Ding?"

Kawashima Fangzi looks at Ding Li contentedly.

"Anytime." Ding Li is indifferent.

Kawashima Fang son cold hum a: "in that case, that starts, hope you can be willing to accept defeat."

"Let me kill him The army is trying to compete with Zhou xingzutang again.


Kawashima Fangzi kicked in the past: "who said it was for you?"

"No, who am I?" The army was stunned.

Kawashima turned slowly: "it's him."

Everyone was looking at her.

I saw a white man in a black suit coming in with his own BGM.

"French gambler!"

Zhou xingzu's eyes widened.

When he came across, he saw a book about the French king of gamblers.

In this fight, the French gambler lost to a man called Tiger tonight.

His name is playing tiger tonight.

"Why does he play?"

The army is still a little unconvinced.


The French gambler took a look at him.


The army flew out screaming.

Zhou xingzu looked serious and said, "this guy can also have special functions. It's hard to do."

"Don't worry about it." Su Xun was calm."Let's go." The French gambler is seated.

Zhou xingzu also took a seat, and then the Dutch official began to deal cards, and began to bid the first card.

"I'll take it all."

The French gambling king smiles and pushes out all the chips in front of him.

"When I'm afraid of you! I'll follow you

Zhou xingzu is also suoha.

Then they looked at each other and began to use the special function to change each other's cards.

The two people just rub around there, and their skills are equal. No one can do anything about it.

Finally, because of the excessive consumption of the special function, both of them temporarily lost their special function and were embarrassed.

"Or will this be reopened?" French gambling king tentatively said a word.

Zhou xingzu laughs: "good."

"What's good! Continue to deal! " Don't know the inside story of Kawashima Fangzi not good gas said.

Two people can only harden the scalp to continue, next is completely depends on respective luck.

The Dutch official continued to deal the cards. After the deal, the French gambling king's eyes were bright, because he got a good card.

"Ha ha ha, let's play."

Said the French gambler, laughing.

Zhou xingzu is sweating, because he is short of an a, but he has no special function.

But it can only be forced.

Will he will open the card moment, suddenly stare big eyes, because the card has become a.

On the contrary, the French gambling king's card has become 3.


Instant is the whole scene boiling, followed by more than cheers, as if the new year.

"Won! We won

"Ha ha ha ha, we won!"

All the Chinese laughed.

"How could that be! How could that be

The French king of gamblers was confused, and his brain was buzzing. It was clear that both of them had no special function. Why did his cards go to Zhou xingzu?

"Because of me, of course."

The Army stood up with a sneer: "you don't have any special powers, but I still have them!"

"You son of a bitch!" Kawashima Fangzi scolded, did not expect the army at the critical time actually backwater.

The army rushed to her, grabbed her hair, aimed at her stomach, and gritted his teeth and said, "dead 38, I want to hit you for a long time."

"Ah Kawashima Fangzi was beaten so badly that the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

At the same time, the Flying Tigers sent by Su Xun had rescued the third uncle from No. 76.

Except that Zhou xingzu didn't cross back, the ending is similar to that in the movie.

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