Ten minutes later.

The waiter took five plates of green cucumbers and put them on the table where the five demon saints sat.

"Five gentlemen, please take your time."

The waiter smiles and turns to leave.

The five looked at each other, and the only five grade demon Saint asked, "isn't it the broken little green dragon?"

The other three liupin demon saints looked at the marshal.

"Well, it's obviously an appetizer. Why don't you even understand it?" Qi pin Yao Sheng calmed down and said with confidence: "you see, this thing is also cyan, and it's broken. It just fits the name of the smashed little green dragon. What does it mean? It's a special dish of little Qinglong

Five people smell speech, this just suddenly realize: "so, this restaurant is really fastidious, upper class!"

"No wonder so many people are staring at us. It seems that they are shocked by our big order."

"It's really a group of old folk hats. When the green dragon comes up, won't they be surprised to drop their chin?"

"No, marshal, Qinglong is so big, and it's still five. It can't fit in this shop."

"Are you stupid? At that time, there must be some kind of space magic weapon. I haven't seen the world before. "

In the eyes of a group of customers looking at idiots, five people took photos with pride and wolfed down cucumbers.


Is this just coming out of a mental hospital?

After eating the cucumber, five people sat in their seats, drinking free drinks and waiting for the main dish to be served.

"It's a restaurant that can use Qinglong as its food. The tea is so delicious. It's really hidden in the market. Who can see the hidden world in this restaurant only from its appearance?" The seven grade demon Saint drank the carbonated drink in his hand, and his face was full of emotion.

Wupin demon Saint nodded deeply, pointed to the LCD TV which was playing a fairy movie on the wall, and said, "yes, I don't know. Just the mirror on the wall sealed so many friars. The shop owner's accomplishments are good."

"And the light on the head doesn't look like some kind of energy stone." The sixth grade demon Saint pointed to the electric light on his head, and his face showed the color of exploration.

After that, a few people's faces soon turned ugly. Because the boss of this shop is so powerful, will they be miserable if they don't pay for their meals?

But now they have no money!

"It's better to communicate with the boss. We are the strong of the demon clan. He will give us face."

"Otherwise, we don't want Qinglong. Anyway, Qinglong hasn't come up yet, and the pre meal dishes are not worth much."

Next to a few table guests are mouth twitch, this step horse is a group of depth in two disease patients!

After watching a few people eat cucumber, they don't order other dishes, and they don't check out. The waiter can't sit still. He goes up and asks, "gentlemen, do you want to check out now?"

"I'm sorry, we don't want the broken little green dragon." Seven grade demon Saint said.

The waiter was stunned. After a while, he said, "but you've already eaten!"

"Yes? You don't want to be bloody. When are we going to eat? " The five spirits asked.

The waiter was so angry: "OK, I understand now! You want to eat overlord food

She's met the one who ate Bawang meal, but it's the first time she's met the one who ate cucumber for Bawang meal.

Who is being humiliated?


Fried chicken shop.

After eating and drinking enough, Su Xun and others were ready to leave. As soon as they got up, they looked up and saw the noon news on TV.

"There are many wonderful flowers every year, especially this year. Half an hour ago, the police received a report saying that someone ate overlord's meal. It's not strange to eat overlord's meal, but it's strange that they only ate five plates of cucumber. When they were taken away by the police, they kept saying that they were the marshal of the demon clan and asked the police to give them face. It was preliminarily estimated that they were mental patients..."

Looking at the picture of five demon saints shouting that they are demon saints and being pushed into the car by the police, Su Xun looked at each other and wanted to laugh.

"Now it seems that our situation is not so bad either." Tang Monk touched his bald head.

"Puyi -"

even Chang'e couldn't help laughing.

Out of the fried chicken shop, looking at the traffic outside, Tang asked: "where are you going now?"

"Of course, I went to find a rich woman. Since I was a child, the doctor said that I had a bad stomach and was suitable for dinner." Su Xun finished and stopped a taxi with a wave: "Sports Square."

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the six people, the taxi driver didn't want to take the order: "sorry, I abide by the traffic rules very much, I won't overload."

Su Xun handed over 100 yuan cleanly.

"But it seems that you are in a hurry. I do good deeds occasionally. Get in the car." The driver took the money without changing his face and immediately chose to help others.

Tang Seng sat in the front, while Su Xun and four women sat in the back. He felt so soft and big.Chang'e's pretty face turned red, and she put out her hand to pinch Su Xun, because she felt Su Xun's little action.

If you really don't feel disgusted, you must be ashamed or angry, otherwise you will turn your face.

Taking advantage of this kind of thing is worth it.

A handsome man is called Diao Qing.

Ugly people are called sex whores.

Twenty minutes later, in an alley far away from the gymnasium, there was no monitoring probe.

"What are we doing here?" Shenying asked.

Others also looked at Su Xun in doubt.

Su Xun pointed to the gymnasium: "the youngest rich woman in Baiyu country is giving a speech in it. She is beautiful, single and rich. But I am handsome, not single, and have no money. Isn't it a match made in heaven with her

He saw a we media report on the mobile phone of the woman who was greedy for his body.

Zhou Baobao, female, 26 years old, is the leader of an entertainment company. Bai Yuguo, 30, is the highest young entrepreneur in * *, with assets of over 100 billion.

How could Su Xun have the heart to let her not have such a man when she met such an iron rice bowl?

"Bah! What a shame People spit.

Tang Seng looked at the poster of Zhou Baobao hanging outside the gymnasium: "it's very beautiful, white, beautiful and rich, but how can you attract her attention?"

"Of course it's the beauty who saves the hero." Su Xun gave the rest of the money to Tang Seng and said, "after a while, when she finished her speech, you will beat me..."

"Good! I'm sure the performance is up to standard! " Don't wait for him to finish, Tang Monk can't wait to promise down.

Su Xun: "do you really want to hit me?"

"Absolutely not!" Tang Monk firmly denied.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, I won't give you a chance to beat me. Listen to me..."

He detailed his plan.

"Wow, you're such a crook!" After hearing this, Monk Tang was shocked and praised.

Shenying also nodded: "insidious and spicy!"

Su Xun

If you can't praise others, please shut up.

"But if she is calculated like this, she will know sooner or later that we are one." Tang Monk frowned and said.

Su Xun looked at him sympathetically: "at that time, she won't care about these. The big deal is that I like her too much. But because of the big gap with her identity, she thought of this way to get close to her. She will be more moved by it."

"Insidious!" Tang Monk gnashed his teeth.

Half an hour later, a large number of reporters and bodyguards came out of the gymnasium with a woman.

A woman with melon shaped face, delicate facial features and gentle temperament, has long curly hair and wears a white ol uniform skirt. Her concave convex figure is vividly outlined, and her long legs are slender and tender.

The real person has more aura than the poster. Tang Seng just thinks that the girl's face is not inferior to Chang'e. he swallows a mouthful of saliva and looks at Su Xun: "this plan is still risky. Let me come. I'm not afraid of death."

"It's because of the risk that I can't let you take risks. Let me bear all the possible crises." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder, and then said solemnly.

Tang Monk: "you are greedy her body, cheap!"

"You don't want her, you eunuch!"

Seeing that Zhou Baobao got into a luxury car with no name, Su Xun winked at Tang Seng, and then ran to the luxury car in panic.

Monk Tang chased after him, shouting: "stop! I will kill you today! "

"Stop! Asshole! Don't run

Su Xun was flustered and scurried. Then he "accidentally" bumped into the front of a newly started luxury car, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

Tang Monk also took this opportunity to press him on the ground, leading his collar and scolding: "run, run again!"

"Hello! What are you doing! " The car stopped, the door opened, and the driver came down and pointed at Tang Seng.

Monk Tang seemed to be frightened. He was full of fear. Then he released Su Xun, got up and ran.

"Brother, you're ok..." The driver pulled Su Xun's car up on the ground. Before he finished speaking, he was in a trance when he saw Su Xun's face.

There is a saying that Su Xun's appearance is really a combination of men and women. He is so handsome that no one can control him.

Su Xun was full of gratitude and said, "I'm ok. Thank you for letting you see the joke."

"Well, don't thank me. It's my boss who let me off. Thank my boss." The driver can be sure that with Su Xun's appearance, if he enters the entertainment industry, he will definitely be in a big fire, so he wants to introduce him to his boss, so he has made a contribution.

Then he took Su Xun to the car and knocked on the glass. The window opened, revealing Zhou Baobao's beautiful face: "haven't you dealt with it yet?"

"No, boss, look at this man." The driver pulled Su Xun over and opened his hair.Zhou Baobao's breathing is stagnant. She does entertainment. There is no shortage of beautiful men and women in the entertainment circle. She is always beautiful women of 4000 years and handsome men of 3000 years.

But those are gimmicks, but in front of this man is absolutely the best looking she has ever seen, the key is that a different temperament is unique.

Love at first sight, she has always sniffed, because the entertainment industry is dirty and messy, she saw a lot.

But now,

she really believes that there is love at first sight in the world, or to be more precise, love at first sight.

"Miss Zhou, thank you for saving me. I'm poor and have nothing to repay you. I can only say thank you. Goodbye." Su Xun gave a smile, bowed, and then turned to leave.

Looking at Su Xun's dusty smile, Zhou Baobao felt his heart beat faster: "you wait."

Don't say that nothing can repay me, don't you understand such a simple thing?

What a sensible man.

I love it! ✧ (≖◡≖✿)

"what else can I do for Miss Zhou?" Su Xun looks back.

Zhou Baobao pretended to be calm: "look at you, there should be no work. How about helping others to the end and sending Buddha to the west

"Really! To be honest with Miss Zhou, I'm really embarrassed at the moment, so I won't be hypocritical. " Su Xun accepted it calmly and showed his gratitude and surprise just right. He was not vulgar at all.

This is what Zhou Baobao does. He is not only handsome, but also unrestrained in front of her. He has a good temperament, just like a magnanimous gentleman.

The driver who introduced Su Xun also couldn't help smiling. He made contributions. When this guy got angry, he must have his own advantages.

Zhou Baobao smiles and asks, "can you drive? You can be my driver in the future. "

The man she likes, how can she be willing to throw him into the big vat of the entertainment industry? Of course, it is to stay around to cultivate, and by the way, it can also cultivate feelings.

The smile on the driver's face instantly solidified. Fuck, I've smashed my own job.

"Boss..." The driver was in a hurry.

Zhou Baobao interrupted him: "your salary is the same, just driving for the rest of the company."

"Yes, boss." The driver is going to cry. Is it a matter of salary? Can it be the same to drive for a big boss as for a company employee?

Su Xun nodded: "I can drive. I drive very well. Basically, I never break the rules."

If you don't believe it, just ask the readers.

"OK, get on the bus and be a driver for me. You can't wear this suit. Go and buy some clothes first." Zhou Baobao patted the position beside him and said with a smile.

Su Xun looked at the driver and said, "thank you so much, otherwise I would not be able to find a job."

"You're welcome." The driver was almost crying. He knew it was the last time he was driving for the boss.

What a sin!

I dug a hole and buried myself. I knew that I would not recommend him to the boss because of greed.

Looking at Su Xun sitting beside him, he didn't feel inferior because of his clothes. Therefore, Zhou Baobao appreciated him even more. He was poor and ambitious.

Otherwise, with his good face, if he is willing to sell his body, how can he come down to this point?

What she didn't know was that Su Xun was selling his body!

Watching Su Xun get on the car and leave, Tang Seng and Shen Ying are relieved, and the first step is completed successfully.

Next, it all depends on Su Xun. They have a few hundred yuan in their hands, and they can support it for two days.

On the bus, Su Xun looked at Zhou Baobao: "boss, can I advance one month's salary first? Because there are several friends taking care of me during this period, they are also very difficult, so I want to help them. "

"As long as you work hard in the future, of course." With a smile, Zhou Baobao was more satisfied with Su Xun, a kind and unforgettable man.

She took her handbag and handed it to Sushen with 20000 yuan notes: "no, take it."

"Does it pay that much to be a driver?" Su Xun pretended to be puzzled and asked stupidly.

Zhou Baobao said with a smile: "yes, my driver's salary is higher than that of ordinary drivers, which is normal."

The driver's mouth twitches when he hears this. It's a normal fart. It's only eight thousand a month since I stepped on the horse!

But now he can see clearly that the big boss obviously has a crush on this boy.

He can't help but envy. After all, he usually reads urban costume. Many of the leading characters work as drivers for the female president and then hook up with each other.

He imagined that one day he could have an unforgettable love story with the female president, just like the protagonist of the urban novel, and go to the peak of his life.

Unexpectedly, ah, the story happened. When the protagonist was not him, he felt like he just had a lemon.

Damn, he hates all handsome people!

An hour later, Su Xun changed his gun.The messy hair was cut short, and a black casual suit was put on, which restored the dress once had on earth, gentle and elegant.

"How about it, boss? Is that ok?" When Su Xun asked Zhou Baobao, he turned around.

Zhou Baobao felt that he had found the treasure, and forced him to be reserved: "that's OK. If you go out, there will be no way for other male stars in Baiyu country."

The former driver who helped Su Xun carry bags of clothes had to admit that he was really handsome.

"The boss flatters me. I'm not surprised that I exaggerate." Su Xun laughed modestly, and then said, "boss, I need to trouble you one more thing. Why don't I go to work tomorrow? I'll rent a house first and meet some of my friends."

There's no way. A handsome employee can gain an inch. After all, in the future, he not only needs to gain an inch, but also needs to enter the boss's body to measure the temperature.

Zhou Baobao said: "because I'm busy, the driver is wrapped up. My family has a driver's room, so you can go to see friends, but you don't have to rent a house. Just come to my home later."

The former driver on one side is sour again. I've driven for you for two years. How can I know for the first time that I'm a driver for you? Look at the dishes!

But also with a new mobile phone, new watch, new clothes, these he did not!

This damned society, which only looks at the beauty, has too much malice to ordinary people like him.

"Really? I didn't expect to be so well treated as a driver for the boss. " Su Xun's eyes brightened.

Zhou Baobao, who was greedy for Su Xun's body, lifted her hair and said with a smile: "as long as you are good at it, there will be better treatment in the future."

"I'll do a good job, boss." Su Xun immediately promised that, well, he had to work hard for the boss.

After remembering the address of Zhou Baobao's home, Su Xun left and took a taxi to the alley next to the gymnasium to meet Tang Seng.

Sitting in the car, he used the mobile phone Zhou Baobao gave him to search the history of the world on the Internet.

And then we found a key place.

Luotian God stele, in the northernmost Qinglong gorge of Baiyu Kingdom, there is a huge stele with a height of several kilometers, on which the word Luotian is engraved, which is also the origin of Luotian's pioneering body into a world legend.

According to the information searched on the Internet, there are records about this stele in ancient times. It is said that after the great God of Luo Tian sacrificed himself to become the world, heaven and earth remembered his contribution, so they set up a stele for him.

This is also one of the unsolved mysteries in the world. After all, who can make such a large and complete stone tablet? It's impossible to be established by heaven and earth. Modern people don't believe it.

Experts in baiyukuo speculate that there was a fault in prehistoric civilization, and perhaps it was with advanced technology that such a high monument was created.

All in all, what science can't solve means that we haven't studied it thoroughly. It can't be theology!

It's the common view of all modern people.

Su Xun felt it was necessary to go to this place, but he had to have money first, so he had to sacrifice his hue to earn money from Zhou Baobao.

Alas, it's really comfortable that the great sage of six grades should be reduced to a soft food.

Compared with the five demon saints who were sent to the mental hospital, Su Xun felt that he was too happy.

I'm afraid that after the five guys entered the mental hospital, their normality will gradually become abnormal.

"Here we are, sir." Said the taxi driver.

Su Xun gave the fare, and then he took his sunglasses to get off the bus. He was so handsome that he once caused traffic jams, so it was necessary to keep a low profile.

"So soon."

Seeing Su Xun, Monk Tang was surprised.

"Here, rent a house, change clothes." Su Xun threw away fifteen thousand dollars in cash, and then looked at the four daughters of Chang'e: "you four don't go out after changing clothes. After all, you are too beautiful to cause trouble."

"Yes, yes." Four women think this sounds really comfortable, no woman does not like to be praised.

If there is, then I don't say it.

Su Xun said: "we also need to buy a mobile phone. You can learn more about the stele of Luotian God in Qinglong gorge. It's not a scientific creation. Maybe it's the only theological trace we can find in the world at present. Our goal is there."

"Qinglong gorge is shrouded in dense fog all the year round, and it is a precipice. Tourists can only watch luotianshen monument from above. If they want to go deep into the bottom of the gorge, they have to take a helicopter, so they need a lot of money."

"Only Zhou Baobao can help us with this, so next my focus will be on her. If you have anything, please call me."

"It's so troublesome. It's better to show Zhou Baobao's identity directly. She helps us. After we recover our accomplishments, we can enlighten her to become an immortal." Chang'e said with a frown.

Before Su Xun said anything, Yueling took the initiative to explain: "fairy, you don't know enough about people living in the technological society. No matter how true you say it, they won't believe it. They don't believe there are gods in the world. They only believe in science.""It's strange." Chang'e said to herself that she could not understand the thinking of modern people.

"I have to go back and send me the address when I find the house." Su Xun looked at the time and said.

Shenying reproached herself: "we are useless. We can't help you. It's all up to you. You must pay attention to your health. Don't be too tired."

Tang Monk

What a good woman.

"Don't worry." Su Xun touched her face and said in his heart that if I was tired, just change my posture. Let baby Zhou be on the top and I enjoy it on the bottom.

Later, Su Xun and several people separated and took a taxi to Zhou Baobao's home.

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