The royal court is on fire.

Liu Xiong is on fire.

Ma Xiaoping is on fire.

Cheng Hu, who beat people, is also on fire.

With his own efforts, Su Xun won four people in a short time.

He felt that he was the best ace broker.

At the same time, the public relations department of Qingyun international responded to the termination of Wang Tingfeng's contract for the first time, saying that Wang Tingfeng had to increase his appearance fee by two million yuan because of his finger cut, and that he had unilaterally announced the postponement of the commercial performance.

"666, I cut a finger and stepped on the horse to increase the entrance fee by two million yuan. The robbers who robbed the bank were ashamed."

"I'm so stupid that I cut my finger and set the price on my horse. It's really amazing."

"Wang Tingfeng has been black all his life. It's disgusting to trample on horses. She's also a female entertainer, threatening and luring new comers to bed."

"Those fans are forced to come out again, aren't they? Keep washing the floor for him

"Wang Tingfeng is so arrogant. It turns out that Liu Xiong is behind him. No wonder."

"Upstairs, Liu Xiong not only supports him, but also supports him."

This time online is all one-sided support of Qingyun international, because of Wang Tingfeng's brain, residual powder has now turned black powder.

However, it's not over yet. Su Xun invaded the internal system of flash star entertainment, found the evidence of tax evasion and fraud, and exposed it on the Internet.

All of a sudden, it caused an uproar and aroused public indignation.

"Good guy, decades of tax evasion tens of billions, flash star entertainment, this is to God!"

"Aite officials suggest that the relevant departments carry out strict investigation. I feel that it must be more than 10 billion."

"We must strictly investigate, severely punish, and give flash star entertainment a lesson to warn later generations."

"It's a big deal. I suggest a direct sentence."

Flash star entertainment is at the top of the storm for a while, and Liu Xiong is in a mess.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Did not see, directly subconsciously connected, irritable said: "who."

"It's me, Liu Dong and Su Xun. We just talked on the phone in the morning. Tut Tut, I didn't expect that Liu Dong actually made a big news. This flash star entertainment is full of exposure!"

The sound of Su Xun's schadenfreude came into his ears.

Liu xiongmu roared: "it's you! You did it

"Yes, it's me. How about you bite me?" Su Xun laughed scornfully and admitted that he was not afraid of Liu Xiong's recording.

Because he monitored Liu Xiong's mobile phone, what Liu Xiong was doing to operate him was clear.

And he also intruded into the monitoring of Liu Xiong's office, at this time through the computer screen can see his every move.

But he didn't like the way he saw him.

Liu Xiong was furious: "Su, you wait for me. I'll survive this..."

"Don't worry, Liu Dong. How can I make you survive this time? I'll make it clear to you. " Su Xun interrupted him with a warm voice.

Liu Xiong was angry at first, and then he had a deep sense of powerlessness: "Su, because of such a small matter, is it necessary to work so hard?"

"Yes, of course." Su Xun's tone was very serious: "people respect me, I respect people. I've given you enough face, but if you don't give me face, that's to beat me in the face. I'm stingy, and I always have to report flaws. Do you think it's necessary?"

Liu Xiong had some regrets. If he knew that so many things would happen later, he would never have been arrogant to Su Xun before.

He really didn't expect that Su Xun had the technology to master these secret things.

"Liu Dong, I have a long memory for the rest of my life. How can I be so irrational when I'm old? The times have changed. This time, I'll take it as a free lesson for you as a young businessman."

When the voice fell, Su Xun hung up the phone directly. If there was no accident, Liu Xiong's life had been abandoned.

"Du ~ Du ~ Du ~"

listening to the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Liu Xiong was so angry that he smashed the mobile phone on the ground.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Ten minutes later, flash Star Entertainment issued a statement admitting the tax evasion, willing to accept the investigation and punishment of relevant departments, and make up the tax as soon as possible.

He also said that the incident was caused by Qingyun international. He seriously suspected that the hackers live in the morning were employees of Qingyun international. Otherwise, he could not explain why the internal system of flash star entertainment was so easily invaded, and why so many videos were exposed at the same time.

As for the evidence, they have no evidence.

In the following passage, we call Qingyun international. It's a bit like playing a rogue because there's no evidence at all.

But it is to let the netizens imagine a lot of brain holes."Lying in the trough, Wang Tingfeng has just smeared Qingyun international in a strange way. It turns out to be cool in the twinkling of an eye. There must be something fishy about it!"

"That's right. Only the hacker emperor who broadcast live in the morning can make such a brazen use of hacker technology. I doubt if he is not a member of Qingyun international, he must have something to do with Qingyun international."

"Add one upstairs, but it's not an excuse for flashstar entertainment to evade taxes."

"Yes, no matter whether it has something to do with Qingyun international or not, flash star entertainment itself is not clean, its internal mess and tax evasion are all facts."

"Flash star entertainment is just a stinking ditch, stinking!"

No matter how to analyze the relationship between hacker emperor and Qingyun international online, netizens just look and don't care.

But one person noticed this, that is Ye Wu, who is specially responsible for looking for the hacker emperor.

He found Su Xun, because he would not give up any chance to find the hacker emperor.

In the reception room, Su Xun and ye Wu looked at each other and sat down.

When they met, they had already introduced themselves, and Su Xun also had an understanding of Ye Wu's identity - a person who was specially responsible for finding himself.

Without absolute strength to ensure his safety and freedom, Su Xun would not expose his identity, because it would cause a lot of trouble.

"Su Dong, you're busy, I'm busy, so I won't beat around the bush with you. I just want to ask, don't you really know the hacker emperor?"

When ye Wu asked this, his eyes were fixed on Su Xun's face. As long as Su Xun lied, he could see it for the first time.

As everyone knows, the man sitting in front of him is the one who wants to find the hacker emperor.

Su Xun tilted his legs and spread his hand, showing a helpless expression: "I'm sorry, ye Chu. I really don't know such a powerful character. If it's him who invades flashstar entertainment, I don't know why he wants to see me. Maybe people don't help me at all, it's just a coincidence."

Well, I'll blow my own horn, jicao.

Ye Wu frowned, because he didn't see any trace of lying from Su Xun's face and eyes. He was completely magnanimous.

Do you really think too much?

Su Xun has experienced six different identities, and his acting skills are superb. It would be strange if ye Wu could catch his expression changes.

Soon, ye Wu, who got nothing, left. Su Xun sent him to the door in person.

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