"Sir, there is r star ahead. The spacecraft is about to land. I have sent a signal to general Yunhai in advance."

Red sun pointed to a silver star outside the spaceship and said to Su Xun.

"Here we are at last." Qin Zhu was relieved.

At first, she thought space was beautiful, but later she found that all the way there were repeated scenes, and she was almost depressed.

What's more, there are no entertainment facilities on the spaceship. She can't find a second kind of thing that can kill time and create happiness (ಡ ω ಡ) except with Sushen.

Half an hour later, the spacecraft broke through the atmosphere of R star, and then continued to fly to the sky above a city.

It's a city made entirely of steel.

You can see robots doing simple daily work all over the street.

Suspended track, suspended car, everything seems so science fiction.

"Wow, it's the same as in the movie. Even cars fly in the sky."

The other scenery finally brightened Qin Zhu's eyes and restored his cheering appearance when he just got on the spaceship.

The spaceship flew over the city, came to a huge military camp outside the city, and then began to land.

After the spaceship was stable, Su Xun, who put on a uniform in advance, went out with Qin Zhu surrounded by a group of soldiers.


As soon as Su Xun appeared, there was a roar outside.


At one glance, tens of thousands of soldiers in exoskeleton mecha and fully armed raised their right hand and hit him heavily on the chest to salute Su Xun.

The sound of steel collision is just like thunder shock. It's so majestic that it soars to the sky. There is not even a bird in a few miles.

Su Xun saw several familiar faces in the crowd below.

Among them is his deputy, Yunhai.

"I'm back."

Standing on the first staircase outside the spaceship, Su Xun looked around and said a word calmly.

"See you, sir!"

The first team got down on one knee.

"See you, sir!"

"See you, sir!"

Then the following squadrons knelt one by one, and the steel waves rose and fell, as if the waves were raging to devour the sky.

Many old people who had fought with Su Xun 30 years ago were even hoarse, and their faces turned red in the mecha, as if they were going to break their throats.

Not far away, a few people who were also wearing the official uniform did not look very good when they saw this scene.

Su Xun's words had such a great effect, and his control over the army was much stronger than theirs.

You know, Su Xun has disappeared for 30 years, and there are many recruits in the third army who don't know Su Xun.

"Well! It's the scenery. I'm afraid these people only recognize the general and don't recognize the marshal. "

A young man who was not a few years older than Su Xun snorted coldly and said in a strange way.

His name is Yuhua. He is a cousin of Yulin and is now the top commander of the first army.

Yulin, wearing a gorgeous Marshal's uniform, stood in the front and said, "you can't say that. This is the honor that general Su deserves."

"Just a deserter." Yuhua said unconvinced.

His voice dropped, and many officers' faces changed behind Yulin.

Because many of them, like Su Xun, temporarily hid after their defeat 30 years ago.

Yuhua is like a map cannon, which offends a large number of people at one time.

Yulin frowned slightly, with a calm face and angrily scolded: "you are presumptuous! When general Su fought for my father, you were still living at home! "

As a matter of fact, after saying that, Yuhua regretted it. Knowing that Yulin was stepping down her own steps, she quickly went down the slope and said, "marshal, calm down. My subordinates know the crime."

"Hum!" With a cold hum and a smile on his face, Yulin walked to Su Xun and said, "general Su, welcome back to R star. Maybe we haven't seen each other for many years."

"Marshal, please come to meet me in person. I'm afraid."

Su Xun walked down quickly and gave Yulin an R-star salute.

"General Su is very polite. You used to be my father '

Yulin held Su Xun's hand intimately. His words implored him, which meant that the ancients of the earth spoke happily.

"I will do my best."

Su Xun's answer was more formulaic, because he didn't like the Young Marshal very much.

In his memory, Yulong is a broad-minded, heroic, the world's military mind.

Yulin, in addition to this face, has nothing in common with his father, more like a crafty politician.

Su Xun used the mind reading technique to Yulin.To his surprise, Yulin had no idea.

You know, on the surface, he is very enthusiastic about Su Xun now, and he seems to be very important.

But there are no fluctuations and thoughts in his heart, which is enough to show that this guy is very good at acting and camouflage himself.

Yulong and a burst of hypocritical enthusiasm, make an appointment to drink more at the evening reception, Yulong left with people.

Only the third army was left in the camp.


The adjutant Yunhai took all the senior officers of the third army to Su Xun and saluted him.

"Long time no see."

Su Xun hammered his shoulder with a smile on his face.

Yunhai is two years younger than him. From platoon commander, company commander, regimental commander to now, Yunhai is his adjutant.

With his qualifications, he was able to be transferred to other groups and hold a position with Su xunping, but he refused to be transferred.

Then the rebellion broke out, and his transfer was completely in vain. He had been fighting with Su Xun as an adjutant.

In a war, the two formed deep feelings, not brothers but better than brothers.

"Long time no see." The sea of clouds is still like that, clearly happy, but expressionless.

Su Xun looked at the others behind him again: "you too. Long time no see."

He did not expect that there were so many senior officers in the third army to survive. It was not easy.

"Long time no see, general." There was a smile on everyone's face.

The sea of clouds looked at Qin Zhu behind Su Xun: "madam?"

"One of them." Su Xun emphasized the unit.

The crowd also did not agree, they all said hello to Qin Zhu: "Hello, madam."

"You You're all right For the first time, Qin Zhu seemed at a loss and stammered.

Su Xun was dumbfounded, and rubbed her head. He didn't expect that this female ghost had today.

"General Su, long time no see."

At this time, a strong male voice came into people's ears.

Su Xun turned around and saw that it was Yuan Hao, the commander of the second army who had just left with Yulin.

"General yuan, you didn't say hello to me just now. I thought you had forgotten me."

Su Xun's smiling response was curious. Why did he go back?

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