
Watching the soldiers below begin to retreat, Yuhua angrily kicks on the chair.

The chair fell apart in an instant.

"General, just let him go?" An officer asked reluctantly.

Yuhua suddenly turned back and stared at him coldly: "can you block so many exoskeletons alone?"

He was able to bring a small number of people in time, and they were all wearing conventional combat clothes, and they were not equipped with exoskeleton mecha.

Otherwise, he would never have watched Su Xun leave.

"This..." The officer stopped talking for a moment.

Yulin gritted her teeth and said, "my cousin, you must not die in vain."

Because he is Yuhua's cousin, he has a superior mentality.

They think that Yuan Hao and Su Xun are just the watchdogs of their jade family.

In addition, he was envious of the support of sutian in the third army, and the hatred of killing his brother. His dissatisfaction with sutian has accumulated to the peak.


In the evening, Su Xun's reception.

Everyone knows what happened in Yucheng hotel. After all, so many soldiers were transferred to the city.

Yulin naturally knew that, because Yuhua had already told him.

However, Yulin pretended not to know. She was smiling and chatting with Su Xun. She looked very dependent on him.

"General Su, our next target is Yuancheng. I don't know what you think?"

After talking about it blindly, Yulin turned to military layout.

Source City Su Xun knew that it was more than 5000 kilometers away from Yucheng, and it was one of the few cities still in the hands of Shenyang empire.

Yuancheng is an important military town of the Shenyang empire. It is also a retreat for the capital of the Shenyang empire once it fails to defend. It is a hard nut to crack because of its strict defense.

There is only one country on R star, namely the Shenyang Empire, but there are not many cities. Each city is very far away and covers a huge area. However, compared with R star's means of transportation, this distance is nothing at all.

Yulin won't talk about it for no reason. Su Xun has already guessed his plan.

It's just that he's going to use fu Yuanhao's tactics to deal with him and let him take the third army to fight Yuancheng, so as to consume the strength of the third army.

But this is exactly what Su Xun wants. He just wants to control a city to realize his idea. Isn't this the pillow when he sleeps?

So he sat up straight with a serious face and said firmly: "my subordinates are willing to go out for marshal to win Yuancheng!"

This looks like a loyal subordinate.

"Good! That's what I'm waiting for. " Yulin yelled "yes", raised his glass and touched Su Xun: "let the people of Shenyang Empire see the power of general Su again. This glass of wine wishes general Su a victory."

As the words fell, he drank them all, and then asked, "when is general Su going to go out?"

"It's my duty to share the worries for the marshal. My subordinates will start tomorrow." Su Xun couldn't wait to get rid of Yulin and play by himself.

Yulin was even more happy. She raised her glass and looked at everyone. She said, "general Su is about to go to Yuancheng. Let's wish him a successful return in advance."

Xiaoyin coin just told everyone about it, and Su Xun had no chance to go back.

Big wisdom doesn't have it, but little cleverness is very skillful.

"I wish general Su a successful start."

The corner of Yuhua's mouth rose and a contemptuous smile was raised. Fool, fight, fight, anyway, it's all for me to make wedding clothes.

After the death of your third army, I see what capital you still have in front of me!

After the banquet, Yuan Hao quickly caught up with Su Xun and said, "brother, I didn't expect that Yulin would use this method to make you so soon..."

"General yuan misunderstood that it was my own initiative to fight for Yuancheng." Before he finished, Su Xun interrupted Yuan Hao.

"I know..." Yuan haogang said half a sentence, then suddenly widened his eyes: "what? You asked for it? Brother, don't you understand what I said to you during the day? You are jumping into the fire

He couldn't figure out how Su Xun would ask to go to dayuancheng. Isn't that crazy?

"General, that's quite wrong." Su Xun's face sank, and then said with emotion: "the young commander is the only son of the marshal, and now the marshal of the jade dragon army. As a member of the jade dragon army, we should worry about the Marshal's worries, and worry about the Marshal's worries. This is our duty! It's my honor to go out for the marshal and expand the territory. General yuan, please take care of yourself. "

As the voice fell, Su Xun turned to leave with a different expression, and he didn't procrastinate.

Yuan Hao stood in the same place for a long time without any reaction.

He felt that Su Xun's brain was sick. He knew that Yulin was to consume the strength of the third army, and he even took the task of beating Yuancheng. Isn't that Yuzhong?Have you been on a lower civilized planet for 30 years and ruined your brain?

It can only be said that he certainly did not know that Sun Tzu's art of war is a great military work on earth.

After Yuan Hao left, a figure came out of the dark, stared at his back for a few seconds, and then went to tell Yulin about it.

After hearing this, Yulin sighed with a complicated look: "Su Xun, Su Xun, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. The cohesion of the third army is too strong. I'm really worried if I don't reduce your power."

Yuanhao was dissatisfied with him. He had known for a long time, but Su Xun was so loyal to him, which made him feel sorry.

However, he is such a suspicious character, guilt is only a matter of a moment, and it's gone in a twinkling.


On the other side, Su Xun went home in a flying car.

"Baby, I love you so much."

It's a kiss to fall on the bed and hold Qin Zhu.

Today, when he went to dinner, Qin Zhu also went with him. She saw the spy hiding in the dark and then reminded Su Xun.

That's why Su Xun said something awe inspiring against his will.

"Hee hee, it's wise for you to take me. If you take Yan Niu, you can't help you except for two basketballs to practice dribbling skills."

Qin Zhu's face was a bit elated. His little hand caught Su Xun's neck, and his red lips went up. Then he rolled over and pressed Qin Zhu under.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired today."

Susian caught her restless hands, sat in the spaceship for a day, fought with the pirates, and took part in the reception banquet. He really couldn't afford to clap.

Qin Zhu smile charming, small hand from Su Xun's face across: "you don't move, give me on the line."

The shivering touch made me feel cold.

As expected, female ghosts like to eat men's essence. Ancient books do not deceive me.

The bed sways, the light sways, and the room is full of romance.

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