Hearing that the master from the city was doing this, the first thought in Su Xun's mind was that the villagers met the swindlers.

Because there will be a master hammer in the city.

Of course, master Su is definitely not included. He is a real master.

"Did you invite this master?" Su Xun looked at the old man and asked.

The old man shook his head: "no, the master just passed us. At a glance, we could see that there was something dirty in our village. We all begged him to surrender."

Well, now susian is more sure that this guy is a liar.

Nowadays, there are few demons and ghosts. They are even more precious than giant pandas. It is not too much to list them as first-class protected animals.

In terms of Taoist priest Qingyang's words, if you really meet a demon, a ghost or something, it's really lucky, and you can't wait to surrender.

And if you really don't want to meddle in your own business, you usually stay away from the dirty things.

However, the master pointed out that there were dirty things in the village, and he took the initiative to get involved in them, but he refused to do it. He had to ask the villagers to beg him, and then he would do it.

More importantly, standing at the entrance of the village, he did not feel any evil in the village.

To sum up, Su Xun was 80% sure that the so-called master was a clever swindler.

Nowadays, it's more and more difficult to cheat money in the city, so many cheaters are targeting at remote mountainous areas.

Because these remote mountainous areas are basically out of touch with the outside world, they are relatively closed and can obtain less information, so they are easier to cheat.

For the sake of villagers' willingness to borrow, Su Xun couldn't bear to see them cheated.

After all, the village is so poor that it can't even get electricity. If it is taken away by swindlers, these villagers may not even have enough money to buy Fertilizer next year.

Therefore, Su Xun kindly reminded him: "old man, people are separated from each other. I think your village is very good. There is nothing dirty in it, but don't be cheated."

As soon as his voice fell, a young monk came over and looked at Su Xun with bad eyes: "boy, who do you think is a liar?"

"Little master Jingwu."

"Little master Jingwu."

The villagers at the entrance of the village all said hello to the young monk one after another, obviously respecting him very much.

Jingwu gave Su a gloomy glance, and then made a check on the old man: "Amitabha, old benefactor, my Master heard that two corpse chasers had come to the village, so he asked me to tell the benefactor that they must not enter the village."

"They take the corpse to drive on. The corpse has a lot of Yin Qi. If the dirty things in the village absorb the Yin Qi, it will be difficult for them to surrender."


Hearing this, the villagers were frightened and their faces changed greatly.

"Ha ha, a bunch of nonsense."

With a sneer, Su Xun put a hand on Jingwu's shoulder and used his psychic ability.

"What are you doing?"

Jingwu wants to break free, but he feels as if his shoulder is clamped by a pair of pliers and can't move.

Su Xun released him and said coldly, "I think you're afraid that we'll go into the village and expose your deceptive tricks, so you've come to stop us."

Jingwu's face changed, his pupils shrank, and he was shocked because Su Xun was right.

It doesn't matter whether the corpse chaser is a pretender who controls the walking of the corpse by binding the joints of the corpse with a wooden board.

But the corpse chasers, who have traveled all over the world and are well-informed, are sure to be able to see through their scams.

That's why his master asked him to stop the corpse chaser from entering the village. Unexpectedly, Su Xun told him.

The so-called dirty things are just the illusion that they sneak into the village every night.

"Nonsense! Bloody mouth After Jingwu was torn down, he burst into a rage and looked wronged.

Su Xun chuckled: "if you don't have ghosts in your heart, why don't you let me see how the two masters subdue demons?"

"You..." Jingwu just wants to talk.

Su Xun interrupted him directly: "if you're worried about these corpses behind me, it's unnecessary. I'll leave them outside and go to the village alone."

He had to teach the two swindlers a lesson they would never forget.

"Little master Jingwu, let this master go in and have a look." The old man was helping Su Xun to speak, because he also had doubts.

The village has been haunted for such a long time, but it is strange that every time some animals die, but no one has ever had an accident.

Jingwu knew that he couldn't refuse, so he could only agree with Su Xun to go to the village to watch his master.

Su Xun asked Mei pangzi to look after the bodies of his predecessors outside. Then he took Qin Zhu into the village and whispered to Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu showed a sly smile, eager to try.

Soon, the party came to a courtyard in the village.In the yard, the tools needed for such practices as incense tables have been laid out. A fat monk is chanting there.

Jingwu went to his master and whispered a few words.

The fat monk took a look at Su Xun and nodded quietly to say hello. Then he said to the villagers, "please step back first, benefactor. I'm going to start cooking to lead the devil out."

An old liar is an old liar. He is more calm than Jingwu.

The old man looked at Su Xun, because Su Xun said that the two masters were liars.

"Come on, let's not disturb the master."

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, he raised a banter smile, dropped a word, and then went out.

Seeing this, the old man left with him.

Other villagers followed and shut the door of the yard.

The invisible Qin Zhu stayed in the yard.

As soon as the gate of the courtyard was closed, the fat monk denounced Jingwu: "how do you do things? Don't you stop the corpse chaser?"

"Master, that guy seems to be able to see what I'm thinking. He really has two brushes." Jingwu looks helpless.

Fat monk cold hum a: "there is a fart of two brushes, must be your acting too bad."

"Master, what to do now." Jingwu drooped his head and didn't dare to talk back.

The fat monk yawned: "wait, there's no ghost at all. We'll go out after more than ten minutes and say that the ghost has been removed."

"Monk, how do you know there is no ghost?"

A girl's voice rang out.

When the fat monk heard this, he sneered subconsciously: "it's the 21st century, where are the ghosts in the world..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly reacted, his fat body was stiff in the same place, and dense beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Jingwu's face turned white. The master and the apprentice's eyes were opposite. Their heart beat faster and their hands and feet trembled.

There were only two of them in the yard. How could there be a third voice?

Still a woman.

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