To become a man is to be said, to remain unchanged is to die.

The fox spirit felt that the fox was grey.

"Master, please forgive me, master. The little demon has never killed anyone. Please let me live for the sake of the little demon's hard cultivation."

The fox spirit raised his two front feet and bowed to Mei pangzi. His light blue amber eyes were full of tears.

Su Xun said, "fat man, let her go. She didn't kill anyone."

According to the ancient books, although the spirits who practice by killing and sucking blood and Qi improve quickly, they are angry, red eyed and impatient.

This kind of monster is much more difficult when it comes to looting, because there are too many murders, and heaven and earth kill each other.

In front of him, the fox's eyes were clear and his whole body was full of aura. It was obvious that he had never killed anyone, and he had never sucked human blood.

"This master is a good example." Seeing the hope of survival, the fox spirit quickly bowed to Su Xun twice: "the little demon practices by sucking the essence of the sun and the moon. In recent years, it has become more and more difficult to practice. He begins to charm the strong man with flattering skills and sucking his essence. But it has always been enough and never killed anyone."

When she sucks essence, she first Charms people with flattery, then puts her nose close to her and takes two breaths to let them go. She has never killed anyone.

Essence is different from blood.

Essence is sucked two mouthfuls, dizzy at most two days, tonic can live again.

But it would be fatal if blood gas was sucked. It's normal to be sucked into a mummy directly.

Looking at the pure white fox, Mei pangzi always felt it was a pity to let him go. He turned his eyes and said, "it's not impossible to spare your life, but you have to accompany me in the future."

It doesn't matter if you can't change your shape now. You can already speak. That means you're not far away from changing your shape.

I'll be a child bride.

The fox shivered, his eyes turned, raised his front foot and pointed to Su Xun: "can the little demon choose to follow the master?"

Fat may really scared her.

Moreover, she saw that there was a ghost beside susian, so she must not hate them.

Mei Pang's face sank, and angrily scolded: "damn all evil Yan value party, even the demon began to see Yan value."

Since the other party has to follow Su Xun, what can he do? Can you still say "no"?

Voice down, a wave of hands, besieged fox spirit Fu paper moment is with the wind.

Fox spirit quickly four feet and ran to Su Xun in front of: "please accept master, little demon is willing to serve master."

"You keep it." Su Xun said to Qin Zhu that he was not interested in the fox (◍˃̶ᗜ).

Women love fluffy creatures, so do female ghosts.

"Thank you, master." Qin Zhu was overjoyed and bent down to hold the fox in his arms. He stroked her with his hand.

The fox narrowed his eyes slightly and showed the expression of enjoyment.

No way, fox under the eaves, had to bow.

Today's society is not friendly to both the practitioners and the demons.

Qin Zhu said, "you'll be called Xiaobai in the future."

As a pet, she finally has her own pet, excited.

It's an old tradition to choose a name according to the color of hair. There's no problem.

"Yes, yes." The fox spirit doesn't like this simple and crude name, but she likes it very much.

Mei Pang is not reconciled: "little fox, do you have a sister or something?"

"No Xiaobai shakes his head like a rattle. Don't say no, I can't tell you if I have.

Su Xun continued to drive the corpse on the road, chatting with Xiaobai: "how long have you been practicing?"

"I don't remember. Anyway, I had intelligence before the Qing Dynasty was destroyed."

In other words, she has been practicing for at least 100 years.

Mei pangzi suddenly realized: "no wonder it hasn't changed its shape. It's only been more than 100 years."

For people, more than 100 years has been a long time.

But for the demon, more than 100 years is nothing.

Xiaobai just turns his eyes around and doesn't speak. After all, it's too dangerous to be human. There's always the risk of being called by human beings. It's better to keep the ontological state in the future.

It's reasonable to say that she can't change her form in more than 100 years. Especially, the closer the time is to modern times, the more difficult it is to cultivate and change her form.

But she had an adventure, so she took shape a long time ago.

But she doesn't know any magic except the fox's natural charm. After all, no one teaches her, and she can't find the demon's magic cultivation.

Mei pangzi despises Xiaobai, but Su Xun thinks Xiaobai is a treasure.

Fox has lived for more than 100 years. Isn't this a living modern history book?

"Xiaobai, was there an immortal more than 100 years ago?" Su Xun asked curiously.

Xiaobai shook his head: "I haven't seen it.""Is there a monk who flies away from heaven?"

"I haven't seen it."


"I don't know. I haven't seen it."

Su Xun asked several questions in a row, but Xiao Bai didn't know.

This made him a little annoyed: "how come you don't know anything after all these years of living?"

"I've been practicing in the mountains." Xiaobai said wrongly.

It's dangerous outside. There are Taoist monks and all kinds of foreign guns and cannons everywhere. She doesn't want to be killed in a muddle.

It was only in recent decades that she had been transformed, and there were not so many people who knew Taoism outside, and she did not dare to go out for activities until she stopped fighting.

Su Xun is speechless. Maybe this is the reason why she can live to this day. In a real sense, she lives in troubled times.

"What do you know, what do you know?"

Xiaobai thought about it, then tilted his head and said, "I know there is a tomb, in which there is a prince, who has never been stolen."

It was in that tomb that she got her adventure.

In fact, she didn't want to say this place.

However, she was afraid that Su Xun thought she was useless and gave her to Mei Wenhua.

So in order not to fall into the clutches of the fat man, Xiaobai said this place.

"What's the use of that?" Su Xun turned his eyes. He didn't lack the money. How could he be a tomb robber.

But Mei Pang's eyes brightened: "it's useless. The ancient tombs that haven't been stolen are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. We can do a lot of work!"

With money, is he afraid of no women?

"It's against the law to rob a tomb." Su Xun said.

Mei pangzi doesn't think so: "no one will break the law if they don't know."

"Well, now that I know, I'll report you." Su Xun said softly.

Fat Mei

Brother, you are a real dog.

Su Xun said, "and do you know how to rob Tombs? The structure of this royal tomb is complicated. Do you think you can get in by digging a hole? "

"I have a good idea." Mei pangzi showed an insidious smile: "we can let out the news about the tomb and attract the tomb robbers to steal. We'll wait outside and wait for them to come out and make dumplings directly. Is that a good idea?"

"It's only a few hundred million. I don't want to waste time on such boring things." Su Xun said softly and quickened his pace.

Several hundred million stupid people, their eyes are stagnant nothing more?

A few hundred million is the same as a few yuan.

Damned rich man, it's amazing Envy.

"Brother, wait for me. Brother, you will be my half brother."

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