"Report, the target has been hit accurately, please give instructions from the commander!"

The platoon leader of the artillery platoon came to the red sun and said sonorously.

Although Su Xun was right next to him, no matter what industry, he was taboo to report this kind of thing.

Especially in the army with strict ranks, you can go to whoever your direct superior is without the order of going up to the peak. You will always be responsible only to the direct superior.

Red sun nodded, then looked at Su Xun, waiting for orders.

"You can go." Su Xun said.

Red sun feet close, PA of a stand at attention: "yes, general."

The voice fell, turned around and left with the boarder of the artillery platoon. From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at the others at all.

A moment later, the spaceship turned into streamer and disappeared in the night sky. In a real sense, it came and went in a hurry.

From shelling to the end of shelling, the midway time will not exceed three minutes.

But in just three minutes, a water demon with a body length of nearly three meters, who could swallow people alive, died with no residue left.

Unless there is a time when demons and demons will be destroyed, they will not be able to survive.

It is said that there was once an army stationed beside a cemetery. At night, there were some strange things in the cemetery.

Later, the officers directly ordered the cemetery to be shelled. After dozens of guns went down, nothing strange happened near the barracks.

Guns in hand, that's how overbearing!

Su Xun turned to look at the seven students.

All the seven students were excited and looked at Su Xun with some formality.

The news is so big that they can't digest what happened tonight.

"I'm an adult. I don't need to teach you what can be said and what can't be said."

Su Xun said it lightly.

He doesn't care about the rest, as long as the identity of general R is not exposed.

Seven people nodded like chickens pecking rice.

"Well, let's go. What's wrong with playing? I've never seen a horror film since I came here to camp in the wilderness. Generally, it's you who are idle and painful."

Su Xun waved away these people like flies.

"Let's go now. Thank you for your help, master."

"Thank you, master, thank you..."

While thanking them, the seven ran away in a hurry, even ignoring the salutes on the ground.

"Big brother ~"

fat man Mei came to Su Xun with a flattering face.

Su Xun pushed the pig's head away and asked, "what do you want to do?"

"Elder brother, I want to be a leader. What you said last time for me to be a leader still counts?"

Mei pangzi licked his face and rubbed his palm with embarrassment. How disgusting this look is.

"Count." Su Xun nodded and said to Mei Pang, "the commander just now is Chiyang. What do you think of him?"

"Very good, aggressive side leak." Fat may, just lick it.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "then you go and do it. As long as you have the ability to do it, you can do it as you like

Mei Pang's eyes blinked.

After working for a long time, what you said was to give me a team leader to do it.

But this is not what I want!

"No, brother. In fact, I always think I'm a general. I can't be a commander. Even a company commander can do it."

"General, I think you are a fool."

"That's not good. You can find a female leader and let me do it." Mei Pang is the second best. He can't do anything for a man.

"Go away!"

Ten minutes later, after Su Xun's careful education with his fists, Mei Pang finally didn't want to be the commander.

Two people with the body of the Anti Japanese War ancestors continue on the road, over the mountains.

On the other side, the seven students were also walking down the mountain.

Ruth died of her boyfriend and was frightened. She was a little confused. She had to be supported when she walked.

The young man in the black vest looked at the video recorded in his mobile phone. It was a short segment of Su Xun shaking the fish demon with a sword.

As for the rest, it's not recorded.

Because after the fish demon ate jack, they were scared out of their wits. How dare they continue to record videos with their mobile phones.

"I want to post this video online."

Men in black waistcoats are ready to move. People are like this. When they know something special, they want to spread it from their own mouth. It's known all over the world.

"Didn't he warn us not to talk nonsense?" Girls with short hair are worried.

The black waistcoat man said, "what he said should not be about the identity of his alien officer, not about his fish fighting demon.""How do you know?" A black straight girl looked at him suspiciously.

The man in black waistcoat explained: "didn't the video of his corpse also come out? It's not that nothing has happened yet. "

After hearing this, everyone was relieved, and then they all asked for a video to be sent out from their respective social software, hoping to attract a wave of fans.

Six people took the same title.

The corpse chaser fighting the fish demon with sword. 》

corpse chaser is a hot word on the Internet recently, so this post was pushed to many people's mobile phones by big data.

But it's early in the morning, and most people are still resting, so few people see this post.

Zhao Yu is a reporter. He just came back from working overtime at the TV station to eat instant noodles.

One hand is enough to eat instant noodles, and the other hand should be used to play with mobile phones.

As soon as he turned on his mobile phone, he saw the news that the news software pushed to him.

The corpse chaser fighting the fish demon with sword. 》

he scoffed: "these we media people are really hot, and they trample on the horse and fish demon, and I have hot and sour fish head."

As a media person with a professional background, he doesn't look up to those who engage in we media, because these people dare to make up anything, and a rat excrement spoils a pot of soup.

In the past, when he came across similar news, he just crossed it directly.

Today, however, he went in by magic.

With the video playing, Zhao Yu's instant noodles fork has fallen to the ground.

After the video, Zhao Yu is still sitting on the sofa motionless, for a while to spit out two words: "lying trough."

At this moment, only these two words can best express his inner feelings.

It's a tradition of Xiangxi culture in the Dragon kingdom to chase corpses.

But this step on the horse even fish demon all came out, Zhao Yu began to doubt whether really want to Reiki recovery.

Then he quickly realized that this was an opportunity. He picked up his mobile phone and called his editor in chief. He wanted to drive out the news immediately before other media found it.

At that time, as the first media to report this, it will certainly attract a lot of attention.

At this time, Su Xun knew nothing about it. He and Mei pangzi just walked out of the vast mountains and came to the enclosure section outside a city.

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