"He doesn't seem to like you very much?" After walking out of the company building, an Zijin looks puzzled.

Su Xun laughed: "I'm not a bank note. Of course, it's impossible for everyone to like me."

He doesn't want to let an Zijin know these things in the company, so as not to spoil her mood.

Seeing that Su Xun didn't want to say, an Zijin didn't ask much, but changed the topic: "where are we going now?"

Sensible women are always liked by people.

"Look at you, don't you mean I'll go shopping with you?" In Jiangnan City, Su Xun didn't have many acquaintances. He really didn't have a place to go.

An Zijin thought about it, his eyes fell on Su Xun's empty wrist, and his eyes lit up: "yes! Go and buy you a watch. You are different now. You can't always take out your mobile phone to see the time. "

"OK, listen to my wife." Su Xun pinched her face. Now he really needed a good watch to set off his identity.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at a Patek Philippe store in the center of the city.

"Su Xun!"

Just walked to the door of the store, behind suddenly came a voice.

Su Xun stopped and looked back. He saw a young man with a smile and a woman walking quickly.

After entering, Su Xun recognized the person and blurted out, "Liao Xiang, why are you here?"

It was his high school deskmate. They had a good relationship at first, but later Liao Xiang didn't go to college to work.

I haven't seen you for more than two years. I didn't expect to meet you here. Su Xun was surprised.

"I work in Jiangnan City. Today I go shopping with my girlfriend." Seeing his old classmate, Liao Xiang was very excited. He pointed to the woman beside him and said, "this is my girlfriend Luo Juan."

Su Xun looked at Luo Juan: "Hello, I'm Su Xun."

"Liao Xiang often mentions you in front of me." Luo Juan smiles.

The Son Jin also introduced my girlfriend

"You are lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend." Liao Xiang expressed his admiration, and then looked at an Zijin: "after this boy bullies you, I help you revenge, so beautiful girlfriends dare not cherish, should fight."

"Thank you, brother Liao." Anzijin smell speech pursed mouth a smile.

Liao Xiang asked, "by the way, what are you doing here? Otherwise, we'll go shopping together and have lunch together at noon."

"Let's look at the watch." Su Xun said.

Liao Xiang deliberately exaggerated widened his eyes: "yes, you boy, poor car rich watch, it seems that you are now developed ah!"

"There's no exaggeration. It's just a watch to watch the time." Su Xun said modestly that he didn't want to pretend in front of his old classmates.

Liao Xiang is to the interest: "together, anyway, we are idle is also idle, first with you watch, later lunch together."

"Yes, I'll treat you at noon." Su Xun nodded with a smile.

Liao Xiang waved his hand: "no, you are still a student now. I'm all at work. I'd better invite you."

Obviously, he was just exaggerating that Su Xun had developed. He was only joking. After all, he knew Su Xun was still in school.

So how could he let Su Xun treat him? I'm afraid he didn't have half a month's living expenses.

"We'll talk about it then. Let's go first." Su Xun's voice fell, and he took an Zijin to the exclusive store first.

Liao Xiang, a scum, didn't know Patek Philippe's English, so he didn't feel anything. He raised his foot and went inside.

Luo Juan is a pull him.

"What are you doing?" Liao Xiang's face was full of wonder.

Luo Juan took a look at Su Xun's and an Zijin's back. She came to Liao Xiang's ear and said, "this is Patek Philippe's shop. The watches in it are more than one hundred thousand."

"What Liao Xiang suddenly widened his eyes, and then said, "you're wrong. Su Xun is still in school. How could he have the money to buy such an expensive watch?"

Hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. This horse is wearing a car in his hand. Where can Su Xun afford it now.

"So, they must just go in and have a look and not buy it. What a shame. I feel embarrassed."

Luo Juan is a little bit coy. She obviously doesn't want to go in and follow Su Xun. They are shameful.

"I said Liao Xiang, what are you two muttering about there?"

Seeing that they didn't keep up, Su Xun turned around and yelled.

"Right away." Liao Xiang replied and took Luo Juan into the store: "if there's anything to be afraid of, just come in and have a long experience. You can't leave suddenly at this time."

Luo Juan was a little annoyed, but she had already been dragged in. At this time, she was more embarrassed to run out, so she had to go inside.

I can't help complaining about Su Xun. What can I do in such a place if I have no money? Anyway, I can't afford it after reading it. Isn't it uncomfortable for me?

"Welcome, four ladies and gentlemen. Good morning."Just entering the door, a tall woman came over with a proper smile on her face.

In the novel, the story of a salesman who looks down on others will not happen in such a luxury store.

The salesmen here are all professionally trained. Even if they know that the other party can't afford it, they will receive it as usual. It's impossible for them to do anything to damage the brand's reputation.

Otherwise, if someone takes a video and exposes it to the Internet, it will be very busy.

The salesman took the four people to the sofa to sit down, poured them a glass of water, and then said, "are you here to watch? Do you have a model you'd like to see in advance? "

Liao Xiang and Luo Juan are embarrassed when they hear this. They feel uncomfortable when they sit on the sofa. They can only look at Su Xun and an Zijin.

"Do you have 61,04g-001 in stock?" Su Xun used his mobile phone to check Patek Philippe's series name list in the car before, and thought this one was very good-looking.

The smile on the salesperson's face is more brilliant: "yes, two, please wait a moment."

She turned and walked to the second floor.

Why does she smile so happily?

Because this watch is worth nearly three million, it is undoubtedly a big business.

Although Liao Xiang and Luo Juan are dressed in ordinary clothes, she can see that Su Xun and an Zijin are dressed in unusual clothes!

In particular, the bag in an Zijin's hand is worth more than 300000 yuan. This kind of person definitely bought Patek Philippe.

As soon as the salesman left, Liao Xiang said in a hurry, "Su Xun, do you know how much the watch here costs? I'm sorry if I don't buy it."

"Don't be impatient for a while. You won't lose a piece of meat." Su Xun was relieved that he couldn't say that I could afford it.

Liao Xiang still wants to talk, but the salesman has come down from the second floor, so he has to shut up and pretend to be dead.

The salesman came over with a delicate box in his arms.

When the box is opened, you can see a blue starry sky, and the dreamy dial is exciting.

"I have to say that you have a good eye. This watch belongs to Patek Philippe's super complex chronometer series. It is made of 315 parts and inlaid with 45 gems..."

The salesman saw that Su Xun had been attracted by the appearance of the watch and began to talk about all kinds of data of the watch.

Liao Xiang and Luo Juan are more and more frightened. Should they come to this kind of place?

"Can you try it on?" Su Xun asked.

Luo Xiang and Luo Juan stare at him.

They didn't expect that Su Xun would dare to test his watch, so they wouldn't be afraid that if he accidentally broke it, they couldn't afford to pay for it?

Both of them thought that Su Xun was too brave.

"Certainly," the salesman said with a smile

Voice down, she carefully took out the watch from the box, she is also afraid to break, after all, she is a worker, can't afford to pay.

Su Xun took it and put it on his wrist. He felt cool and comfortable.

"It's pretty. It's a good match for you." An Zi Jin said a, very satisfied to this watch.

Liao Xiang and Luo Juan are worried, for fear that Su Xun might accidentally damage their watch.

Su Xun didn't take the watch down. He said to the salesman directly, "I'll take this watch. Please swipe the card."

Where did you say that with Luo mengxiang?

Luo Juan's first impression of Su Xun was not very good. She felt that this man was too empty. She could not afford to pay the bill for a while, and she had to make them lose face together.

I really don't understand how an Zijin, such a beautiful woman, can fall in love with such an unreliable man. In the future, Liao Xiang has to have less contact with him.

But she didn't show it on her face. After all, she is an adult. If she knows something, it will be embarrassing.

"Sir, the current domestic price of this watch is 2978000 yuan. Are you sure you want to buy it?" The salesman said the price and confirmed it again.

When Liao Xiang and Luo Juan heard the price, they almost had the impulse to seize the door and run away. Their faces turned white.

Su Xun calmly took out his bank card from his wallet: "swipe the card."

"Yes, sir. Congratulations on being the owner of this Patek Philippe." The salesman had a big smile on his face and a respectful tone.

Ten minutes later, until they walked out of the store, Liao Xiang and Luo Juan were still dizzy.

In any case, they couldn't believe it. Su xungang just downplayed the fact that he spent nearly three million yuan on a watch.

The shock to them can be imagined.

Especially Luo Juan, she is very embarrassed. After all, she just arranged Su Xun in her heart, and now she feels hot on her face.

Luo Juan looks at Liao Xiang angrily. Is this what you call an ordinary junior?

Is this the so-called ordinary?

I'm sorry, I've disgraced ordinary people.

Feeling his girlfriend's eyes, Liao Xiang was also confused. How did Su Xun suddenly become a rich man?"Su Xun..." Liao Xiang was just about to ask his doubts when his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Su Xun's eyes inadvertently fell on his mobile phone screen. As a result, he saw that the caller ID was actually "Liao Yu".

His face changed.

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