"Brother Liang, do you think it's human? I mean, how can this corpse walk?"

A little red hair pointed to Su Xun and others and said.

"So much pressure, let him take off his cloak and have a look."

Brother Liang said impatiently, and then waved to Mei Wenhua: "Hey, that fat man over there, come here, let's take off our cloak."

Mei pangzi didn't pay any attention to him. He continued to beat the gong to keep up with Su Xun.

Being ignored, brother Liang is very angry.

"Mad, I have to see it today."

Twist to get up, leave a crooked words to Su Liang to walk.

Three little gangsters are also in a hurry to catch up.

Coming to the body, brother Liang reached out to lift the cloak on one of the bodies.

As soon as he reached out his hand, Su Xun's indifferent voice came into his ears: "if you collide with the corpse, you will be punished. You can think clearly."

"Who the hell are you scaring? I don't believe in this evil today. " Bright elder brother domineering full of said a, eyes with a bit of provocation.

After a few beers, he now feels like he's the only one in the world.

Su Xun didn't stop him. Since he insisted on seeing it, let him see it clearly.

Brother Liang belched and lifted the cloak on the body.

Then the expression on his face became stiff, the wine woke up instantly, and his hand with his cloak trembled slightly.

"Ma God, what a corpse! Corpses

The other three little gangsters were all frightened and stepped back subconsciously.

Back a few steps, but found that brother Liang is still standing in the same place did not move, three people can not help but rise in the heart of a steady stream of admiration.

"Brother Liang is fierce. No wonder he can make a name in Lailong county. He doesn't even frown at the corpse."

"That is, brother Liang is overbearing..."

Brother 10000 ran along his forehead, but he didn't want to be scared.

At this moment, the body suddenly turned to look at him.


Brother Liang was so scared that he almost subconsciously turned around and ran. As a result, because of his soft feet, he fell to the ground after two steps.

At this time, the car ran directly over his face.

"Click click -"

accompanied by a clear sound, brother Liang's legs directly twisted and deformed.

"My legs! Ah, my leg

Brother Liang uttered a shrill scream. Because of the pain, his face became distorted, and there was no blood on his face.

"Ding Ling - Ding Ling ~"

"Dang - Dang ~"

it was just the bell, just the sound of the gong. Su Xun soon disappeared in the same place with his body.

"Brother Liang, you have nothing to do, brother Liang."

Until this time, the three little gangsters who were scared so far dare to help brother Liang.

Behind the barbecue stand, the boss and his wife looked at each other and saw the panic in each other's eyes.

"Retribution, that's retribution."

The landlady mumbled the same sentence to herself.

In her opinion, brother Liang's leg was broken by the van, which was what Su Xun said.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence.

"Ding Lingling ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid, if there is a collision, all disasters will happen..."

Bells and gongs and Mei Pang's shouts spread all over the street.

Many residents opened their windows one after another to look down.

See the mist on the street hazy, fog there is a road can not see the figure in the front, the speed is very fast, a few steps out to a few meters away.

It's as if there are ghosts traveling at night.

People who saw this scene felt numb scalp, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and then quickly closed the window.

Lailong hotel is the largest hotel in the county. Many businessmen from other places live here.

A group of people in suits walked out of the door of the hotel, surrounded by a fat foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes.

There is a black BMW on the side of the road.

"Mr. Charles, you should stay here to rest tonight. It's not safe to take a bus at night."

A middle-aged man with glasses opened the door for the foreigner himself.

"No, Huo, I must go back to magnesium immediately and submit your proposal to the head office, hoping to reach an agreement in the end."

Charles waved his hand, his face a little bit red, and his mouth was full of wine.

He is from a paper company in MgO. He came to Longguo at the invitation of Huo Tao, a local entrepreneur in Lailong county.After spending a day in Lailong county and collecting $1 million from Huo Tao, Charles felt that it was a good choice to cooperate with Huo Tao's company.

That's why he couldn't wait to book a plane ticket all night to go back to magnesia to finalize the matter.

Because after signing the contract, he will get a reward of 500000 US dollars, which is why he is so active.

"Well, next time you come to Longguo, you must let me treat you for two more days."

Huo Tao pretends to be reluctant to part with him. In fact, he also wants Charles to return home soon to finalize the contract.

"Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid, if there is a collision, all disasters will happen..."

"Dang ~"

a bell rang into everyone's ears, and Charles, who was preparing to get on the bus, also stopped subconsciously.

Everyone went along, and a thick fog began to spread from the street on the left side of the hotel.

"Well, why is it fogging?" Said one of the entourage, frowning.

"Ding Ling - Ding Ling - Ding Ling ~"

the bell is getting closer and closer.

Finally, under the gaze of the crowd, Su Xun and Mei pangzi came out of the fog with nine corpses.

"The two corpse chasers on the Internet?"

Huo Tao's face changed. Although he thought it was a trick, he still felt ominous.

"Huo, what are they doing?" Charles asked curiously.

Huo Tao showed a smile on his face: "Mr. Charles, this is a traditional culture of Xiangxi in our dragon kingdom. It's called driving the corpse, that is, driving the corpse on the road."

"Oh, MAIGA, is that true?" Charles exclaimed, how could the body walk?

Huo Tao laughed: "Mr. Charles, this is obviously fake. It's mostly people loading corpses inside. Otherwise, why cover the corpses?"

Now there are some people on the Internet who firmly believe in the corpse chaser.

However, many people have the same idea as Huo Tao. They think it's an operation. Let people load the corpses, and then send videos to the Internet to attract attention and traffic, and then open a live broadcast to realize the traffic.

After all, there are many similar things these days.

Knowing that it was fake, Charles was still interested. Looking at Huo Tao, he said, "Huo, can you ask them to come and perform for me?"

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