"Elder brother, why are there so many evil spirits in the world?"

On the way, Mei Pang sighed.

At this time, they have passed through the county of Lailong and entered the deep mountains again.

The experience I just had in the county is the reason why the corpse chasers try their best to avoid people by taking paths.

Because there are always evil people who don't believe in evil, and they have to touch this mold to harm others and themselves.

Retribution is, of course, illusory and invisible.

But the bodies that rush to the road will be haunted by death and begin to have bad luck. If bad luck passes by, it will easily lead to serious consequences.

Like the flowerpot that fell on Xiao Wang's head.

If he moves a few centimeters back or forward or to the side, the vase won't hit him.

But as it happens, this is the result of bad luck.

And Xiao Huangmao, who was crushed by the car and broke his leg, all these things happen to be too much, revealing a lot of evil.

"You said that they were Shabi. Isn't it normal that Shabi didn't have a sense of propriety?"

Su Xun casually replied that there are more than 7 billion people in the world. Aren't they allowed to have some evil writing?

Ordinary people, even if they don't believe in these things, don't take the initiative to go forward, but stay away.

Like the couple at the barbecue stand.

Xiao Huangmao and Huo Tao are just themselves. If they are lucky enough, they can't die. But in their later years, they must be suffering from all kinds of diseases. If they are not lucky enough, they will end up like Xiao Wang.

Plum fat man looked at Qin Zhu: "if just sister-in-law is not invisible, then they are not attracted by the corpse, but by sister-in-law."

"It's a bit of flattery and progress." Qin Zhu praised Mei Pang, holding a branch in his hand.

Xiaobai slowly followed her, a white fox tail swaying very good-looking.

"Big brother, it's going to be light. Do you want to find a place to rest first?"

Mei fat man looked at the time and said.

"Didn't you say a piece of rubbish?" Su Xun was not angry and said.

Mei chubby chuckled, licked his face and said, "please tell me. It's not to show respect for you."

Half an hour later, because they couldn't find the cave, they came to a river and built a shed to protect the body from the sun.

Then began to cook, food directly from local materials, caught a few fish in the river to copy.

"It's a pity that I didn't taste the fish demon."

Looking at the Yellow grilled fish in his hand, Mei Pang sighed with regret.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and said, "I really want to make pickled fish with that fish demon. Maybe that thing will grow so big after eating how many people. Can you eat its meat?"

"Forget it. Don't mention such disgusting things during meals. It's easy to get sick."


At 8:30 in the evening, it was dark. Su Xun and Mei pangzi rushed to the road again.

We can deliver these seniors to their destination tonight.

Yicheng military division is subordinate to southwest military division. It is located in a deep mountain outside Yicheng, where an infantry division is stationed all year round.

At one o'clock in the morning, the guards at the gate of the military division began to change their posts.

Two soldiers with live ammunition walked to the door and saluted the two men who were standing guard.

The two men who stood guard at the gate saluted back, then handed over their posts to each other, turned and walked into the military division.

It's all done in silence. It looks very ceremonial.

As if the two guards were standing on the door.

"Ding Ling - Ding Ling - Ding Ling ~"

a bell rang into their ears.

They looked at each other and were suspicious. Where did the bells ring in the mountains in the middle of the night?

"Step to step to step"

suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from the front.

Two guards face a change, at the same time the muzzle of the gun at the front of the dark forest.

As they watched, several figures came out of the darkness.

"Who is it! Stop! This is an important military area. No admittance. Get out of here at once

In the distance, one of the guards yelled a warning before he could see the man clearly.

The people on the opposite side were getting closer and closer, and the two guards finally saw the general appearance of these people.

The first two were fat and thin. The thin one was holding a flag in his hand, shaking a bell and wearing a hood. People couldn't see his face clearly.

Behind them were nine men in black in cloaks.

Next to him was a snow-white fox.

This scene looks very strange.

"Stop! One step further and I'll shoot! "

The guard yelled again, his automatic rifle loaded.

Su Xun stopped and said in a low voice, "I'm here to send people home. These are the remains of your predecessors, veterans who died on the battlefield."Hearing this, the two guards were at a loss. They understood the last sentence, but they both felt that it was a bit of a mystery.

After all, the army is relatively closed and has limited access to information from the outside world. These private soldiers do not know the video of the corpse chaser circulated on the Internet.

Su Xun continued: "since the people have been sent, I will leave first."

As the voice fell, he turned back and bowed to the nine corpses: "you elders, we will get along together all the way, and we will be apart soon. Our homeland has arrived. I hope you can settle down as soon as possible."

With that, Su Xun and Mei pangzi took off their cloaks from nine corpses one by one, and then walked into the darkness.

Two guards carefully came forward to check, after seeing the true face of the nine bodies, they all took a cold breath.

"Quick Report

A few minutes later, a middle-aged commander with a group of officers quickly walked out of the gate of the military division.

The middle-aged commander approached and looked at the nine corpses carefully. His face became more and more dignified. He looked at the two guards and asked, "where are the people who sent them?"

As a high-level official, he certainly knows the two videos of corpse chasers which are very popular on the Internet recently, but he never thought that the bodies of those veterans were actually sent to him.

"Commander, report is gone." One of the guards replied.

A school official looked at the middle-aged commander in doubt: "commander, these are..."

"They are all our predecessors. Their clothes are not rotten yet. They all grow together with meat." The middle-aged commander looked respectful, then took a deep breath: "everyone has it. Stand at attention."


All of them stand straight at attention, with a clear sound from the heel collision.

"Welcome the veterans home, salute!"

The middle-aged commander opened his throat and roared.


All of them raised their right hands to salute.

At night, the bodies of the nine veterans stood still, their backs still straight.

In front of the old soldier's body, a group of young officers stood at attention and saluted, with their backs straight.

This scene seems to be the transfer of responsibility between the old and the new.

Several meteors passed in the night sky.

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