I had a day off in the capital of Liaoning Province.

Early the next morning, Cao Yuanzheng built a minibus with his son as the driver.

After they got on the bus, he didn't say where the destination was, but let his son drive all the time.

As for his cautious behavior, everyone understands it, and no one cares.

Starting in the morning, it took about six hours to drive to liujiatun.

Cao Yuanzheng said to the people, "the tomb is in the back mountain of this village."

All the people were breathless.

"Let's go. Get off. There are mountain roads behind. We can't get through. We have to walk on our feet."

A group of people get off and walk into liujiatun.

Maybe there are too many strangers in the village recently, and the villagers are not surprised.

"Brother, I want to know something. Our city scientific research team came here to investigate. Are there any strangers in the village recently?"

Cao Yuanzi stopped an old man and began to ask for information.

"Yes, those who come to travel and hunt are camping in the back mountain. I don't know what's good to see in the deep mountains and forests with such thick snow."

The old man took the cigarette and put it on the back of his ear. He grinned and said that his yellow teeth were dazzling.

Hearing this, everyone knew it well. It seems that many of the colleagues who are staring at Liu An's tomb have arrived ahead of time.

"Thank you, old man. Let's go first."

Cao Yuan said thanks, then winked at Su Xun and others. A group of people passed through the village and went back to the mountain.

The little old man stood in the same place, looking at the back of Cao Yuanzheng and others, with a smile on his face. He laughed strangely and muttered to himself, "come on, come on again."

Unfortunately, Su Xun and others did not see this scene.

The back mountain of liujiatun is said to be the back mountain. In fact, it is far away from the village, which makes Su Xun and others go over the mountains for a while.

But that's good. When the time comes, the villagers will not be afraid to hear the news.

After walking for an hour and a half, a group of people came to the back mountain, a large plain, next to the river.

There are several tents set up below, which are divided into three piles, obviously representing the three forces.

With the arrival of Su Xun and others, the three wave people who arrived in advance also noticed them.

There are eleven or two people in each of the three waves, all of whom are strong men.

"Ah, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang Mazi and Mr. Gui Qi, you three are very early."

In this circle, the big and the small are known to each other.

So Cao Yuanzheng called out the leaders of these three forces at the first time.

"Look at the old Cao family. They're not afraid to take your granddaughter with them

"Then you will be the last one..."

Three people have responded to Cao Yuanzheng.

Cao Yuanzheng's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the strong men behind them: "ha ha, I said, how can't I see an acquaintance of your family? For a long time, I was afraid of the last queen in my family. I found a bunch of raw melons and eggs to die. "

"Come on, don't use your provocation. It doesn't work. We've given enough money."

"That is, the good boys behind us are much more useful than your old, weak, sick and disabled people."

Cao Yuanzheng did not agree: "it's useless to talk about Kung Fu. After going to the grave, we should rely on our own abilities."

He had some doubts in his heart. How could there be only three waves of people? Plus he's only four waves.

Is it someone else who hasn't arrived yet?

No, I'm late enough to calculate the time.

However, the three guys arrived ahead of time. Why didn't they dig a hole first?

He asked the doubt in his heart: "I said ghost seven, you three arrived ahead of time, why didn't you go down to the grave, so kind-hearted waiting for the people behind to compete fairly?"

"Hey, hey." Ghost old seven three people look at each other, looking at Cao Yuanzheng, said: "who can know the danger in this tomb, although many people compete, but also many insurance, everyone depends on their ability."

Although Cao Yuanzheng thinks that this is bullshit, he can only believe it.

"No one else is coming, I don't know what's going on." Wang Mazi yawned and pointed to a place not far away with a flag: "we've all ordered the acupoints. We'll just wait until no one comes tonight. I didn't expect you old Cao to come."

"Ha ha, OK, I'll go to the grave with you tonight." Cao Yuanzheng laughs with a calm expression, which makes people unable to see his true thoughts clearly.

After a simple greeting, GUI Laoqi and Wang Mazi left, leaving Cao Yuanzheng, Su Xun and others.

As soon as the three men left, Cao Yuanzheng's face sank down: "how many hearts do you have tonight? All the three guys are strong guys. If we fight, we will easily lose."He felt that there was something wrong with the three of them.

What makes him most uncomfortable is ghost seven. It seems that the three of them all have the same temperament, which indicates that the three may be united.

Time flies by, and it's 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

It is estimated that all the villagers in the mountain have gone home, and the tomb robbers' action is about to begin.

It's a good way to make a hole. After the hole is opened, it goes straight to the main tomb.

After the hole was pointed, it was dug directly with Luoyang shovel. After the stone was dug, it was loaded with explosives and blasted with detonators.

This is a common way for grave robbers to steal holes. It's simple, crude and effective.

"The detonators are installed. Everyone stay away."


With a dull sound, dust and soil are everywhere.

Su Xun and others ran over one after another. There was an underground cave that could accommodate one person. It was dark, as if it was deep.

"Old Cao, how about leaving someone to guard it?" Wang Mazi looked at Cao Yuanzheng and said.

The purpose of retaining people is to let off the wind and deal with emergencies.

"No way." Cao Yuanzheng suspected that the three men had colluded with each other for a long time, so he refused without hesitation: "all the people go down to the grave. If they want to come out, they will come out together. If they can't come out, they will be buried under the grave together."

If Wang Mazi and GUI Laoqi really collude with each other and leave one person at the same time, the situation above will be three to one.

The people Cao Yuanzheng left above are easily killed, and then they will be blocked in the tomb by the ghost seven.

So he would rather take the unknown risk that may happen than let the predictable risk happen.

It's a big deal. We'll die together.

GUI Laoqi, Wang Mazi and Chen Erye looked at each other and said, "OK, since you old Cao have a lot of heart and are suspicious of ghosts, it's up to you."

After discussion, a steel drill was inserted to fix the rope. First, one end of the rope was thrown down to test the depth, and then everyone went down the rope one by one.

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