"Roar -"

dozens of corpses hanging on the wall suddenly came to life. With a roar, they broke free from the hook like mad dogs and rushed to Su Xun and others.

These bodies have no eyes, just like skin and bones, but the nails on their hands are very sharp, like hooks.

"Damn it

He raised the ghost's face to resist the fierce sword.

In modern society, there are fewer and fewer real magic weapons. This Zhenyao sword is a good thing. Of course, he brought it back.


The ghost just touched the Zhenyao sword, and a burst of golden light broke out, which directly flew out and smashed it on the wall of the graveway.

Other people also take out all kinds of exorcism to fight with the ghost. Those who don't have exorcism tools use daggers or bare hands.

No one used a gun.

Because the tomb is narrow and the scene is chaotic, it is easy for bullets to hurt their own people if they shoot.

These ghouls seem vicious, but they are actually vulnerable. They can be killed with bare hands.

But soon Su Xun found a terrible thing, that is, the fallen ghost stood up again.

"These things can resurrect and cut off their brain holes!"

Cao Yuanzheng kicked a ghost in the crowd, and then exclaimed, obviously he also found this.

People's faces suddenly became ugly.

As soon as I got down from the tomb, I met such a difficult thing. Maybe there is something waiting for them in front of me.

"We must fight and decide quickly!"

Wang pockmarked son to pull throat to shout a way, a knife split a corpse ghost's arm, but corpse ghost just shook body, continue to move forward to approach.

"Lying trough."

Mei Pang's face changed greatly. A ghost forced him to the wall of the tomb, and his scarlet mouth was about to bite him.

"My mouth stinks."

Smelling the stench from the ghost's mouth, Mei Pang's face was wrinkled, and he subconsciously held his breath, otherwise he was afraid that he would be smoked to death.

Then a surprising scene was discovered, and the ghost who was close to him suddenly stopped, went up to smell it, then turned and rushed to the others.

As soon as Mei Pang's eyes brightened, he roared: "these things have no eyes. They can't see us. They can only look for targets by hearing and smelling. I..."


Before he said anything, the ghost who heard his voice suddenly turned and rushed towards him. Mei Pang immediately choked and stood still.

others are seeing as like as two peas. They are holding their breath and are still motionless against the tomb walls.

A group of ghouls in the same place seemed to have lost their direction. They looked around and swayed around.

Everyone was relieved to see this.

Now that we have found the weakness of these ghosts, it's much easier to deal with them.

Looking at a ghost with his back to him, Su Xun raised his demon sword and cut it off at his neck.

"Stab -"

there was no blood, the neck of the ghost fell to the ground like a cut branch, and the corpse fell to the ground immediately.

Su Xun quickly held his breath again, so that the ghosts who heard the sound and smelled the breath could not be found.

In this way, they all worked together and finally cut off the heads of these ghosts.

The passage of the tomb has been completely filled with ghosts separated from the body, but there is no blood on the ground, because there is no blood in these ghosts.

"Hoo Hoo ~"

everyone was relieved and greedy.

"Go on, be alert. I don't know what's waiting for us."

After a short rest, Cao Yuanzheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

After all, I'm old. I've never met so many evil people before. After a fight, I'm a little exhausted.

But the more dangerous it is, the more precious it is.

Cao Yuanzheng's heart is full of passion. He is old, but he doesn't want to die. He firmly believes that there must be immortal elixir in Liu An's tomb. He wants to live forever!

Mr. Pan and Mr. Pang, who came with him, had similar ideas, because the older they were, the less they wanted to die.

Only by feeling the passing of life can we realize the value of living.

A group of people continued to move forward. Su Xun and Mei pangzi walked in the middle of the crowd, because it was dangerous to walk in the front and the back.

The next road is full of bends, seven turns and eight turns. People finally see the straight road.

"It stinks. There's something in front of it."

The more you go forward, the more smelly people will smell.

Pan said, "the smell of the old man's face is rotten."

Hearing this, everyone was secretly on guard and slowed down.Walking for about five minutes, the front suddenly opened up, is a big pit.

The scene in the pit made everyone take a breath.

All of them are moriran bones, with broken limbs and arms. At a glance, there are at least thousands of human bones in the pit.

"A mass grave."

Cao Yuanzheng's face dignified spit out three words.

As the name suggests, there are at least tens of thousands of people dead here.

In ancient times, there was a tradition of living people being buried, but Liu An killed tens of thousands of living people here, which makes people feel numb.

Suddenly, visible to the naked eye, a large black fog rose from the mass grave.

In the black fog, countless faces hissed, their faces were ferocious, their teeth were open and their eyes were scarlet.

"Jie Jie..."

The shrill voice swelled the mind.

"These are the ghost of being killed in the pit. After thousands of years, the remaining ghost has become the ghost of resentment."

Old man Pan's face was dignified and his tone was low and serious.

"Can it be solved?" Cao Yuanzheng asked.

Old man pan took a deep breath: "I'm not sure. Try it."

As the voice fell, he took out a copper coin sword, grabbed a few pieces of talisman paper and scattered them out.

Rune paper flies to different corners of the mass grave, just like a gossip.

Old man pan, holding a copper coin sword, with wind under his feet, recited a mantra: "the Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all energy, widely cultivate one hundred million robbers, prove my magic power, inside and outside the three worlds It's as urgent as law and order! "

as the voice dropped, the copper coin sword flew out of the hand, flew into the middle of the mass grave and stabbed directly.

"Shua! Shua! Shua

With the fall of the copper coin sword, the rune paper around the mass grave burst into a golden light at the same time. In an instant, the golden light in the mass grave flickered, just like a net blocking the mass grave.

Those ghosts are struggling and yelling in the golden light.

"The golden light curse was improved by himself." Looking at old man pan, fat Mei's eyes narrowed slightly.

Old man pan stepped on the eight trigrams, pinched a few hands, and a piece of Rune paper flew into the pit: "go!"


There is no fire and spontaneous combustion in the mass grave.


The ghosts wailed in the flames and were all burned up.

See so easy to solve these ghosts, all people are happy.

"Lao pan, you are an eye opener!"

Old man Pang praised old man pan.

Old man pan was also complacent. He wiped the sweat on his face and said modestly, "fortunately, those evil spirits didn't rush out of the mass grave to attack us, otherwise it would be difficult."

"Generally, there are secret doors in such places. Let's look for them separately." Cao Yuanzheng said.

"Boom -"

just as the crowd was about to find the secret door, the mass grave suddenly shook violently.

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