Cao Yuanzheng's face was stiff. It was obvious that he didn't expect that Su Xun refused so simply and didn't give him a chance.

"Su Dong..." Cao Yuanzheng is not reconciled.

Su Xun interrupted him directly: "don't say it. You can expect that I'll share it when I study it thoroughly. But now you ask me for it. It's impossible."

Cao Yuanzheng heard the speech for several times, but he didn't speak any more.

GUI Lao Qi Yi bows his hand: "Su Dong, our people..."

"Take them and let them go." Su Xun said to a lieutenant.

GUI Laoqi was relieved. He was really afraid of Su's words and didn't believe: "thank you, Su Dong. Thank you."

People think differently. For Cao Yuanzheng, living and immortality are more important than anything else.

But for ghost seven, their apprentice and family are safe.

"Su Dong, this is..." Cao Linlin looks at Xiaobai, who has become a human being. She is a little ashamed of herself.

No wonder Su Xun didn't like her. There was such a enchanting and charming woman around him. Who else could enter his eyes?

But she was very curious. When did this woman go to the grave? Why didn't she see it all the time?

Cao Yuanzheng and others just remembered, yes, when did this woman come out.

It's a pity that Lao Pang and Lao pan have already received the lunch box. Otherwise, they will be able to feel Xiaobai's evil spirit and guess her identity.

Su Xun laughed and didn't say anything. He didn't have to explain Xiaobai's identity to them.

Ghost seven had a guess in his heart, but seeing that Su Xun didn't say it, he didn't say much.

A few minutes later, Cao Yuanzheng, Chen Erye, Wang Mazi, GUI Laoqi and others left one after another.

After so many years of fighting, today should be the most unforgettable for them.

Su Xun looked at Huang Youde: "why don't you go?"

"Well, hey, hey, little brother, look at the old man, I have a ghost with me, and there's no place to go..." Huang Youde rubbed his hands and looked at Su Xun embarrassed.

Su Xun laughed: "you have no place to go. What's my business?"

"That is, it's the first time I've ever seen someone who has the cheek to eat and drink." Mei pangzi is also sarcastic.

Hearing this, Xiaobai looked at him strangely.

Mei Pang's face changed: "what are you looking at? Elder brother and I are better than brothers. I'm here to accompany him."

"Get out of here." Su Xun waved to Huang Youde. He knew that the old man must be aiming at the brocade box in his arms.

After all, the old man and his water ghost are working in collusion, but they have no money. How can they have no place to go.

Huang Youde takes a look at the brocade box in Su Xun's arms, reluctantly turns around and leaves, singing while walking.

"Today's young people, the world is going downhill and people's hearts are not old. I have the heart to drive them away at my age..."

Su Xun didn't pay any attention to him. He put the three brocade boxes in his arms on the ground and was ready to open them.

"There's pills in this one." Xiaobai pointed to the square brocade box and said, with bright eyes.

Su Xun opened the box, in which there were three black pills, and another place was empty, which was obviously the one Xiao Bai had eaten.

Su Xun opened another box. There was a folded silk in it. When he opened it, there were lots of small characters on it. The font was small seal script, which looked like a book.

At that time, there was no paper, so only silk or bamboo slips could be used for writing.

Plum fat man can't help but read out: "art?"

Yes, the name of the book is Shu.

Su Xun made a third brocade box. Inside was a bamboo slip. Su Xun took it out and spread it out. The font was also Xiaozhuan. Well, he didn't know it.

Mei pangzi is erudite and versatile: "this is a Dan Fang, written by Liu An himself."

This prescription should be the refining method of the three pills in the brocade box.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: exploring the tomb of Liu anzhen, king of Huainan. 】

[get reward: proficient in geomantic omen]

the sound of system prompting task completion sounded in Su Xun's mind. It seems that these three are the most precious things in Liu An's tomb.

Wrong, the most precious should be Liu An himself, a living history book, and also a deep cultivation fan.

It's a pity that it's been blasted to pieces now.

Su Xun picked up the silk and then handed it to Mei Pang.

"Look first, brother." Mei pangzi was a little moved, but he still thought it would be better for Su Xun to watch it after he finished.

"Listen to what I don't know," Su said

Fat Mei

Illiterate people are so righteous, rich people are really hard.

Mei pangzi cleared his throat, glanced at the contents of the silk, and then said to Su Xun, "these are all recorded techniques of Xuanmen handed down from the pre Qin period, and Liu An's method of reviving himself is also recorded above.""Sorcery?" Su Xun frowned, and Liu An's method of resurrection was evil in his eyes.

Mei pangzi shook his head: "there are both good and evil. It's an excellent skill summed up by a Qi practitioner in the pre Qin period."

Su Xun nodded. It seemed that he would take some time to learn Xiaozhuan.

Xiaobai stared at the three pills and drooled, blinking at Su Xun: "master of master ~"

Jiao Didi's voice made Su Xun and Mei pangzi shiver at the same time.

"Don't think about it. I'll take it back to a laboratory to study it, and then I'll make my own alchemy." Su Xun covered the brocade box with pills, and then said to Mei pangzi, "take two people into the tomb to have a look. Take all the ancient books and so on."

"All right." As soon as Mei's eyes brightened, he also wanted to know what the world was like more than 2000 years ago.

There is no record of Huainan King Liu Anhui walking in the air in the historical documents handed down now, which is enough to show that the documents handed down now are not complete, or that they have been modified by later dynasties and some historical truth has been concealed.

More than ten minutes later, several soldiers came out of the tomb with two boxes of bamboo slips.

Mei pangzi said: "I have a look at it. It's all military books, letters, mountains and rivers and so on."

Su Xun nodded and asked Chiyang to send a spaceship to pick them up.

There was a lot of activity in liujiatun, but Su Xun had let r satellite technology interfere with satellites of various countries for a long time, so he couldn't get the scene here.

In this area, there is only one village in liujiatun, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by others.

Shortly after the spaceship flew away, in the mountains more than 1000 meters away, a dark figure staggered out of the half foot thick snow.

His hair was burnt out, his body was full of cracks, his facial features were unclear, his right arm was incomplete, and only three or four teeth were left alone.

If Su Xun was there, he would recognize Liu an at a glance.

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