"Liao Yu, what's the matter with you? Why do you look like you've just cried?"

As soon as Su Xun walked out of the office, he met Liao Yu, who came face to face with red eyes and was still wiping tears.

"Sue Hello, Su Dong. I'm fine. It's just that the wind has blown my eyes. "

Liao Yu didn't expect to meet Su Xun. He wiped his tears with his hands and lowered his head. He didn't dare to look at Su Xun.

Because she felt guilty. After all, she was going to use her body to calculate Sushen soon.

But fortunately, it's just a plea for Liao Jun, and it won't hurt Su Xun's interests, otherwise she will never agree.

"When I'm blind." Su Xun said angrily and dragged her into the reception room beside him: "tell me what's going on, who dares to bully my secretary?"

Recently, I have developed a good relationship with Liao Yu. Of course, he won't let go of this opportunity.

Listening to Su Xun's overbearing but caring tone, Liao Yu, who had been holding on all along, collapsed and rushed to his arms to cry.

"What's the matter? Don't cry. Tell me. I'll make the decision for you."

Su Xun hugged him and patted her jade back with one hand to comfort her.

He can feel that Liao Yu's figure wrapped under his uniform skirt is very good (˘ · ω·˘).

Who in the company can make Liao Yu out of control and cry like this?

He can't think of anyone but Liao Jun.

It's OK that Su Xun didn't comfort Liao Yu. When he comforted Liao Yu, he cried more fiercely.

I don't know how many sorrows and grievances she has hidden under her strong appearance for so many years.

Now, Liao Jun, who is regarded as an enemy, is forced and morally kidnapped to do something against his will with his body.

All this had brought her to the brink of collapse.

At this time, Su Xun's care made her completely remove her disguise and defense, and her mood was like the flood that broke the dike.

At half an hour, Liao Yu was tired of crying. He finally stopped crying, but he was still sobbing from time to time.

"How big a person is that he's crying like this. He's even crying over his makeup." Su Xun said in a soft voice and reached out to help her wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Feeling the warmth of Su Xun's hand, Liao Yu's delicate body trembled. Then she realized that she was still in someone's arms, and hurriedly stepped back.

"Su Dong, I'm sorry, I..."

"Come on, there's nothing to apologize for." Su Xun interrupted her, went to the sofa and sat down, patted the position beside her: "come and sit down."

Liao Yu walked over nervously and sat down with his legs closed side by side. He behaved like a pupil in class.

"Tell me what happened." Su Xun poured her a glass of water.

Liao Yu clenched her red lips and said nothing because she didn't know how to say it.

Su Xun trusted her so much that she felt more guilty.

"I know if you don't say it." Su Xun stared into her eyes: "it's Liao Jun, right?"

"You How do you know? " Liao Yu stares at Su Xun.

Su Xun laughed and said, "I don't only know, but also know that he is your father, right?"

"Sue Su Dong... " Liao Yu turned pale and stood up from the sofa.

Su Xun pulled her back to the sofa: "Why are you so excited? Sit down and listen to me slowly."

certainly will not let this good showdown happen. Thank you for the help from old fellow Liao Jun.

"Liao Xiang is my classmate. He told me everything. After he got rich, Liao Jun abandoned his original mate. What a real jerk!" Su Xun's face showed anger and said with gnashing teeth.

When Liao Yu heard this, he was sad again. He burst into tears again, but he bit his red lips tightly and didn't let himself cry.

Su Xun sighed, gently put her in his arms, soft voice said: "that bastard how to bully you, tell me, I help you revenge, you are my secretary, in addition to me, no one can bully you."

Liao Yu felt very shy when he held him in his arms, but he felt very safe and enjoyed being cared for.

No matter how strong a woman looks, she is also eager for a man to hold up a piece of sky for him and let her shelter from the wind and rain.

Liao Yu blushes and tells Su Xun what Liao Jun asked her to do. After that, her ears are red and she doesn't dare to look up.

After hearing this, Su Xun sneered: "this son of a bitch is still cheating you."

Almost without thinking about it, he knew that Liao Jun was lying to Liao Yu. In fact, he was afraid that he had another purpose.

"What?" Liao Yu subconsciously raised his head, then blushed and quickly lowered down.

Holding her rich, full body, Su Xun was a little worried. He calmed down and said, "do you still want to seek justice for your mother?"

"I always wanted to." Liao Yu bit his silver teeth and nodded.

Su Xun stroked her soft hair: "I'll help you. Although he's cheating you, he's right. I can't tolerate him.""Su Dong..." After all, Liao Jun is kind to her.

Knowing what she thought, Su Xun said, "if you knew what he had done with Chen Hua, you wouldn't care so much."

Liao Yu's small face was dazed.

"The death of Zhao Dong is related to him and Chen Hua." Su Xun said without expression.

"What Liao Yu exclaimed, then angrily scolded: "this bastard, how can he do this? Zhao Dong is his benefactor!"

The reason for her anger, of course, is that Zhao Chengming also has the gratitude for her, which is her bole.

The two most important elders in her life were killed by Liao Jun, and her anger can be imagined.

"Su Dong, I listen to you. I must avenge my mother and Zhao Dong!" Liao Yu gritted his teeth.

Su Xun showed a satisfied smile: "didn't he let you hook me to bed? Then we'll do it for him. "

"This That's not good. " Liao Yu's body was stiff and stammered.

Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry: "what do you think? Of course, it's fake. Just cheat him."

Su Xun wanted to see what Liao Jun was up to.

Moreover, it is also conducive for Liao Yu to gain the trust of Liao Jun, so that he is more likely to get the evidence of Liao Jun as a life-saving tool.

"Hu ~" Liao Yu was relieved, but he was a little lost.

Su Xun continued to talk about his plan: "after Liao Jun saw Chen Hua's cruelty, in order to protect himself, he must have left evidence for the murder of Zhao Dong. You have to use your identity to confuse him and find a way to go to his home to get this evidence as a backhand."

"I've never been to his house, and he has a wife and children, and he won't let me go." Liao Yu frowned and felt that it was difficult.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's not the same now. Now you are useful to him. He is begging you."

"But I'm afraid I can't find him and hide it there." Liao Yu still hesitated.

Su Xun said, "when you go to his home, remember to bring a USB flash drive, and then try to go to his study to check whether there are computers that are not connected to the Internet."

In modern society, few people put important information in the safe, because putting it in the safe is to tell the thief clearly that what is inside is very important?

It can be put in the USB flash drive, but the USB flash drive is too small, easy to lose, and easy to destroy.

Therefore, computers that are not connected to the Internet are relatively safe, safe enough, but confusing, and suitable for storing some important information.

As for why not connect to the Internet, because after the computer is connected to the Internet, hackers may remotely invade the computer and steal information through the network.

Liao Yu clenched his red lips and nodded, his eyes firm.

She must send that son of a bitch to prison herself.

I'm afraid she'll be disappointed.

Because Su Xun won't give Liao Jun and Chen Hua a chance to go to prison. It's too cheap for them to survive.

Death should be their only destination.

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