Watching Liao Jun's car leave through the glass.

Su Xun just got up and went to an Zijin to sit down.

"How did I do just now?" An Zi Jin looks up at him, a pair of you kuakua Kua my appearance.

Su Xun thumbed up: "OK, it's Hollywood's loss if you don't become an actor. The last cup of coffee is the finishing touch."

Speaking at the same time, he picked up an Zijin put on the mobile phone on the table, listen to, the voice recorded very clearly.

"How do you feel?" An Zi Jin suddenly asks a way.

Su Xun was stunned: "what's the feeling?"

"Hold her, soft or not." An Zijin throws those photos in front of going out and looks at him with a smile.

In the photo, Su Xun either holds Liao Yu in his arms, or on his legs, or they lie on the sofa. In short, they are intimate.

Su Xun's face was a little unnatural. He coughed twice to cover up the difference: "it's all to cheat Liao Jun. although I don't want to, I have to make a physical sacrifice."

It has to be said that when he and Liao Yu took photos, they almost went off. Fortunately, Liao Yu stuck to his heart and pushed him away.

Otherwise hey hey hey (* / Omega *).

"Bah!" An Zi Jin didn't have good spirit of spat a mouthful, she just don't believe this deceitful nonsense, direct all to tear up on the photograph.

"Ding ~"

at this moment, Su Xun's mobile phone rang and took it out to see that it was a message from Liao Yu.

Liao Yu: I've got it.

As soon as Su Xun's eyes brightened, he quickly typed and replied: well done. I'll come to see you in the evening, and we'll talk when we meet.

Liao Yu did not disappoint him.

Liao Yu: do you know where I live?

Su Xun: of course. Let's not talk about it. Let's meet in the evening.

Liao Yu: OK.

Looking at Liao Yufa's words, Su Xun thought that she was in a good mood at this time.

At the end of the chat, Su Xun put away his mobile phone, and his mouth rose to evoke a faint sneer.

Chen Hua, Liao Jun.

Monday is still waiting for me to give you a surprise, just hope you don't be surprised to have a heart attack.

"Look, Su Xun, isn't that Zhao Liang?" An Zijin suddenly pulled Su Xun's sleeve and pointed to the direction of the cafe door.

Su Xun followed his reputation and saw that Zhao Liangzheng came in with a mature woman.

Woku, when can this guy get a date with his sister?

"Bow your head and pretend you don't see it." Su Xun said a word to an Zijin, and then they quickly lowered their heads.

Seeing that the two women sitting behind each other for the first time, there was no coffee at all.

"I hear you are still a student? You don't mind if I smoke. "

The woman sat opposite Zhao Liang, with her legs crossed, directly took out a cigarette and lit it. Her attitude was very casual.

"No, I don't mind." Zhao Liang waved his hand, but he was disgusted.

The woman laughed, some disdain: "if it is not for acquaintances, I will not meet with your little brother who is still at school, so don't waste my time, go straight to the main topic, do you have a car? Do you have a room? Do you have a deposit? "

Hearing this, Su Xun and an Zijin understood that Zhao Liang was not on a date, but was arranged by his family for a blind date.

"Yes." Zhao Liang nodded, then broke his fingers and said, "my father bought me a villa in the city to get married. If I have a car, I have a BMW 5-series. My father should have tens of millions of money left in his card."

Su Xun was surprised. He didn't find that this guy was so hidden before. He was a rich second generation.

The woman's face also changed. She pinched the cigarette out of her hand and showed a smile on her face for the first time: "I think we are quite suitable. You can see everywhere. Do you have anything you want to know about me?"

"No more." Zhao Liang shook his head and looked at the woman with a smile: "I just want to show off. I'm not interested in you. You don't deserve me. Now you can go."

"You..." The woman's face was blue and white, and she glared at him fiercely. She got up and left in a hurry.

As soon as the woman left, Su Xun jumped up and put his arms around Zhao Liang's neck: "yes, I didn't expect that you were a rich second generation. In the past, you even asked me to borrow money every day!"

"Wocao, monitor, Su Xun, why are you here?" Zhao Liang was startled and almost knocked over the coffee in front of him.

Su Xun said, "don't change the subject."

"I'm a rich second generation." Zhao Liang rolled a white eye, rightfully said: "I just pretend to be a force, despise her first, better than to tell the truth that she despises me."

"If she doesn't think it's enough, it doesn't matter. I can make it up again. Anyway, I don't want money."

Su XunAn Zijin

Both were dumbfounded.

Big brother, your skill is really amazing!

The woman may still regret that she missed an opportunity to marry the rich second generation.


On the other side, Chen Hua's home.

"All set?"

Chen Hua looks at the opposite Liao Jun and asks.

Liao Jun showed a relaxed and comfortable expression on his face, shaking his glass in his hand: "of course, it's all done. You can wait to see a good play at the board meeting on Monday to make sure that the boy can't get off the stage."

"On Monday, an Zijin came to the board of directors to make a big scene. Once the matter came out, an Nantian's face would be lost. Everyone would know that his daughter was cheated by Su Xun."

"If Annan didn't retaliate against Su Xun, then everyone would be able to ride on the head of an's family and run wild."

As an old Yin coin, he didn't say that when he encouraged an Zijin. He only said that doing so would make Su Xun lose face. He didn't mention that it would make them lose face.

But this is exactly what Liao Jun wants. He is disgraced to settle down. Naturally, this account is on Su Xun's head.

Chen Hua could not help but show a sinister smile on his face: "because Su Xun didn't control what was in his crotch, so that Taishan Group unilaterally broke the contract with us Qingyun international. When the matter came out, the stock price fell. At that time, the company's shareholders would make trouble enough for Su Xun."

"Ha ha ha ha." Liao Jun laughed and said excitedly: "that boy will not be free for long. Even if he is a major shareholder, if he can't stabilize the stock price, how can he explain to other shareholders?"

"Cheers, our good days are not far away. Next Monday is a good start." Chen Hua smiles brightly and holds up the wine glass.


Two people clink a cup, and then drink, look at each other, can't help laughing.

They seemed to have seen that Su Xun was embarrassed by the shareholders and scurried.

They think their good days will start next Monday.

But next Monday will be the end of their lives.

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