"Mr. Su, it's all misunderstandings. My master is also dedicated to eliminating demons. He offends a lot. I hope Mr. Su will forgive me."

The young Taoist is not very good at practicing Taoism, but he has everything to accomplish. In a few words, he gives his master a step.

The old Taoist down the slope apologized to Su Xun: "Mr. Su, I'm sorry for my previous recklessness."

"The old Taoist priest is polite. I don't know what to call him?" Su Xun was not so careful. Sometimes he was very generous.

Besides, the old Taoist on the other side is very powerful.

"Poor yuyangzi, this is my apprentice Qingyun." The old Taoist dropped his voice and said, "Mr. Su, those two people have been taught a lesson, almost."

He was afraid that those two would be scared into idiots.

Su Xun took a look at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai solved the magic.

Yuyangzi was stunned. The evil spirit he felt before was sent out from the cat. He thought it was the magic of the cat demon.

I didn't think that Xiaobai was also a demon. He turned pale and felt regret and happiness in his heart.

Fortunately, Su Xun stopped the sword, otherwise his old bone would be explained here today.

Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai were covered up by Su Xun's Taoist art. He couldn't see through Yu Yangzi's cultivation, so he thought they were all living people at first.

Qingyun was also shocked. How could Su Xun follow a big demon.

"It's all right, it's all right, we're all right."

Looking at the familiar scenery around him, bareheaded and pianfen cried with joy, filled with the joy of the afterlife.

"Happy to steal my white orchids?"

At this time, Su Xun's voice came into their ears.

The smiles of the two people who held each other solidified in an instant. They just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. Their mood rose and fell, which was more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

"White orchid."

Hearing this, yuyangzi and Qingyun looked at the two glazed white orchids emitting mild white light at the same time.

Although they don't know what this thing is for, they just look at the appearance and know it's not ordinary.

"Big brother, we can Can you explain that? " The bald middle-aged stammered and looked at Su Xun pitifully.

Su Xun said with a gentle smile, "what do you think? Do you want to experience the excitement just now? "

"You did it!" Two people instantly stare big eyes, think of just experience, is scalp numbness.

Su Xun said lightly, "if you don't want to, just stay with me. I have something to ask you. Don't think about running away, or you will regret it."

"Yes, yes."

They nodded like chickens pecking rice, which was more clever than children in kindergarten.

After all, those who have been beaten by society have learned to be tactful and compromise.

"Taoist yuyangzi, I don't know what happened when they came to the Dragon stand?" Su Xun's eyes fell on Yu Yangzi again, which was the prelude of starting to catch up with others.

Knowing that there was a big demon at the scene, yuyangzi did not dare to hide: "Mr. Su, we are here to subdue the demon, and also to find an expert by the way."

"Master? How high is it? " Su Xun was curious.

Yu Yangzi's face was full of reverence: "this master first killed a snake demon with thunder method except for a tiger demon that ate human beings and two mouse demons. His strength is really rare, which makes people yearn for him."

Su Xun's face is strange. Isn't that what NIMA said about himself?

So I'm such a bull?

"Hey, old man, you've got the right one. The expert in your mouth is right in front of you." Mei Pang said with a smile, pointing to Su Xun.

Yu Yangzi was stunned: "is this gentleman joking with me?"

"Do I have to make fun of you?" Mei Pang's reply is not polite.

Su Xun calmly said: "when yuyangzi Taoist priest so respected, those demons, nothing more than I do."

When he heard Su Xun admit that yuyangzi and his apprentice Qingyun were shocked, his mind was blank.

"I should have thought of that." Yuyangzi took a look at Xiaobai, then muttered to himself.

How can we make a big demon follow us without real ability?

Yu Yangzi looked at Su Xun with burning eyes. He was a real Qi practitioner. If he could get his advice, he would definitely benefit a lot.

Su Xun's scalp was numb when he was seen. This old man should not be a troublemaker.

I don't have this hobby myself.

Yuyangzi took a deep breath: "please allow Mr. Su to go with me. If you can give me some advice, yuyangzi would be very grateful."

"Your old fan." Mei Pang winked at Su Xun.

Su Xun turned his eyes, looked at Yu Yangzi and said, "Taoist priest Yu Yangzi, I'm flattered. I don't dare to give advice. I can only say that we all learn from each other.""Thank you, Mr. Su." Yuyangzi was overjoyed.

Let Mei pangzi and them stay outside. Susian interrogates bareheaded and pianfen in the tent.

They knelt on the ground and looked at Su Xun walking around. Their hearts were full of uneasiness and uneasiness.

"I want you to do something for me."

For a long time, Su Xun broke the silence.

They were relieved: "Mr. Su, please tell me. We are willing to go up the mountain and down the sea of fire."

"I want you to go back and record every move of your adult and send it to me every day."

Su Xun didn't have time to target Liu An, but he couldn't relax his vigilance, so he was ready to stare at him first.

According to the information he saw in his bald head's memory, Liu An was hiding in a mountain in the mainland. The mainland didn't have to use large caliber missiles to bombard him. If he really did that, wouldn't he ignore his motherland? Every minute, the river crab God teaches people to be human.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to collect and cultivate the materials for alchemy. It is essential to make yourself strong.

Bald head and pianfen's face changed greatly. They were all in a state of suspense. They didn't say anything. How did Su Xun know?

"As long as I want to know, I can know." Looking at their changeable expressions, Su Xun pretended to be a force.

They were scared again. They bareheaded and said, "Mr. Su, since you know everything, you should know the power of that adult. I'm afraid we can't finish this task."

"That's your problem. It's not my turn to worry about it, and you can rest assured that any of your adults are not very sensitive to electronic products." Su Xun said softly.

Having been buried in the earth for more than 2000 years, Liu An has long been out of touch with the times.

Bareheaded and pianfen looked at each other, showed a wry smile, and said: "dare to die for your husband."

By now, they have no way back.

Su Xun nodded and showed a satisfied smile on his face: "very good, I will not treat you badly, and you must not think about playing tricks. I have just recorded this tomb. If you play tricks, the video will fall into the hands of the adult in your mouth at any time."

"I'm afraid he won't be as polite to you as I am to two mole ants who can be killed by backhand."

Their faces turned pale and their bodies shook. Unexpectedly, Su Xun was so insidious.

They feel that their biggest mistake in life is to steal these two glazed white orchids.

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