Early in the morning, Su Xun got up to wash under the service of a group of black and silk maids.

Standing in the room, with open hands, a maid was helping him to change clothes.

As for why he blushed, it was probably because Su Xun was so handsome (◔◡◔).

After touching the little maid's delicate face, Su Xun could not help sighing that the ancient emperors were not as happy as him.

The clothes that Su Xun wears have no trademark. People who don't know the goods may think that they are street goods bought online.

But those who know the goods will know that all the clothes on his body are customized from head to toe, which is the only one in the world.

It can be said that low-key luxury has connotation.

"You go out first."

After changing clothes, Su Xun waved the maid away.

"Yes, sir." The little maid's lips parted slightly, answered, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Looking at the bedroom door closed, Su Xun's face immediately changed, and he put his hands together outside the window: "Buddha, jade emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, you must protect me to smoke a cow, force my identity."

Today, Monday, we can draw a second identity, which makes him feel like gambling and gambling.

Anticipation, excitement, nervousness and uneasiness.

If you take out the identity of a sister, isn't it fatal to step on the horse?

He just likes women, but he doesn't become a woman's hobby.

After praying for all the gods and Buddhas, Su xuncai took a deep breath and said, "system, extract the second identity."

With that, he closed his eyes, a look of letting fate ravage him.

[drawing Successful extraction and identity: the king of killers. 】

[in addition to being the chairman of Qingyun international, you also have an unknown identity, the king of killers - God, your footprints have spread all over the world, your prestige has been sung by thousands of people, and no matter who you are, you will be spared. 】

[later, you got tired of killing people day after day and year after year. You went back to Longguo and lived in seclusion in Jiangnan City, sneaked into the campus and became an ordinary college student. 】

[you fell in love with the ordinary life, but now your enemies in your career have found your trace, and this kind of life will be broken. 】

[identity ability: stealth, easy appearance, poor medical skills, proficient in firearms, fists and feet, and keen six senses. 】

[identity task: solve the problems that your identity is about to bring, and live. This task has no time limit. 】

[Note: once the identity is extracted, it will be permanently valid. Once the task is completed, it will gain an identity ability permanently. 】

as the system fell silent again, a strange memory melted into Su Xun's mind. Now he has become an experienced killer.

In the face of a person, he can find countless ways, or forcibly, or quietly kill each other.

"Hiss -"

he can't help but take a cold breath. This identity is a bit dangerous. After all, if the identity task is not limited, it means that the risk factor is very high.

What's this, killer back on campus?

But soon there was a playful smile on his face.

Who stipulates that killers must be on their own?

Today, he is not only the king of killers, but also the bearer of a large group.

A lot of bodyguards, plus himself, can't guarantee safety?

Obviously, the killer is not too cold. After breakfast, Su Xun drives to the company by car. After all, there are still people waiting for him to clean up.

On the way, Su Xun orders a long to strengthen his defense, and the original 20 bodyguards will add another 10.

Thirty bodyguards will always wear regular clothes to hide in the surrounding crowd to protect his safety.

On the surface, it seems that there is only one person in susian, but at this time, if the enemy dares to jump out, he will be beaten into a sieve by random guns.

No way, there is only one life, he is now the body of thousands of gold, have to be careful ah!


Monday is an ordinary Monday, but today is not peaceful for Qingyun international.

When Su Xun walked into the company, he happened to meet Chen Hua and Liao Jun.

"It seems that you are in a good mood."

Su Xun looked at them and said hello, with a bright smile on his face.

"Ha ha, good morning, Mr. Su. I was just telling Mr. Liao that something interesting will happen to the board of directors today." Chen Hua looked at Su Xun with a smile. As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was an old yin yang man.

Liao Jun also echoed: "yes, Mr. Su, otherwise you'd better not attend the board meeting today. I think your forehead is black. I'm afraid it's not very smooth today."

"Is it?" Su Xun's eyebrows showed a look of surprise, then nodded and said, "if you say so, then I will take part in it even more."

Liao Jun and Chen Hua looked at each other. They were all confused. They couldn't understand what Su Xun said.With a smile, Su Xun tried to explain: "just now I met two dogs barking at me on the road. The old man often said that dogs are lucky. So I should have a good fortune today."

As the voice dropped, Su Xun walked directly into the elevator.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy. It's the 21st century. This superstition..."

Liao Jun laughed, but his face changed as he laughed. After a while, he realized that Su Xun was scolding him and Chen Hua.

Chen Hua looked at him with the eyes of Shabi. As expected, he was old and his brain turned slowly. Now he came back.


Liao Jun felt that he couldn't hang on his face. With a cold hum, he gritted his teeth and said, "my teeth are sharp, but I want to see. After a while, you are still not so eloquent."


Chairman's office.

Liao Yu was cleaning up his desk when he saw Su Xun come in and said, "Hello, Mr. Su."

"Sister Yu, is it necessary to be so polite?" Su Xun was helpless. They both had a deep friendship. What did they do.

After a one-day buffer on Sunday, he has accepted it.

And for the sake of men's health, he is ready to sacrifice himself to feed the devil for a long time.

Liao Yu looks solemn: "Mr. Su, this is in the company. I'm your secretary."

"If you have a secretary to do it, it's ok..." Su Xun looked at her with a smile, but he didn't say anything.

Liao Yu's serious expression was broken. His pretty face turned red. He was so cute that he stamped his foot in shame and anger: "Su Dong, you are dead."

"Ha ha ha ha." Su Xun laughed a few times, went over and pinched her face: "prepare the materials for the board of directors."

"It's all ready." Liao Yu goes to one side and takes out a stack of documents.

Su Xun looked at her in surprise: "come so early today?"

Liao Yu blushed and didn't want to talk.

Su Xun instantly understood that she came so early to see herself earlier.

When he thought about it, Su Xun still felt a little floating.

Liao Yu is undoubtedly a sensible woman. She didn't say anything about making him responsible or marrying her.

He likes this kind of woman who is sensible and obedient and doesn't let himself be embarrassed (≖◡≖✿).

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