"Brother, do you still lack pets and weapons?"

"I found that your weapons and pets have great fortune, otherwise I will be wronged and you will take me away."

Mei Pang is looking at Su Xun.

"Go away!"

Su Xun was disgusted. He was also very depressed. The mount was better than the master. It was a shame.

All of a sudden, he thought of a thing and looked at Liuli: "can't you transform it?"

"No Turning into a cat, Liu Li licked his hair: "the more noble the blood is, the more difficult it is to shape."

"Yes, yes." Xiaobai nodded in agreement.

Like her this kind of ordinary fox becomes the essence, a Dan medicine goes down to melt the shape.

But she was not happy at all.

Because blood is destined to her future achievement limit will not be too high.

Although the aura is thin now, the cultivation is very slow, and there is no light ahead, but if there is no dream, what is the difference between a salted fish and a salted fish?

Su Xun rubbed her head: "I'll find a dragon ball for you later. Maybe it will evolve into a Nine Tailed Fox or something."

"Thank you, master of master." Xiaobai rolled his eyes. Do you think Longzhu is the cabbage on the street?

At noon, the submarine came out of the sea, and Su Xun cooked himself. The ingredients were lobster, king crab and grouper.

The audience is salivating.

"I haven't seen master Su cooking for a long time. I almost forget that he is the kitchen god."

"No wonder that little sister's skill is so good in the morning. It's all taught by master Su day and night."

"Do you mean to teach her to be serious?"

"Damn, I shouldn't have watched the live broadcast. After watching master Su's dishes, I felt that the steak in front of me was like dog shit."

"Ocean self driving tour plus ocean buffet. If you want any food, you can get it directly from local sources. The chef can cook it himself. It's too expensive."

Half an hour later, all the dishes were cooked and a group of people began to eat.

"Did you forget something?" Mei Pang ate a piece of crab meat and said with a frown.

Su Xun put the food on Liuli's plate and said casually, "people are here. You think too much."

"Maybe." Fat Mei nodded and began to eat. She stopped thinking.

He once thought that the dishes cooked by the chefs in Yuliang mountain manor were the best in the world.

Until he tasted a bowl of Su Xun's noodle soup, he opened the door to a new world.

Outside, Su Xun and others ate very well and interacted with the audience in the live broadcast room from time to time.

In the bathroom, Zhenyao sword greets Mei pangzi's ancestors for 18 generations.

You said you'd take me out in ten minutes?


Taiqing palace.

This is a famous Taoist school in China, located in a seemingly unknown mountain.

The Taoist League did not establish its leader. During this period, the Taiqing palace was the backbone of the Taoist League.

At this time, the hall was full of people, all from all walks of life across the country.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun attended the meeting on behalf of yudingpai.

"What's the purpose of the Taiqing palace suddenly calling us to a meeting?"

"I don't know. I'm afraid it has something to do with the recent rampant demons. Isn't Taoist brother yuyangzi of Yuding sect saying that it has something to do with the heaven demon sect? Maybe today is the day to discuss it. "

"Every sect in our Taoist League has been silent for so long. It's time to go down the mountain and kill the demons."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

"To xuanming." The Taoist boy at the door raised his voice and called.

An immortal old Taoist came in with a group of Taoists in Taiqing palace robes.

"Immortal xuanming."

"Immortal xuanming."

Everyone in the hall got up to say hello.

Immortal xuanming, who is 80 years old, is a highly respected member of the Taoist League, and is most likely to become the next leader of the Taoist League.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm really sorry to ask you to go all over the world."

Immortal xuanming had an apologetic expression on his face.

"Now it's convenient to come and go by plane. It's no trouble. We all work for Dao Meng."

"Not bad, not bad..."

After some greetings, immortal xuanming began to enter the theme: "I think we all know about the underwater dragon corpse."

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that immortal xuanming called them to have a meeting for this matter.

They all nodded, but no one spoke, waiting for xuanming's words.

Immortal xuanming sighed and said pitifully, "you guys, today the aura of heaven and earth is thin, and the demons are doing harm to one side. It's our duty to kill the demons and get rid of the demons. However, in such a big environment, we are willing to kill the enemy, but we can't go back to heaven."

"The dragon ball of the Dragon corpse on the bottom of the sea must contain the essence of the dragon, but it fell into the hands of Su Xun. Who is Su Xun? He's just a businessman. I feel that for the dawn of the world, this dragon ball should be kept by our Taoist League and used reasonably. What do you think?"Hearing this, everyone understood. The old miscellaneous Mao stared at the dragon ball in Su Xun's hand. He wanted to take it for himself and pulled a tall excuse.

But the Taiqing palace family is too weak, so they want to tie them together.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun frowned.

"Immortal xuanming, Su Xun is not a simple businessman. We can see from the fact that he chopped the python with the sword of Dajiu Lake that his Taoist cultivation is not common. He not only practices Xuanmen's magic, but also uses the dragon ball. I'm afraid there is little hope for this."

An old Taoist stood up and looked at the immortal xuanming and said with great care.

Everyone knows that there is not only little hope, but no hope at all.

Immortal xuanming laughed and said with righteous words: "I believe that as long as you know it with emotion and move it with reason, Su Xun will certainly agree. No matter what, I'll let him choose the Taoist art of Taiqing palace. In order to subdue demons, I'm willing to suffer some losses."

When people heard the last sentence, they were all twitching at the corners of their mouths. God trampled on the horse and suffered some losses. Will all the Taoist Arts in Taiqing palace be more valuable than that dragon ball?

"What if he still disagrees?" Yu Yangzi asked.

Immortal xuanming's face was gloomy: "we are all devoted to the common people in the world. If Su Xun is so ignorant, he can only bully the small with the big."

People below have different expressions, many people frown, but more people are indifferent.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun look very ugly. They both think that xuanming is too shameless.

"Immortal xuanming, Su Xun has a good relationship with the people of R star." Qingyun wants to get rid of xuanming.

Immortal xuanming didn't agree: "we are still the country behind us. At that time, we will ask people from relevant departments to mediate. Besides, we just want Longzhu, not to kill him."

"I'm doing this for the common people in the world. If I don't use the dragon ball to improve my strength, once a big demon is born, the people will not be able to make a living. If Su Xun turns over because of this, he is the enemy of the world. He can't bear the curse!"

Here, he stopped for a moment, then looked around for a week: "I don't want you to help me. As long as I get the dragon ball, I collect Taoist Dharma in Taiqing palace. You can choose it at will, for the sake of the world!"

The last six words, it is said that the vibration sound, face awe inspiring righteousness.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Longzhu had been eaten by Liuli.

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