Business cars have curtains, and there are baffles between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat in the back, so they can't see through the windshield.

The four people who have been riding the train for several hours must be able to relax and have a rest after sitting on the comfortable business bus, and they are not in the mood to open the curtains to see the night scene.

In fact, it's nothing to open the curtains. After all, they are not familiar with Lincheng city. It's impossible for them to see that this road is bound for the Municipal Bureau.

Because of taking the train, they must have no weapons on them, so this time they had a good chance to fight.

Su Xun learned from the memory of the four that they were all dedicated to killing people. They were usually active in the border areas of Vietnam or Myanmar, and sometimes they were living in Jielong country.

Every time they are clean and clean, they run after finishing, so they have never been caught, and they have not been wanted so far, so they are clean in China.

This means that they can buy a car and a house in China at any time.

The reason why they are willing to come to Lincheng this time to take over this kind of business is that they want to finish this big business and quit.

For this, Su Xun could only sigh. Tell me about you. You don't have to set up any pieces.

All kinds of TV dramas and novels show that people who hold this idea to do the last job are all planted.

More than 20 minutes later, the business car drove into the city Bureau, and a group of armed police were waiting.

After carefully holding the car close to the door, the police came in.

Su Xun got out of the car first, then opened the back door, and said with a smile: "four brothers, here we are. Come down. We not only have arranged the food and accommodation, but also ordered the same style of brother clothes for you. We even contacted the master who shaved your hair for you."

All prisoners in prison have to shave their hair. Isn't the size suit the same style?

"It's thoughtful of you, man. Please." The four agreed with Su Xun.

But as soon as they got out of the car, they were dumbfounded.

What happened to those cops?

Is it an illusion?

The next second, several policemen rushed up and pressed the four people who were still in the process of being forced to the ground. They intimately told them that this was not an illusion.

"Don't move! Police

"Don't move

Four people suddenly wake up, lying trough, this is the police station.

"I'm a grass mud horse, you sell us!"

Su Dashen yelled at the four men.

"Wrong. I'm not selling you. I'm helping you solve your life problems."

Su Xun looked at the four people with a smile, and then smashed his mouth: "I hope you can like the skills of the shaver in the prison, and also like the exquisite brother uniform of the same style in the prison."

All around the police are twitching, killing and killing.

For the sake of confidentiality, these ordinary policemen did not know Su Xun's identity.

"I grass mud horse, you can't die well, can't die well, Wuwuwuwu..."

At first, they scolded and cursed. Later, they were left to wail and cry. The sound of crying was sad for those who heard it and tears for those who saw it.

Because they feel that they are too aggrieved.

Zongheng hasn't been arrested for so many years. Every time he takes his time, he goes back to work and is sent to the police station by car.

As soon as I got out of the car, I was full of policemen with guns. They were all doing it for them. It was a psychological shadow.

When a good citizen sent four criminals to the police station, Su Xun came to the drug brigade.

"You can, brother."

"Brother, you are very capable."

People who knew Su Xun's identity as an undercover agent in the anti drug brigade all looked up to him one after another.

Su Xun thought that they were talking about tonight. He said modestly, "what I should do is what I should do."

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. Brother, you are not modest. You should have taken Chen Mei, Che and Zhen?

"Be nice to her." Sun Hai's eyes were complicated and said something that made Su Xun feel puzzled.

Su Xun looked at Chen Mei: "what's the matter?"

"Go away!" Chen Mei didn't want to talk to him, and wanted to kick something under him.

She's very eloquent now.

She said that I had nothing to do with susian.

The other listeners nodded: "yes, nothing. It must be nothing. We believe you."

Do you believe it?

She really wanted to cry without tears. It was Su Xun, the little son of a bitch, who made a hole in herself.

For some reason, Su Xun felt that the wind was blowing cold. He quickly left the drug brigade.

After leaving the anti drug brigade, Su Xun found several short messages and missed calls on his mobile phone.

It's all done by Wang Xiao.

Su Xun remembered that he had an appointment with Wang Xiao tonight, and he was sweating.

Click on the SMS.The first item is hotel and room number.

The next day and the third are urging.

On the fourth day, he scolded him for not daring and threatened to slander him and rape himself.

The fourth one was sent ten minutes ago.

After Su Xun received the four guys, he turned off his mobile phone for the sake of safety. He didn't see Wang Xiao's messages and calls at all.

He called Wang Xiao in a hurry, hoping that the Sao dumpling hadn't done anything to slander him.

"I thought you weren't going to call tonight." Wang Xiao's voice is very cold.

Su Xun repeatedly begged for mercy: "sister-in-law, I've drunk too much tonight. The bar is too noisy and I don't pay attention. Next time, I'll never break my appointment."

"Send me your address. Next time I don't open a room, I'll come to you directly." Wang Xiao said that she had not given up, and she was still greedy for Su Xun's body.

Hearing this, Su Xun was relieved, because it showed that Wang Xiao had not slandered Ma Bin.

When about to rent the address of the house sent in the past, and use three inches of eloquence to coax her.

Wang Xiaojiao didi said: "your mouth is really powerful and eloquent. In fact, your sister-in-law's mouth is also very powerful. If you don't try, you will regret it."

This woman drives when she doesn't say a word.

"Try, surely try, must try." Su Xun felt toothache, and even his old driver couldn't stand it.

After hanging up the phone, Su Xun was relieved, went back to the rental house and took out his commonly used mobile phone.

A self portrait was sent to a long in Jiangnan City, and another mobile phone number was sent to him.

Give an order to a long, and ask him to arrange four new faces to come to Lin City overnight. Everything is arranged by the person in the photo, who has the same name as himself and is his good friend.

Well, it's OK to be your own good friend.

Naturally, ah long would not disobey Su Xun's orders.

So at two o'clock that night, four bodyguards came.

Su Xun told the four of them about pretending, and told them some important information they needed to remember.

Then they arranged accommodation for them all night, and the busy day was over.

After a busy day, master Su finally made a bag of Master Kang for dinner.

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