
Early in the morning, Cao Yuanzheng left.

The more people know, the stronger the sense of urgency. Their main purpose now is to seize the time to find what Su Xun wants, and then to get what they want from Su Xun.

Did Su Xun lie in today, holding Yan Yurou in his arms? It's very comfortable.

Yan Yurou's comic female figure and delicate childlike appearance made Su Xun feel evil every time.

This is the best that Lori Kong has been dreaming of. Legal Lori is 18 years old and doesn't have to take legal responsibility after sleeping.

But Su Xun is not controlled by Lori.

Once he thought he was Luo Li control, Yu Jie control, Shao, Fu control. Later, he realized that he was just a simple good man, just a color (≖◡≖✿).

"Get up, master ~"

Yan Yurou turns around and faces susian. She wants to get up, but susian doesn't let go.

Jiaodidi's voice makes the bones crisp, but it's really a grinding goblin.

Su Xun gave her a kiss and then got up.

Yan Yurou gets up and changes clothes for him.

Another ordinary breakfast, Shuang ~

when they come to the living room, an Zizhen, Liao Yu, Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai are all up.

"Good morning." Su Xun said hello.

Liao Yu rolled his eyes: "it's almost lunch. Is it still early?"

"That's it, sluggard." An Zizhen said.

Su Xun sighed with compassion: "there are still people in the world who can't eat. I get up late and eat less. I save some food. Saving is a traditional virtue of our dragon nation. We can't forget it, we can't forget it."


It's embarrassing to ridicule you for the country and the people you said.

Just at this time, Datura, dressed in leather clothes and trousers, came in and told Su Xun that the people at the top of the mountain plantation asked her to tell her that the plants that used the ripening agent had matured.

Su Xun's eyes lit up in an instant. He ran to the villa opposite Liu An and dragged Liu an up the mountain.

Mei pangzi and Zhenyao sword also follow up.

"Here you are, Mr. Su."

The leader of the laboratory said hello to Su Xun excitedly. After all, these plants were cultivated by him.

No one is surprised to see a sword that can fly by itself, because they also know that this sword can not only fly, but also talk.

"Go and have a look."

Su Xun took Liu An into one of the greenhouses.

After entering, there are white orchids in full bloom, Huanyang grass, and tianlingguo.

"So much." Liu An is silly.

Su Xun said with a smile, "these are just a small part. I don't know if they can be used for alchemy."

Liu An squatted down, pinched a white orchid, then frowned and said: "the spiritual power contained in these is much lower than that of natural growth, and the effect of pills may also be halved."

"That's enough. I don't expect the artificial ones to be better than the wild ones. Just batch them." Su Xun was satisfied with the result.

After all, his current cultivation can't be improved quickly just by taking drugs. It's just by using the aura in the julingdan.

Liu An nodded: "prepare an alchemy room for me. Let me have a try."

"It's already ready. I've brought back the Dan stove you used." Su Xun replied.

Liu An's mouth twitches. That's very kind of you.

The people in the laboratory understood that Su Dong wanted to use these plants to make alchemy, and they were all ready to move.

After all, they all know that the pills for the man riding the beast are definitely not simple.

Su Xun saw their expression: "work hard, you won't be treated badly after the pill is practiced."

"Thank you, Mr. Su." Everyone was excited and said thanks one after another.

Liu Dan went down the mountain to gather all his plants, and then took them with him.

Three days at most, the first batch of pills will come out.

After seeing the power of the Kirin and the Star Destroyer, Liu An is now determined to become a alchemist.

At least, it's a good place to eat and dress. From time to time, I can go to the club to ask for a one-stop service.

Well, the one behind is the key.


At noon, Su Xun and others had lunch around the table.

"Vomit ~"

all of a sudden, an Zizhen bit the roast lamb chops, and then the whole person retched.

"Sister Zizhen, are you ok? Is there something wrong with the lamb chops?"

Next to Qin Zhu handed a glass of water in the past.

An Zizhen some embarrassed: "nothing, lamb chops no problem, we continue to eat, maybe I'm not used to the taste."When people saw that she didn't look like she was ill, they went on eating.

"Vomit ~"

then an Zizhen took a bite of chicken and retched again. This time, he got up and ran into the bathroom to vomit.

Twice in a row, a guess appeared in everyone's mind.

"Pregnant?" Fat may broke the silence.

Su Xun was a little excited: "no I don't know. "

After all, it's possible that I will be a father next year. I can't be excited.

After all, some of the other women have lost their first child.

Well, it's better to be small.

Soon put this little loss away, feel happy for an Zizhen, after all, get along so long, their feelings are good.

There are no bloody plots in gongdou drama.

"What are you looking at me for? Keep eating. "

An Zizhen came out from the bathroom to see everyone staring at himself, a little puzzled.

"Sister Zizhen, you may be pregnant." Yan Yurou ran to an Zizhen and gently touched her stomach.

An Zizhen was stunned and stammered for a long time: "no It's impossible. "

as like as two peas, this response is the same as Su Xu.

"Just check it out. Eat quickly. We'll go together later."

Su Xun was full of expectations. In fact, he was a little flustered. After all, he had no experience.

After dinner, the party took an extended version of Bentley to the hospital for examination.

We contacted the hospital in advance, and the president personally welcomed us and accompanied us throughout the inspection.

Soon, the results came out.

"Congratulations, Mr. Su. Miss an is really pregnant. You are going to be a father."

"Ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha

Su Xun couldn't help laughing and tightly held an Zizhen in his arms. The bodyguard took out the prepared red envelope and gave it to every medical staff on the scene.

"Thank you, Mr. Su."

"I wish Mr. Su and miss an a long life together."

Medical staff are happy, mouth blessing and auspicious words constantly, after all, a look at the thickness of the red envelope is not small.

An Zizhen also can't cover up the smile on his face, gently touching his stomach, some small uneasy, and some looking forward to the birth of this little life.

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