"See God!"

Two soldiers came with the two headless souls.

"What's going on?"

Su Xun pointed to the two headless souls and asked.

"Report back to the general, these two people were cousins and had a good family, but they were robbed by bandits. In order to protect their wives and children, they were beheaded with one knife."

They frowned? Even the head of the soul has been cut off? "

"This I dare not deceive shenzun. This is what happened when the local land handed them over to us. "

The two soldiers couldn't explain why they had no soul after being decapitated.

It is reasonable to say that an ordinary blade cannot be cut off with the head of the soul.

"What's their local reputation?" Su Xun asked again.

"Huishenzun, both brothers are kind people, otherwise the God of land would not specially ask us to bring his soul back to the realm of God."

Su Xun nodded.

"In order to protect his wife and children, we should fight against the robbers with love, righteousness and courage. It's fate to meet Ben Shen on a trip. Ben Shen can't chop people's heads in exchange for you. Let's make do with animals."

Two of Su's heads were on the water, and two of them fell on the water.

After connecting the head, the two souls who were still in a muddle finally became sober.

"This What's going on? Aren't we dead? "

Both brothers are still a little confused.

"Your brother and I haven't been able to thank God for his kindness yet..." The soldier told Su Xun what he had done.

After hearing this, both of them were terrified and knelt on the ground immediately: "thank you for your kindness."

"From now on, the two of you will serve under the seat of our God and be at your disposal."

Su Xun said softly, the seal of God was sealed, and the ox head and horse face were all together.

"Yes, according to the Oracle!" They are a little excited and become gods after death. Can they not be excited?

The eyes of the two soldiers were full of envy. Ma Dan, they brought back two souls. Unexpectedly, they turned into officers in a twinkling of an eye.

"Go ahead."

Su Xun waved them away.

"Yes, God."

After niutoumamian and the soldiers left, Qin Zhucai was stunned and said, "you really want to turn this into hell. Niutoumamian comes out."

"To correct you, this is the kingdom of God, not the underworld." Su xunjian refuses to admit that he is a hell of hell.

I am me, different fireworks.

The outside world.

Yulin spread a conspiracy that God was Su Xun all over R star.

Many people are still in a state of ignorance, because the R star is too big, they don't know what happened.

But soon they found out the meaning of Yulin. They were all in a cold sweat.

I didn't expect that Su Xun was so insidious.

For a time, the troops under the warlords began to mobilize frequently, ready to launch war at any time.

They are all waiting for Yulin to break Su Xun's plot in the four cities on his border.

If he bewitches the people and makes use of them, Su Xun's reputation will be ruined, just like a rat on the street.

They just seized this opportunity to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign. With the help of public indignation, they beat Su Xun to death!

In order to get the news at the first time, they sent people to fly small spacecraft to the front line to watch the war.

And the sea of clouds in the source city was dumbfounded after learning about it. Which analysis ghost did NIMA analyze.

He mourned for Yulin for three minutes. He had to lead the soldiers to hit the south wall, so go. Only after the pain, you know that the south wall can't be hit.


"Marshal, all the independent armed forces have responded to us. Once we prove that God's affair is really the plot of Su Xun, they will attack Su Xun's territory at the same time."

A major came to Yulin and reported respectfully.

"Well, this traitor, Su Xun, betrayed my father, betrayed me, betrayed the jade dragon army, betrayed everyone. I must cut him to pieces!"

Yulin's face was happy, and then he gritted his teeth. After all, Su Xun's betrayal was a slap in his face.

This is a disgrace that he will never pass. It must be washed with the blood of Su Xun.

"Marshal, in front of us is Hancheng. The name of Hancheng leader is Taiyuan."

Wei Qi told Yulin that as the only one who saw through Su Xun's plot, he had won Yulin's trust and would definitely be promoted when he went back.

"Well! Line up outside the city and ask Tai Yuan if he has betrayed Ben Shuai! "

Yulin's eyes were gloomy. If Taiyuan betrayed him and fell to Sushen, it would be a shame.At the same time, Taiyuan who got the news in Hancheng was in a panic.

Although he had confidence in Su Xun, he was also afraid of Yulin.

After all, Yulin may not kill shenzun, but it can certainly kill him.

he came to Town God's Temple.

"God, can God hear me? Yu Shuai is here with his soldiers. Shenzun, shenzun... "

Su Xun didn't reply. He was sweating more and more, and his heart was more and more flustered.

Suddenly, Su Xun appeared in the temple.

Taiyuan was relieved and quickly got up: "God, you are finally out."

"What's the point of being flustered? At least it's the master of the city. Don't you even have this determination? Yulin came just in time. He didn't come to find Ben Shen. Ben Shen also wanted to find him. " Su Xun said calmly.

Tai Yuan didn't dare to express his opinion on this, so he only asked carefully: "according to God, what kind of attitude should I use to face Yu Shuai in a moment No, it's Yulin. "

I'm not used to changing my tongue for a while.

"Whatever you want. I don't like to help people make choices. Everyone should make choices for their own destiny and be responsible for it."

Su Xun's words are meaningful.

Tai Yuan's forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was not clear. But when he thought of Su Xun's ability to bring the dead back to life, he gritted his teeth and said, "thank you for your instruction. I know what to do."

As the voice dropped, he turned and left.

Mad, if he dies, he will die. If he dies, shenzun can bring him back to life.

Even if he doesn't want to help him come back from the dead, it's OK to let his soul into the divine realm.

Taiyuan came to the wall of Hancheng with a kind of psychological preparation that the wind is bleak and the water is cold and the strong man will never return.

Soon, he saw the figure of the troop transport spaceship. A moment later, the troop transport spaceship stopped outside the city, and a large group of soldiers got off the ship in order.

Finally, Yulin stepped down from the spaceship surrounded by a group of generals, just like the stars holding the moon.

"Bold Tai Yuan, Yu Shuai is here in person. Don't open the door quickly and get out of the city to welcome him!"

A lieutenant general looked at Tai Yuan on the city wall and yelled angrily.

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