R star has set off a wave of global temple building.

Under the joint work of intelligent building robots and professional engineers, temples have been built all over the world on almost the same day.

About God, also thoroughly publicized.

Of course, this is what Su Xun intended to add fuel to the flames. Otherwise, most of the people like R star don't even know what God is responsible for.

Most of the people are skeptical about this, but they have become convinced since they saw the divine guard destroy the evil spirits that night.

The more suspicious you are before, the more confident you will become after seeing it with your own eyes.

Su Xun wantonly canonized God, one village, one land, one city, one city god. He also made laws for God, and the supervisor was responsible for supervision and law enforcement.

For a time, the beliefs of the whole R star all over the world are constantly converging on Sushen. Today, the village land and the City God also paid the beliefs that should be given to Sushen in advance, which is equivalent to paying taxes.

Because Su Xun is going to be promoted to the highest level today.

In the realm of God, a huge city has sprung up, with more than millions of souls living in the city all the year round.

I can't help it. These years have been civil wars. Coupled with evil spirits, too many people have died.

The Shenwei army expanded to 200000, with more ghost officials and more than 300000 local temples.

The palace where Su Xun used to work had been expanded several times. It was named the capital of the emperor. There was a Royal City Department in charge of defending the imperial city. It came directly according to the standard of the Forbidden City of the earth, but it was higher and more luxurious.

This is the kingdom of God. It's not a big problem to name the palace where the emperor lives.


A majestic momentum surged into the sky, rippling from the imperial capital city, pervading the whole divine realm, and there was a stream of information in everyone's mind.

Imperial City Department, Shenwei army, ghost officials, civil servants and military generals, ordinary people, and even prisoners all knelt down in a dense way for a while.

The next second, a figure stepped into the air.

It's Su Xun.

Wearing a black crown, carrying the sun and the moon, and carrying the stars, the Kirin and the Golden Dragon vie with each other to wrap themselves in lifelike shapes. With jade belts around their waists and leather boots on their feet, the whole body exudes the power of prostrate and kowtow.

"I am the emperor of God, and now I have established the kingdom of God. I have set up ten God kings to perform their respective duties. They are in charge of life and death in the world, and maintain the order between man and God."

Su Xun looked down at all the living beings. His voice was as loud as a mysterious voice. In an instant, the sky was shining and the earth was overflowing with golden lotus. There were countless flowers, plants, birds and animals in the whole divine realm.

Several palaces sprang up in all directions of the divine world, including the king of Chu River, the king of Yan Luo, the king of Qin Guang, the king of wheel, the king of song, the king of Biancheng, the king of metropolis, the king of equality, the king of five senses, and the king of Taishan.

Well, the king of hell in the ten halls was turned into the king of gods by him.

No problem, he should not spell the sunset version of the Yin emperor, he only as God Emperor!

"Congratulations to the emperor."

With the first person shouting, and then the sound wave after wave, like a mountain torrent tsunami.


Su Xun spat out two words, and without waiting for everyone to get up, a soft force lifted everyone up.

This is his world. In his world, he is invincible. He is omnipotent.

At the same time, the news spread all over R star, and everyone knew that there was a God Emperor and a kingdom of God.

Then, the City owners of each city began to build the god temple again.

After all, this is the responsibility of the gods. If they don't please him, how can they do it.

When the temple of God Emperor was built in each city Lord's mansion, the city gods everywhere showed their saints and held a decree with a seal of God in their hands.

"Your Majesty's Oracle, R star is divided into four parts, The gods were worshipped by the people, so they couldn't sit back and ignore them. I heard that Su Xun, the leader of Yuancheng City, was talented, famous and peace loving. He also traded with other planets, promoted r star's commercial prosperity, improved people's living standards, enriched people's entertainment activities and spiritual sustenance. From now on, cities all over the world will be prosperous Yuancheng, it belongs to Su Xun, Qin this ~ "

well, I praise myself. Is it OK.

After the declaration of the city gods, they returned to the realm of God, but r star set off a huge wave.

Naturally, the people were very happy about this, because they didn't want to fight at all. What's more, Su Xun enriched so many recreational activities and won the hearts of the people.

However, warlords everywhere are struggling. After all, no one wants to give up their territory and army.

The Shenyang empire is even more howling, because they have not been conquered, but now they have no chance to struggle. They are going to destroy the country directly.

As for the purpose of resistance?

Hehe, now r star in addition to madman, who has so much courage?And they knew better that from now on, it would not be so easy to pull him down when Su Xun got to that position.

Because of the four words of the divine power, Su Xun had the divine world as the backstage.

However, it also means that in the future, Su Xun will be in charge of the emperor.

People can only comfort themselves.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Su Xun and the emperor were the same person.

He not only wants to be a God Emperor, but also an emperor.

Less than an hour after the oracle was issued, a small warlord took the initiative to submit a letter of surrender to the source, automatically lifting military power, waiting for the territory to be accepted.

If those big warlords are still struggling, these small warlords are very straightforward and decisive.

Anyway, the site is not big, and I don't have the courage to fight against it. So I'll take the initiative and change my official position.

With the first leader, there will be the second, the third and the fourth.

Soon, the Shenyang empire was also reduced, but they offered a condition, that is, the emperor was reduced to Lord, the title of Lord was retained, and the last honor was given to them.

After all, Su Wujue can't afford to pay for nothing.

In any case, the Shenyang empire is the only orthodox government on the R star. When they are all demoted, other big warlords can't continue to drag on, including the Yulong Legion. They all submit their demotion letters to wait for the reorganization and handover of the territory.

Almost in a day, R star quickly completed the unification.

There was no fancy ceremony to ascend the throne. Su Xun didn't need this to establish his prestige. On R star, he was already powerful enough.

Many earth businessmen can't help sighing.

Are people named Su Xun so powerful now?

And they also figured it out. No wonder r star and Su Xun have such a good relationship. The Lord of Tianyuan city has the same name as master Su on earth.

Su Xun: ha ha, we are not only the same name, but also the same person.

Except for a few people, no one will know that the God Emperor and the emperor of R star are the same person as master Su on earth. Because ignorance limits their imagination, they dare not think about it.

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