After the old man Wu talked about it, Su Xun finally understood what happened to the warrior in the world.

Martial arts are divided into five realms: refined body, acquired, congenital, master and martial arts sage.

It's said that one person can defeat a million troops, and old man Wu said he had never seen one.

Su Xun knew that the master's realm could not beat him. The martial saint was a bit unfathomable, but after all, no one had seen the martial Saint fight with his own eyes, so it was not clear how strong he was.

The good news is that for a long time no one has seen martial Saint level experts appear in the Jianghu.

However, this also completely dispelled his idea of entering the palace. After all, the interior has always been a place with many experts.

Who knows if there will be a group of old monsters in the palace.

It's better to develop believers step by step, enhance fame, and wait for the emperor to invite him into the palace.

However, for the sake of safety, or to add a layer of vest.

"What do you think? It's cool if you don't eat steamed buns." Old man Wu interrupted Su Xun's thoughts.

After eating the steamed stuffed bun, Su Xun helped old man Wu up and used psychics.

Because he was really curious about who the old man was.

Wu Zhen, the former Minister of Daqian's military department, was tough and could not tolerate sand in his eyes. He even dared to spray on the emperor in the court, which offended many people.

Later, because his son was planted and framed with a Dragon Robe and a crossbow, he was implicated in the dismissal.

As for the rest of the Wu family, the exile in exile and the beheader in decapitation.

After being dismissed from office, Wu Zhen was not allowed to be an official all his life, so he became a beggar in the capital.

He would rather be a beggar than leave the capital city, because he would stand in the nearest place and see for himself how the treacherous and sycophantic Hun Jun subjugated his country.

He thought that the Wu family had been loyal to the monarch and patriotic for generations, Wu Zhen was upright and devoted to the country, but now because of the treacherous minister's frame up, the emperor intentionally pushed the flames to this end.

How can he not hate?

Deep in love and deep in hatred, he felt unworthy for the ancestors of the Wu family, and even more unworthy for himself.

After sharing all the memories of Wuzhen, Su Xun released him.

No wonder when he asked him whether he believed in God, he showed a self mocking expression.

also, if there were gods in his head, how could he, a loyal and patriotic minister, come to such an end?

After sharing Wu Zhen's memory, Su Xun had a certain understanding of the great Qian state and the general situation of the world.

The emperor of the state of Daqian was in a muddle.

He only wants to live forever. He keeps Taoist and monk in the palace, and let them refine elixir for him.

The Taoist priest and the monk, who were supposed to be competitors, joined hands to pit the gold and silver jewelry of the silly emperor.

However, the emperor's fatuous pursuit of longevity was a good thing for Su Xun.

After all, the world has nothing to do with him. He is not a good man.

In the evening, the beggars who were begging outside came back, and the temple became lively.

Someone told about Su Xun's encounter with immortals. Others just laughed and didn't take it seriously.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Su Xun came to carpenter Li's house and took his custom-made statue.

It has to be said that carpenter Li's skill is really good. His carving is as good as Su Xun's.

Su found as like as two peas of a mind, and then blurred the idol with divine power, so that he could not be seen to be exactly the same as him.

Finally, he bought ten big meat buns and went back to the temple with the statue.

"Why are there steamed buns today?"

Old man Wu was very surprised. It's reasonable to say that it's good to have some leftovers. How can susian go out for two days with big meat buns?

A dozen lazy beggars in the broken Temple couldn't figure out where Su Xun got the steamed buns, or where he got the money to buy them.

I've just left home. Have I got so much money so soon?

"As I said, I met an immortal yesterday. As long as I sincerely worship him, I have steamed buns to eat every day."

Su Xun said grandly and took out the statue in his arms.

"You idol..."

Old man Wu frowned. He always felt that the statue was strange and couldn't see through. Why couldn't he see the statue's face clearly?

All of a sudden, he felt sleepy and went to sleep.

Another dozen beggars also fell asleep one after another.

Although there is no dream technique, with Su Xun's current strength, he can also enter other people's dreams.

He made these people have the same dream.

He made up a name for himself, and prefixed it with jiuxiao God Emperor.

In his dream, he revealed his holiness and told these people that as long as he sincerely worshipped him and became his believer, he would ensure that the believers would live a peaceful life without disease or disaster, without hunger.Su Xun is the son of God he chose to save them. He is the incarnation of God in the world. All believers must obey the orders of the son of God.

This is the vest that Su Xun put on himself.

If wusheng really has the power to understand the whole world, he will be bewitched by the evil god. The evil god controls him to do everything. Maybe he can save his life.

Well, I throw the pot to myself. It's not fierce.

It would be exciting if he didn't worry that the old monster with martial Saint level in the Imperial Palace would be able to detect his idea, and he really wanted to give the emperor a dream.

A few minutes later, old man Wu and others opened their eyes in a daze.

Su Xun's face was panic: "old man, are you all right? Old man, what's the matter? You just fainted. It scared me to death."

"No I'm fine... " Old man Wu recalled the dream he had just had, and his eyes changed when he looked at Su Xun and the statue in his arms.

He was once a high-ranking man of culture, and his son did not speak, so he was still suspicious.

But those beggars who lived by begging all day had no doubt. They all came to Su Xun and kowtowed to him.

"I'll wait to see the son of God."

After they kowtowed, they were surprised to find that everyone had this dream, and they believed that everything in that dream was true.

Old man Wu was also shocked.

If he has this dream by himself, it's nothing, but it's strange that so many people suddenly fall asleep and have the same dream.

Think about it again yesterday. Is it true that Su Xun said that he met God?

But after all, he was a man who had seen the world. He still couldn't believe it, so he hesitated and didn't kneel down and decided to wait and see.

"You You What are you doing, son of God? Get up quickly. "

Su Xun held the statue in his arms in a confused manner.

"Lord Shenzi, please let me tell you..." A beggar knelt forward to climb a step, respectfully will just dream of the content told again.

After hearing this, Su Xun seemed to be shocked. He stood in the same place: "I How can I be the son of God? Are you mistaken? "

"You are the son of God, my Lord. Only you have seen the emperor of God. You are the son of God chosen by the emperor of God."

"Yes, Lord Shenzi, you are the one sent by the God Emperor to save us these miserable people..."

Now if Su Xun said that he was not the son of God, these beggars would not believe it.

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