Cuilin alley.

The name sounds poetic and picturesque, but this is the slum of the whole capital, the poorest place.

But there are more and more people in the last lane. At the beginning, there are no more people in the last lane.

Cuilin lane is located in the most marginal area of the capital. All the people living in it are from the bottom of the society who sell their labor.

There are all kinds of small shops in Cuilin lane, forming a relatively independent small society.

In the afternoon, a strong fragrance floated in one of the alleys, attracting many people.

No one has ever smelled it.

Because pepper and pepper cinnamon these things are also sold as medicine in pharmacies, no one has ever used to make food.

Spicy stewed pig miscellaneous makes passers-by and residents in the alley crazy to secrete saliva.

"Little brother, what are you selling? Does it smell so good?"

A big man came forward and asked.

"Five Wen for a bowl, brother, why don't you try one?"

Su Xun didn't say what it was, because I'm afraid many people would find it difficult to accept it.

But when they taste it first, then they say it's pig water, and it will be really fragrant.

"Yes, I'll try a bowl."

The big man gritted his teeth and took out five Wen. Su Xun collected the money. Wu Zhen handed over a bowl of stewed pig miscellaneous.

A God Emperor, a former Minister of Daqian's military department, is actually here to sell stewed pig miscellaneous. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Everyone stares at the big man eagerly. They want to give him an evaluation after he has tasted it, and then they decide whether to buy it or not.

"Well, I really like Grandma's fragrance. I've never smelled anything so fragrant."

The man sniffed the bowl first, then ate with chopsticks.

"Well, it's delicious. It's delicious."

Just after a bite, the man's eyes widened and he wolfed down with chopsticks.

Looking at the big man eating so well, it didn't seem like he was pretending. Other people around were ready to move.

"Is it so delicious? Give me a bowl to try."

"Give me a bowl, too..."

With the first person to eat crabs, other people have to pay for a taste. That's the taste, and they will never return.

"Little brother, what is it? It's so delicious."

"Yes, I've never eaten it before. It tastes delicious."

After eating some of the raw materials, people began to wonder.

Su Xun said with a smile: "pig into the water."

The original scene was quiet in an instant.

"What's wrong with the pig water? If I had known that the pig water was so delicious, I shouldn't have lost the water that I used to kill pigs."

A butcher in the crowd broke the silence.

"Yes, I didn't expect that pig water could be so delicious. Brother, how do you make it?"

"Are you stupid? Can someone else tell you the recipe?"

"Give me another bowl."

Soon, a pot of stewed pig miscellaneous sold out.

"Sorry, everyone. I'm still in this position. I can come back in the evening when I want to eat."

Many people who haven't bought it are disappointed to hear this.

"Ah! When I got the news, I just came here, but it's gone. Isn't it a vain trip? "

"Well, you have to come early. There will be a curfew after time. I haven't tasted it yet."



In a broken temple.

All the beggars sat in a row and stared at the pile of silver money in front of Su Xun.

"A total of 2700 Wen were recorded today."

Su Xun looked at the crowd and said.


The crowd exploded in an instant.

"After a while, a pot of pigs came into the water and sold for nearly three Liang silver!"

"It's too easy to make money. It's worthy of Professor shenzun's method. It's too powerful."

"If we prepare more tomorrow, won't we be rich if we go on like this?"

All of them were very excited. They seemed to see a broad road spread in front of them. They were even more grateful to the emperor jiuxiao.

"No need for tomorrow. Now, go out to collect the water from the pigs and buy another pot. The brine is ready-made and directly stewed. It will be sold again in the evening."

"Besides, God sent me to save all the miserable people in the world. We should spread this story so that all the miserable people can live a good life just like us."

"Yes, son of God." The crowd responded in unison.

When I went to Cuilin Lane in the evening, many people who didn't buy it in the afternoon were waiting there, and many others came after hearing the news.Just a stall, fresh out of the pot of stewed pig miscellaneous was directly snatched away.


Three days later.

Halogen pig miscellaneous business is growing, not only in Cuilin lane, also began to sell in the streets of the capital, equivalent to a branch.

Su Xun doesn't have to worry about it any more. His subordinates can set up a stall. Wu Zhen, the former Minister of the Ministry of war, is now the general manager of the stewed pig miscellaneous business.

The story of jiuxiao God spread out, and the more it spread, the more mysterious it became.

Su Xun got more and more believers, some of them were beggars in the capital, the other part was poor people in Cuilin lane. The number of believers had reached more than 7000.

However, the business of stewed pig miscellaneous is getting bigger and bigger, spreading all over the streets of the capital, and also beginning to attract people with envious eyes.

The black tiger Gang, the biggest gang in the capital, must have a backer if it can get along with the emperor. It is said that it depends on a prince.

The leader of the black tiger Gang is Liu Heihu. He is very jealous of the business of stewed pig.

Because the people in the gang have estimated that the business of stewed pig miscellaneous is at least several thousand taels of silver a day, and there is a tendency to continue to expand.

It's much easier than running those business gambling stalls, and he makes more money.

"What you're asking about, how's it going?" In the general Hall of the black tiger Gang, Liu black tiger sat on a chair, looking at one of his men and asked.

His subordinates showed a flattering smile: "guild leader, it's very good to check. I've already checked it out. That stewed pig miscellaneous is a group of beggars' business."

"Beggar?" Liu Heihu's voice improved a few points, some can't believe it.

What a big business! It's a group of beggars!

He said, "I'm really a beggar. The leader is a beggar named Su Xun, who claims to be a god son and believes in the God of jiuxiao. He says that the recipe of stewed pig is given by the God Emperor."

"Ha ha, bullshit. I've never heard of the emperor jiuxiao." Liu Heihu was dismissive.

His subordinates also echoed: "to help Yingming is just a way to deceive people, but there are also a group of fool letters."

"A group of smelly beggars, do not beg well, also deserve to earn so much money?" Liu Heihu is fierce.

His subordinates immediately understood: "don't worry, guild leader. Now they will let people go to the right way to get these stray beggars back, let them beg for food, and let us do the business of stewed pig miscellaneous."

"Well." Liu Heihu answered, then closed his eyes and pretended to sleep: "before dark, I want the result. If those stinky beggars don't know what to do, they will let them see the blood and kill the leader. Isn't he Shenzi? Then try to see if he is really invulnerable."

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