A kiss is deep.

Until an Zijin felt that his breathing was not smooth, he struggled to push Su Xun away. The original white and tender pretty face was very delicate under the light.

Sue just took the initiative to look for a kiss, and now she's embarrassed to be watched by so many people.

Looking at an Zijin, Su Xun touched his lips with a smile. He turned to look at the people in the restaurant and said in a loud voice:

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm going to prepare a surprise for my girlfriend's birthday tonight, but I'm going to disturb everyone's dinner. In order to show my apology, I'll buy everyone's food and drink tonight."

Just now, so many rose petals fell into these people's dishes. Su Xun felt that he should make up for it.

This word falls, in the dining room instantaneous is cheers.

"Good! No wonder I can catch up with such a beautiful girl. "

"That's right. I just clapped so hard that my hands were red."

"Brother, do you still lack Pendant in your thigh..."

The crowd cheered. They didn't lack the money to eat here, but Su Xun's generous attitude made them feel comfortable and respected.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Su Xun just settled the bill and walked out of the Rose Restaurant with an Zijin in his arms.

"Have a good time tonight?"

The night wind was blowing. Because he had just drunk the wine, he felt the warm fragrance and nephrite in his arms. It seemed that there was a fire burning in Su Xun's heart.

An Zijin could also feel Su Xun's breathing. She nodded: "I'm very happy. This is my happiest birthday."

"Well Are you going back tonight? " Su Xun summoned up the courage to ask, and looked at an Zijin with burning eyes.

The dress on her body was given to her by Su Xun. Tonight, Su Xun couldn't wait to help her take it off.

"Of course I'll go back." An Zi Jin says.

Su Xun couldn't help looking disappointed. It seemed that the two little things in his wallet were doomed to be useless tonight.

At this time, an Zijin blushed and whispered, "but you can go back with me. My parents are not at home tonight."

"Really?" Mood ups and downs, Su Xun face surprise staring at an Zijin.

An Son Jin puffed to hiss a to smile to come out, the slender jade pointed at Su Xun's forehead to order for a while, Jiao hums a way: "see you that can't wait appearance, tonight hit this idea."

"There's no time to explain. Get in the car." Su Xun was overjoyed and drove with an Zijin to an's home.

More than ten minutes later, I arrived to settle down.

Seeing that the big living room was dark and empty, Su Xun felt relieved. He didn't even turn on the light. By the moonlight, he couldn't wait to put an Zijin on the sofa.

"Slow down. Oh, you're overpowering my hair."

"Damn, what a broken skirt!"

"Don't tear it, the zipper is in the back..."

The sofa rolled into a mess.


At this time, the sound of the switch suddenly sounded, and all the lights in the living room were on, making the dark living room as if it were day.

Su Xun and an Zijin also stopped on the sofa, and they almost looked at the door at the same time.

Right in front of the three dumbfounded eyes.

Annan Tian, an Jianyun and Li Xiu.

"Dad Mom, you Don't you say you won't be back tonight? "

Anzijin panicked to tidy up his messy skirt, pretty face flushed, grab a pillow to cover his face, shameless.

Oh, my God, my life is young. How can I be a man at home!

I'm really ashamed this time.

Annan Tian's face changed from shock to darkness, as if he was on the edge of explosion at any time.

A wild boar on his sofa is preparing to arch his daughter, let him how can not angry.

"That Uncle ANN, aunt, you are back I'll leave first. There's no need to send it. "

Su Xun felt a dangerous breath, locked himself in and shivered.

He tied up the belt that had just been untied, dropped a word and almost ran away.

Song Jianyun secretly gives his back a thumbs up.

Even he never dares to bring women from outside into the house.

The man who dares to push Su Zhen in the living room is regarded as his sister.

"Dad, mom."

After Su Xun left, an Zijin was relieved and looked up at Su Nantian and Li Xiu with a red face.

"You, how can you How can you mess around at home? It's really ridiculous. I'm not a girl. Did I tell you to be reserved? "

Li Xiu pointed to an Zijin, some angry, did not expect his daughter so easily dedicated.Fortunately, I came back in time, otherwise I might have a big stomach in two months.

Anzijin smell speech pie pie mouth, feel mother is really stand to talk not waist ache.

How can people have the heart to refuse him for such a big surprise tonight.

What's more, it's my favorite brother Su Xun?

"Before marriage, I don't allow you to have sex with him, otherwise I will never agree with you to associate with each other!"

Annan coldly dropped a sentence, then angrily went upstairs, hoping to strangle Su Xun.

That's my little cotton padded jacket!

Xiao Gouri's bullying her on the sofa is unreasonable!

"Your father is jealous." Li Xiu quietly said a word to an Zijin.

An Zi Jin hears this words some want to smile, just of embarrassment was alleviated many.


On the other hand, after he left home, Su Xun drove aimlessly on the street.

The original full of enthusiasm has long been washed away by Annan's eyes.

At first, he almost ate his mouth. Who could have thought that the three members of Annam Tians family suddenly came back. Su Xun's depression could be imagined.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, the ringing of his mobile phone interrupted his thoughts.

Pick up a look is Tony's phone, readily connected: "fart fast put, I'm in a bad mood now?"

"Dear God, in the morning, you asked for the employer's information, but you didn't reply me. Do you take this list or not? Just now, the employer urged me again. "

"You don't have to deal with this business. You don't have to." As the voice dropped, Su Xun hung up his cell phone and flashed the lights twice.

After that, a black Passat accelerated to come and run with susian, and then the window opened to show AHU's cold face: "boss, do you have an order?"

"Find out where Xu Jiaqin lives. I need to know the address in 20 minutes." Su Xun said lightly, one foot accelerator, Pagani roared away.

Tonight, he was ruined by his father-in-law's family. He's not in a good mood, but he can't get angry with his future father-in-law.

In this case, we can only transfer the anger to others.

So he, the king of hired killers, wanted to talk to his employer all night about the target.

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