The world can't be seen from the perspective of the earth's ordinary ancient world.

After all, it's a world of warriors, a world of transcendence.

So the speed of information transmission is very fast.

Especially in the case of those who want to help.

Overnight, the whole capital knew about the new imperial master Su Shenzi sleeping in the queen.

Although, Su really didn't do it.

But the effect is not as good as they imagined.

The folk evaluation of the national teacher is in a state of polarization.

Most of the gentry hated Su Shen to the bone:

"ridiculous! It's ridiculous. The queen is waiting for me. What's my face

"We scholars, who have read the books of sages, must not sit idly by. We should petition in front of the palace and ask your majesty to kill the national thief named Su!"

"It's a thousand years since the founding of the great Qian Dynasty. How could there be such a shameful act? It's ridiculous!"

What these scholars like to do now is to talk in groups in brothel restaurants, denounce the traitors and abuse Su Xun.

However, they roared fiercely, clamoring to go to the palace gate to petition, but none of them took action.

And the attitude of ordinary people is like this:

"how many years has the queen been able to serve the Lord Shenzi? It's a blessing that she has been able to cultivate. If she is pregnant with a divine child, it's even more a blessing for me!"

"At last, the empress of nine gods came to see if she could be worshipped as the second God."

"The empress is so lucky..."

Most of these ordinary people are followers of Su Xun. In their eyes, it's an honor for the queen to be liked by Su Xun.

Although the right to speak is in the hands of the gentry, the people are still more common people.

Therefore, Wang Shigong's promotion of this incident not only did not arouse public indignation, but also made many people feel that it was a good thing.

"Wang Xiang, what should we do now? Those stupid people are really stupid. They don't feel angry. Instead, they focus on the national thief. They are really a group of damned pariah!"

Xu Yuan was so angry that he wanted to kill all the people.

Although Wang Shigong was also angry, he was calm: "it's just a group of cheap mud legs. We scholars have to rely on us to govern the country. Only scholars are the foundation of a country. As long as scholars are aroused, that's enough."

"Your majesty will not necessarily consider the ideas of those untouchables, but will certainly scruple the attitude of the scholars. As long as you let the taxis in the capital petition outside the womb, you will not believe that your majesty will protect the national thief!"

Xu Yuan has no confidence in the emperor now. He is worried: "Wang Xiang, your majesty is bewitched by the national thieves now. If..."

"Your Majesty does not dare." If the emperor interrupts, he will be resisted by many people who dare to help him? If things go on like this for a long time, your majesty will be the culprit of Da Qian. I don't think your majesty will be confused about the importance. "

Hearing this, Xu Yuan felt that there was some truth in it. He immediately gritted his teeth and said, "one of my students has prestige in the capital. I'll let him contact us now. It must be possible."

It has to be said that Wang Shigong's analysis is correct and correct.

But the key point was that he never thought that Su Xun was not a liar, but a true God.

Zheng Kun, who has seen the true God with his own eyes and is looking forward to the road of eternal life, will not worry about these?

The more they are like this, the more Zheng Kun feels that they are upset and wants to stop him from living forever, so he won't let them.

Anyone who dares to stop Zheng Kun from living forever will come to a tragic end.

For the sake of longevity, even the queen can take the initiative to send out to please others. What else can he not do?

Oh, yes, that is to give up longevity.

He can't do that!


Star picking hall.

Queen Xu didn't sleep well last night. She was on tenterhooks all night.

Although Su Xun said that he didn't like her, she didn't relax her vigilance, because who knows if Su Xun deliberately said that to paralyze her.

It can only be said that women think a lot. If Su Xun really has any ideas, can he use the trouble? Just go straight to the top.

"Madame, your majesty is here."

Gong e, who was dressing her up, said one by one.

Empress Xu sneered, "did the empress who came to see him serve the national teacher well last night?"

Her words were full of sarcasm, and Gong e bowed her head to make up and did not dare to talk.

After all, in this palace, sometimes a wrong word will kill people.

After dressing up, Queen Xu changed into a red dress and walked out of the room.

At a glance, he saw that Su Xun was talking with Zheng Kun in the yard.Zheng Kun's face was full of respect and flattery, which made queen Xu feel disgusted. How could there be any imperial prestige?

"The queen wakes up."

When Zheng Kun saw queen Xu coming, he didn't look embarrassed and said hello.

Empress Xu was very angry. She directly sat in susian's arms and put her white jade hand around susian's neck. She said in a delicate voice: "the national teacher is young and strong. Last night, she was so tired that she got up late and lost her propriety. Please don't worry about this palace."

Aren't you going to send me out to bed?

I'll hook up with people face to face. You're still not so calm.

There was a beauty in his arms, but Su Xun was very calm and did not say a word.

Zheng Kun did not see the slightest anger, but was overjoyed: "in this case, the queen, as the head of the harem and the mother of a country, you should treat the national teacher well for me."

He was worried that the empress would not cooperate and annoyed Su Xun, so he came to check the situation in the morning.

I didn't expect that the queen would cooperate like this. It was really a relief for him.

Empress Xu

Her lips slightly open, pretty, full of incredible, the emperor of a country, really shameless?

If Zheng Kun is furious, she will feel better. But Zheng Kun's joyful appearance makes her angry and helpless, and makes her feel like punching on cotton.

Su Xun's mouth twitched slightly. Zheng Kun's desire for longevity was really moving.

"Your Majesty, we should pay close attention to the collection of medicinal materials." Su Xun reminded her that she also grasped empress Xu in her arms, which was just by the way.

Empress Xu's delicate body trembled, but looking at Zheng Kun in front of her, she clenched her teeth and showed an expression of enjoyment on her face.

It's a pity that Zheng Kun's heart is not in her heart, let alone the queen. If Su Xun had Longyang, he would have been eager to send the chrysanthemum to her.

Looking at Su Xun, Zheng Kun said, "don't worry, master. I've sent the drawings all over the country to all prefectures and counties to search for them. I've also sent people from the embroidery department to the territory of Qi and Yan."

It's about the elixir of his immortality. Of course, he has to pay attention to it.

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